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1、清远市六年级英语毕业升初中模拟试题(七)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单项选择 (共25题;共50分)1. (2分) A . There are three. B . There are two.2. (2分) (2008广州模拟) My new house is closer to the school now. A . muchB . manyC . little3. (2分) Thats twenty minutes _exercise. A . ofB . fromC . in4. (2分) 别人夸你的玩

2、具多么可爱,会说:_A . How lovely!B . Thank you.C . Good!5. (2分) 一条短尾巴A . a short tail B . a long nose6. (2分) He didnt say . A . anythingB . somethingC . thing7. (2分) Now he is _. A . playing badmintonB . watched TVC . do homework8. (2分) My brother _ many presents from his friends yesterday. A . getsB . gett

3、ingC . got9. (2分) There were lots of dinosaurs many years ago. Some of ate plants. A . themB . theirC . itD . its10. (2分) Charlie here next month. A . isnt workingB . doesnt workingC . wont work11. (2分) Im Tony.Im four years old. A . B . 12. (2分) The birds are singing _the tree . A . inB . onC . abo

4、ut13. (2分) 你在比赛时取得优异成绩,想感谢自己的老师时,应说:_A . Thank you to my school. B . Thank you to my teachers.14. (2分) They pictures in the park now. A . is takingB . are takingC . take15. (2分) 选出与其他两项不同类的一项( ) A . chairB . roomC . desk16. (2分) Miss White is _ him to come to school on time. A . tellingB . tellC . t

5、ells17. (2分) What _ the girl _?She is looking for my bananas.A . are, doingB . is, doingC . does, doing18. (2分) 当你想询问对方职业时,应说:_A . What are you do? B . What do you do?19. (2分) Good luck _ the future. A . ofB . forC . at20. (2分) Have fun _ help the world! A . withB . C . and21. (2分) 选出不同类的一项( ) A . e

6、asyB . wheelC . kite22. (2分) Dont be late _class. A . ofB . inC . for23. (2分) 你想说“网上购物既有趣又容易。”应该说: A . Shop online is fun and easy.B . Shopping online is fun and easy.C . Shopping online are fun and easy.24. (2分) (2017六下沂源月考) My mothers favourite is red. A . friendB . teacherC . subjectD . color25.

7、(2分) The two men the new clothes the king. A . shows; toB . showed; toC . showed; of二、 写出所给字母前后字母的大小写形式。 (共1题;共6分)26. (6分) 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。_Hh_Ll_Cc_三、 选出每组中不属于同一类别的词。 (共5题;共10分)27. (2分) 玩得开心。A . Have some bread. B . Have a good time.28. (2分) I think doing sports is _ our health. A . good atB . bad forC

8、 . good for29. (2分) These are some _ A . a dressB . dressesC . dress30. (2分) A . Im from China.B . Im from Canada.C . Im from America.31. (2分) (2013聊城模拟) 选出不同类的那个单词。A . happyB . rainyC . windy四、 根据句子的意思,选择正确的图片填空。 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) 给图片选择相应的单词。A. Tshirt B. paper C. space D. spaceship E. present(1) _(

9、2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _五、 用方框中的单词或词组完成句子 (共1题;共1分)33. (1分) Look at the big shoes! He cant _ (walk/ walks)! 六、 选出正确答语 (共1题;共2分)34. (2分) Did Aunt Cathy_at home and clean the room last weekend? Yes, she_七、 补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上 (共1题;共5分)35. (5分) 补全对话A. I like to draw pictures.B. When is your birthday?C. How

10、are you?D. How old are you?E. Hows the weather today?A:Hi,Li Ping._B:Im fine.Thank you._A:Im ten years old.How old are you?B:Im nine years old_A:My birthday is April 23.B:What do you like to do?A:_B:_A:Its sunny and warm.Lets go and play football.B:Okay.Lets go.八、 阅读理解,判断正误 (共2题;共25分)36. (16分) 阅读理解I

11、m Jennys brother . My name is Jone .Im two years older than Jenny . Yesterday was Jennys birthday. My parents bought her a new coat. The coat is red. Its Jennys favourite colour. I wanted to buy a gift for her .I looked in many shops. Then I bought a gift for her.In the evening , I gave the gift to

12、her . She was excited , I like the pencil box . It was my favourite colour ! We are so happy.Tomorrow is Christmas .My family is getting ready for the Christmas lights . I like Christmas!(1) Tomorrow is Jennys birthday. (2) Jone is Jennys sister. (3) Jone likes Christmas. (4) Jone gave the gift to his sister in the morning. (5) Jenny is two years older than Jone. (6) Tomorrow is Christmas. (7) Jennys family is getting ready for the Christmas light. (8) Jenny likes her birthday gifts. 37. (9分) (2017四上罗湖期末) 认真阅读下面的短文, 请根据短文判断句子的正误。Mr. White is a farmer. He lives on a f


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