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1、封面修 改 历 史修改次数修订人/部门修改内容修改执行日期0第一次发行2013-4-101.0 目的Purpose 规范焊缝缺陷返修 Define requirement of welds defects are repaired.2.0 范围Scope 适用于焊接件焊缝Application range, part number 3.0 职责Responsibility 3.1 焊工负责焊接和焊后自检,缺陷标记,返修操作Welder responsible for self-check during welding and after welding, make an record also

2、, remarking and rework the defects.3.2 焊接检验员负责焊缝检验和缺陷确认,返工效果确认Welding inspector check repaired welds and validate the rework result.3.3 焊接工程师负责返修工艺,返修过程IWE responsible for repair process and monitoring the repair procedure.4.0 流程图Flow chart 焊后检验Inspection after welding返修工艺Repair process缺陷标记,缺陷确认Rema

3、rking defect 返修操作Repair operation返修效果确认Rework result confirm5.0 作业内容Process Content5.1 经质检员、技术员宏观检查或各种探伤方法确定的下列缺陷(欠)必须进行返修或补焊Below defects have to be repaired after inspection, 表面气孔、裂纹、夹渣、弧坑等深度大于0.5mm的等缺陷;Gas pore, cracks, slag, pit depth more than 0.5mm. 焊缝咬边深度大于0.5mm ,咬边连续长度大于100mm,焊缝两侧咬边的总长超过该焊缝长

4、度的10%;Undercut depth over 0.5mm, Undercut continuous length over 100mm, Undercut length over 10% of welds length on both side of seams. 表面焊瘤;Overlap on the surface. 打磨焊缝表面缺陷或机械损伤后的厚度小于母材的厚度。Seam surface defect after grinding or thickness is lower than base material after mechanical treatment. 5.2 缺陷

5、的清除方法 Clearance method of defects 低碳钢或S390MPa的低合金强度钢以及低合金耐热钢(指115CrMo等)可用碳弧气刨消除缺陷,气刨后熔渣必须清除干净,方可进行补焊。低合金耐热钢气刨前必要时需进行预热。Take method of carbon arc air gouging to clean the defects for low carbon steel or S390MPa high strength low alloy steel & low-alloy heat-resistant steel,Spatter should be removed c

6、ompletely after gouging, then start to repair. Pre-heat treatment should be performed before gouging especially for low alloy heat-resistant steel. 对S390MPa的低合金强度钢以及21/4Cr-1Mo钢在有条件的情况下,应尽可能 采用机械方法,或用风铲、砂轮清除缺陷,若实在没有条件时,也可以通过预热进行碳弧气刨清除缺陷,但必须遵守下列规定:If condition is permission, for S390MPa high strength

7、low alloy steel & 21/4 Cr- Mo steel, should take mechanical clean way, pneumatic chipping hammer or grinding wheel to remove defects. If condition is not permission, pre-heat and carbon arc air gouging also are acceptable to remove the defects, but have to follow below rules: 气刨前的预热温度应比该材料的焊接预热温度再提高

8、50。 Temperature of Pre-heat treatment should higher 50than temperature of welding pre-heat before carbon arc air gouging. 气刨时严防渗碳,气刨后必须将熔渣清除干净,气刨后形成的坡度不得大于1:3. Take strict precautions against cementite when gouging, the groove should 1:3 after gouging. 气刨后应对其刨槽用肉眼认真检查,必要时应进行磁粉探伤,确认无缺陷时,方能进行预热补焊。VT i

9、nspection after grinding, MT should be performed if it is necessary. Pre-heat and repair can be done after no defects are found. 对于裂纹缺陷,必须先将裂纹的起终点准确判断清楚,在裂纹两端部钻孔控制住裂纹 的扩展,再根据材质、缺陷大小、返修条件等具体情况,选择合理方法将缺陷清除,并经着色检查确定无缺陷后,方能进行焊接。For crack defect, start and end of cracks should be detected clearly at firs

10、t, drill hole to control the extension on the both side of the cracks, remove defects and PT inspection, then start to repair weld. 不透钢的返修,应尽量采用间歇和分段气刨,以减少热量输入,并彻底清除渗碳层,露出金属光泽后方可焊接。For the repair of stainless steel, to reduce heat energy and clean completely, gouging should in discontinuous way. 返修工

11、艺规程 Repair specification 返修过程中尽量做到一次合格,同一位部的返修一般不应超过两次,如两次返修仍不合格,应视为严重质量事故。应由项目经理组织焊接工程师、质检员、施焊焊工参与,共同分析查找原因。定出返修措施,并报焊接监督批准,方能进行第三次返修。返修部位和返修次数应在产品质量证明书中注明。当整条焊缝割掉重新焊接时,割掉以前的返修次数在产品质量证明书中可以不计在内。Repair should be inspected by one time, rework cannot over 2 times in same position, and furthermore it i

12、s taken account into a serious quality issue if not qualified by two times repair.For the third time rework, Project management should organize IWE, quality and welder analyze root reason, make a rework plan and approved by SAP.Repair quantity and position should be recorded in product quality certi

13、ficate. 出现严重缺陷,如裂纹等时,应进行质量分析,找出原因,制订措施后,方能进行返修。Rework plan should be made before reworking for serious defects, such as crack. 判断缺陷部位,正确选择清除缺陷方法,确实将缺陷清除干净后,方能进行补焊。Each repair can be done after cleaning completely. 须经过同类、同组产品考试合格且较有经验的焊工担任,施焊时要特别精心细致。Rework should be performed by qualified welder. 5.

14、4 返修操作Repair 补焊时,必须严格控制焊接规范及层间温度,防止焊道过热以致造成返修部位焊缝机械性能下降。应尽量采用小规范的多层多道焊接,不允许以大幅度横向摆动,慢速堆焊的方法进行补焊。During repair should strictly follow WPS, also include control layer temperature, to avoid decrease mechanical properties in welding area due to superheat, small range multi-pass welding will take. 要特别注意起

15、弧和收弧处的焊接质量,多层多道焊时,每道焊接的起弧,收弧处应尽量错开。Pay attention to the quality of starts-stop, starts-stop of each layer should be crossed especially for multi-pass welding. 每焊完一遍之后,要认真清渣,发现缺陷,及时清除后,再继续施焊。 Each layer should clean, no defect then continue to weld. 对要求预热的材质,返修前必须严格按照规定温度进行预热,返修中应始终保持不低于所要求的预热温度,返修后必要时进行后热消氢处理。If the pre-heat treatment is request, pre-heat specification should be follow durin



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