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1、听侯震莉老 的 I Check up handouts. 易拼 的 programmer, science, practice II Lead inTalk about the photos of Yao Ming and Ma Yun.Ask students, what does Yao Ming do?What does your father do?Teach new words: engineer, pilot, cook, pianist III PresentationTalk about the most interesting jobs and get students to

2、 finish activity 1a. PK game : Boys PK Girls. How many jobs do you know?关注 争机制(小 争,男女生 争)Show a picture on the screen and say, she wants to be a singer. How is she going to do that?She is going to practice singing every day.She is going to take acting lessons.Talk about studentsdream jobs and how th

3、ey are going to do that.IV ListeningHelp students understand the listening instructions and play the tape for them, asking them to finish the listening task in 1b. V Pairwork 1cRead the conversation in 1c.Ask students to recite the conversation. Make their own conversations.VI Exercise教学方法分析 :教师课前准备充分,学生训练有素,预习扎实有效。侯老师教态大方,亲切,自然,富有亲和力,擅长画画,调动学生学习兴趣。课件设计有梯度,由词入句,层层递进。及时纠错,强调学生易读错,拼错的单词。关注学生的个体差异。建议:教学活动可以多样化,更多使用pairwork, groupwork 等。


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