2023年人教版七年级英语下册UnitHow do you get to school测试题.doc

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1、Unit 3How do you get to school测试题附参考答案卷I 听力部分(共20分)I. 听句子,选择图片(5分)A B C D E1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II. 听句子, 根据其内容回答下列问题。(5分) 1. How does Jim go to school? _ 2. How long does it take Jane to do her homework? _ 3. How does Mrs Hill go to work? _ 4. Wheres Nina waiting for Paul? _ 5. What time does Jeff

2、 go to bed? _ III. 听短文,根据你听到的短文填空。(10分) Our school is in the _1_ of the town. But we lived in the _2_. Mum thought it was quiet there. It took about me an hour _3_ to school _4_. It was difficult for me to _5_ school before eight oclock in winter if it snowed. _6_ I was late for class. And I had to

3、get up early in the morning. I was always _7_ in the evening. I told my parents about it. Daddy found a job in a supermarket in the town. We _8_ to a house there. Its not far from the train station and I can take the school bus. It _9_ me only fifteen minutes. Now I dont _10_ being late for school.

4、And I can play soccer with my friends after supper. 卷II 笔答部分(共100分) I. 选择填空(共20分)( ) 1. Mr Wang is leaving _ Guangzhou next week. A. to B. with C. in D. for ( ) 2. _ is it from your home to school? Three miles. A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How long ( ) 3. It will take the men half a year _

5、the work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes ( ) 4. I often go to work _. A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. on bike ( ) 5. _ do you get to Hong Kong? By plane. A. How B. What C. When D. Where ( ) 6. Mary is going camping with her friends after she finishes _ her homework. A. to

6、 do B. doing C. do D. did( ) 7. Grace doesnt like _ late. A. be B. are C. is D. to be( ) 8. What do you _ the transportation in your city? A. think over B. think about C. think of D. think to ( ) 9. Can you study English well? It _ how you to do it. A. depends B. depends on C. decides D. decides abo

7、ut( ) 10. Wang Weihua never _ the plane to the USA. A. by B. takes C. take D. OnII. 完型填空(10分) A coal mine gas explosion(瓦斯爆炸) yesterday morning in Tongchuan, Shanxi Province in Northwest China, killed five miners(矿工) and left _1_ missing. The explosion took place in the Chenjiashan Coal Mine in Tong

8、chuan at about 7:10 a.m. yesterday, _2_ 293 miners were working underground. People above ground saw thick smoke _3_ out of a mine at about 7:30 when communication underground was _4_.Shortly after the accident, President Hu Jintao gave instructions urging(督促) the local government and departments _5

9、_ their best to save the _6_ miners. It was about 8000 metres from _7_ the workplace where the explosion took place. It was very difficult to save those trapped miners. By 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, 127 out of the 293 workers working there when the explosion took place were brought up. Five were dead, and

10、 another 166 _8_. An officer said_9_ there is no air in the underground area where the missing miners are, it is_10_for them to have survived.( ) 1. A. 166 others B. another 166 C. 166 the other D. the other 166( ) 2. A. after B. before C. when D. since( ) 3 A. comes B. was coming C. coming D. came(

11、 ) 4. A. got off B. put off C. cut off D. taken off( ) 5. A. tried B. to try C. to try to D. tried to ( ) 6. A. trapping B. were trapping C. trapped D. were trapped( ) 7. A. the entrance of B. the entrance to C. the way to D. the way of( ) 8. A. were missed B. missing C. were missing D. to miss( ) 9

12、. A. since B. while C. because of D. as ( ) 10. A. possible B. impossible C. unpossible D. possiblelyIII. 阅读理解(10分) In the southeast of China, people living near the sea believe that a typhoon comes because the sea is angry with them. They also believe in a kind goodness called Mazu, who they think

13、can protect them on the sea, especially when a typhoon comes. Typhoon have been given different names for several hundred years. They are now also named after girls names, boys names and names of flowers and so on. You may think it is funny to connect a beautiful flower with such a terrible thing, since there is nothing pretty about the typhoon itself. Typhoon Rananim attacked Chinas southeast coastal regions(沿海地区) since 12 August, 2019 and killed over 100 people. Sarcas


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