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1、英语最常见单词词根 250 个 词汇学习必修版 20071026涛涛滔滔不绝提供 00: 18act = to act alt = high am = to love angl, angul = angle anim = breath, mind ann, enn = year anthrop = man, human apt = fit (适当的) aqua = water arm = weapons art = skill, artaud = to hear aug = to increase, to make, to growavi = bird band, bond = to bind

2、 bat = to beat bell = war bio = life (生命) brev = short cad, cid, cas = to fall camp = field cand = white , bright cant, chant, cent = to sing cap = head cap = to take cast = throw cav = hollow cede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to take celer = swift cent = hundred centr =

3、 center cern, cret = to separate chron = time cide , cise = to cut claim , clam = to cry clin = to bend clud = to shut cognis, gnos = to know commun = common cord = heart corp = body cosm , cosmo = universe count = to count cre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believe crim = accusation, crime cru

4、c = cross cur, course = to run cure = to take care du = two, double dent = tooth dict, dit = to say dign = worthy ,worth divid, divis = to divide dom = to tame, to rule , to dominate don, dot, dow = to give dorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opinion draw = to draw, to pull duce, duct = to lead dur = to la

5、st (持续)dyn, dynam = power eco = house ego = I , self electr = electric em, empt = to take, to buy equ = equal fac, front = face, forehead fac, fect = to make , to do fam = to speak fend , fest = to strike ( 打击 ) fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerate fest = festival fid = to trust figure = to shape ,

6、figure(n.), form(n.) fin = to end firm = firm(坚固的) fix = to fasten flam, flagr = flame, to burn flat, flate = to blow flect, flex = to bend flict = to strike ( 打击 ) flor = flower flu = to flow form = to form, form ,shape fort = strong found , fund = base fuse, found = to pour gam = marriage gener, g

7、en, gent = to produce, race(n.) grad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to write grand = grand hab, hibit = to have her = heir here, hes = to stick(粘贴) horr = to tremble hum , hom = man hum = ground (地面) hydr, hydro = water it = to go ject , jac = to throw join, junct = to join journ = day jud = to jud

8、ge just, juris = law, right , justice labor = to work late = to bring later = side lav , lau = to wash lect, leg = to choose , to gather, to read leg = to appoint , to send leg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = book lig = to bind lingu = tongue, language liqu = fluid liter =

9、 letter loc = place ( n. ) log , loqu, locut = to speak lumin = light magn, maj , max = great mari = sea manu,man=hand mark = to mark , boundary matr= mother, patri, part= father mechan = machine med = to heal medi = middle memor = to remember merge, mers = to sink, to dip meter = to measure miss, mit = to send, to throw migr = to remove , to wander milit = soldier, to fight min = small mix = to mix monstr = to show mort = death mount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to move muni = service



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