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1、四级听力考前冲刺课程讲义主讲:高媛 .听力考试内容简介l Section A 短对话 8个长对话 2个l Section B 短文理解题 3个l Section C 复合式听写 8个+3个一、Section A 短对话讲解 (一)正确答案特征:(看选项原则) 1、绝对选项绝对不选E.g.:(1) Everyone uses only one form of communication. (2)the more you listen to music, the higher you test scores will be.2、反义、近义或形似选项中的一项是正确答案(1)A) Only true

2、friendship can last long. B) Letter writing is going out of style. C) She keeps in regular touch with her classmates. D) She has lost contact with most of he old friends.CD为反义举例(2) A) He is pleased with his exciting new job. B) He finds the huge workload unbearable. C) He finds his office much big f

3、or him. D) He is not so excited兴奋的 about his new position.AD为反义选项(3)A) The man hates to lend his tools to other people. B) The man has not finished working on the bookshelf. 书架 C) The tools have already been returned to the woman. D) The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.CD为关联选项,关于工具

4、的两个状态(4)A) The man has never seen the woman before. B) The two speakers work for the same company. C) The two speakers work for the same floor. D) The woman is interested in market research. 研究;调查BC为形似选项(5)A) It was about a little animal.B) It took her six years to write.C) It was adapted from a fai

5、ry tale神话传说.D) It was about a little girl and her pet.AD为形似选项3、四级词汇的代替选项是正确答案例如:book=reserve 预订(二)听题原则1.转折原则:正确答案出现在转折词but之后 (but之后的句子一定要听懂)2.光明原则: 用在车祸或灾难题中,人受小伤(考点) 小:slight/minor 伤:injury/wound3.受挫原则:野餐-下雨(受挫才有考点) 订房间-客满(full/fully booked) 买票-卖光(sell out) 交通状况-堵车(traffic jam)(三)短对话场景1、学校场景人: fres

6、h(man)新来的人 sophomore junior senior undergraduate本科生,在校生 graduate 研究生 postgraduate 研究生 lecturer讲师 professor教授 dean 系主任,院长专业: History Chemistry kemstr Mathematics Architecture/architect 建筑师 Literature Philosophy Psychology/psychologist 课程分类: optional course 选修课 required course 必修课 day course evening c

7、ourse 作业4: assignment任务作业 paper论文考卷报纸 essay论文 presentation小演讲考试: middle exam mid-term exam final exam oral test口语考试 make up补考 pop test突袭考,随堂考成绩3:score/grade/mark (make up原:弥补,引申:化妆)pop corn 例题A) He wishes to have more courses like it.B) He finds it hard to follow the teacher.跟不上老师听不懂C) He wishes the

8、 teacher would talk more.D) He does not like the teachers accent口音.原文W: You took an optional course this semester, didnt you? How is it going?M: Terrible! It seems like the more the professor talks, the less I understand.Q: How did the man feel about the course?2、饭店场景 restaurant place cafkfe eat out

9、下馆子 make a reservation预定 book a table 预定位子 waiter waitress menu order 点菜 appetizer开胃菜ptaz main course主菜 dessert甜点 knife 刀 fork叉子 spoon汤勺 chopsticks 筷子 check the bill 买单 change 找零 (charge费用 指控) treat n/v 招待,款待 ( its my treat this time.这次我请客)例题一:A) They are both anxious焦虑的 to try Italian food.对什么渴望B)

10、They are likely to have dinner together.可能C) The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight.D) The woman refused to have dinner with the man.原文:M:Mary, would you join me for dinner tonight?W: You treated me lasted week. Now its my turn. Shall we try something Italian?Q: What do we learn from the pas

11、sage?例题二A) Looking for找 查询a timetable.B) Buying some furniture.C) Reserving a table.预定位子D) Window shopping.只看不买的购物(隔着玻璃看的购物)原文M: Have you a table for four?W: Certainly. Sir. A corner table or would you rather 还是偏爱be near the window?Q: What is the man doing?3、工作场景 apply for a job resume简历 letter of a

12、pplication申请信 简历申请信对应找工作 interview interviewer interviewee offer聘用信 work overtime加班 complain ask for a raise 加薪 fire解雇 resign from a position辞职 promotion升职 laid off lay off下岗 retirement退休 钱:wage日薪 salary月薪,年薪 allowance津贴,生活费 bonus 奖金 annual income年收入假期:annual leave年假 sick leave 病假 paid vacation带薪假 b

13、reak短休例题一A) He wants to get a new position工作.B) He is asking the woman for help.C) He has left the woman a good impression印象.D) He enjoys letter writing写信.原文M: I spent so much time polishing抛光擦亮修改 my letter of application.W: Its worthwhile to make the effort. You know how important it is to give a g

14、ood impression. 简历申请信对应找工作Q: What do we learn from the passage?例题二A) He is rather相当地 disappointed失望的沮丧的.B) He is highly ambitious很大的雄心抱负.C) He can not face up to the situation.正视面对这样的情况D) He knows his own limitation.局限限制知道自己的不足原文:W: Arent you disappointed that you didnt get the promotion?M: Maybe a little, bu


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