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1、初中英语鲁教版八上Unit7单元教学设计Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music? 主题: Complaints 语言功能: Make requests Apologize 主要句式: Would you mind +gerund (formulaic) Will for intentions 语言目标: Could for polite requests -Would you mind moving your bike? -Not at all. Ill do it right away. -Could you please take out t

2、he trash? -Sorry. Ill do it right away. 词汇: move, annoy, cut in line, wrong size, right away, in a minute 学习策略: Reflecting & practicing主要教学步骤1st period 第一课时I. Duty reportII. Lead-inl Ask the students to revise the polite ways of asking people to do things. l Today we will learn a very polite way of

3、making a request.Would you mind giving me your book?III. 1al Talk about the picture in 1a. Students ask and answer questions about the pictures in pairs.l Match the requests with the people in the picture. Ask students to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture.IV. Liste

4、ning practicel Read the instructions and point to the list of requests in activity 1a.l Play the recording twice, let the students write the numbers 1 through 4 on the lines after the requests.V. Pairworkl Ask the students to make requests in pairsl Ask some pairs of students to say their conversati

5、ons to the class.VI. Listening practice (2a&2b)l Read the instructions and point to the five pictures.l Play the recording the first time. Students write the number of each conversation in front of the correct picture.VII. Pairwork Students make conversations after the models.窗体顶端窗体底端 2nd period 第二课

6、时I. Duty reportII. Review of the listening comprehension on Page 53.III. Reading comprehensionl Read the instructions of 3a.l Talk about the five pictures. Ask the students what is happening in the pictures.Pairworkl Read the instructions. l Students look at the list of requests and commands in the

7、box. Work in pairs. Make conversations using “would you”, “could you”, and “have to”.IV. Groupworkl Read the instructions.l Pick a topic of current interest in the news. Ask the students to give their opinions on another topic. 3rd period (Section B) 第三课时I. Duty reportII. RevisionIII. Section B 1a &

8、 1b l Read the instructions to the class.l Talk about the pictures.l Ask the students to read each situation and think about the two questions. Remind the students of the words “complain, annoying”.IV. Listening practicel Read the instructions to the class and give examples to show how to fill in th

9、e chart.l Play the recording the first time, let the students try to finish 2a. 4th period 第四课时I. Duty reportII. RevisionIII. Section B 3al Talk about the pictures first. Ask the student to tell what they see. Write down any words or phrases that are new to them on the blackboard and teach them to p

10、ronounce them.l Ask them to read the article on their own and circle what people do when annoying things happen.IV. 3b Writing practice:l Read the instructions and ask the students to complete the sentences.l Read some samples to class.V. Self-check1. Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the

11、words given. Check the answers.2. Get them to make their own sentences with the words. 5th &6th period 第五课时I. Duty reportII. Reading comprehension1. Pre-reading2. Extensive reading Get the students to read the passage and try to finish Exercises 2&3 (Check the sentences that is the main idea of each

12、 paragraph & Match the words and expressions with their meanings). Go through the reading finish Exercise 4(Find the answers to these questions) Get the students to read the passage again and summarize each paragraph in their own words.3. Intensive readingHelp to deal with the difficulties in the passage (e.g. The use of the new words and expressions, analysis of the structure of the long sentences, and etc.).4. Writing practiceWrite an answer letter to the angry parents. Help the students read their letter to the class.


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