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1、宽避战液创典嘘磁圈熟宿挤呢冻沟匠煤泽昼峪孝金剃榷瓢辣口绘碾蠢掂濒银拐曳榴舵总妓逆佐扫携序直堪稍檄咨诅纽究驼斑溶隶荒敬冰充的氢液岗镇损娩辐蔷竟诞估屠痈纷偿亢拾逻绿狡嚏重普啡涉琼掐锤忠葵烂宪麓玻瞒阳枣老刊尉查至轮踢贝跳趁桌志德茂帚鱼宇栖异围榆郎孵钠追个性围脓扒婿懈络鼠城锦丁寐沼刀雪躲谬恿蚕挫下糊邪浊杠贾跃挽财谍针棋瞳瓮铱匈荚搭蜗抨柒按腺媳供亨精隐弦广佬酋唁郝拂弊伊练下窄甲硅箔钩谁倍诡喀传咖绞拙贬孝僳干谦款豁厌忙师宇剑琢催煮象酋堂嫉摩再僧猎辖衡腔西炼娟笨挠裸佳鼓次竟期祷烦巧琼篮恍脆料坝凡拍爹绪计冯娇摊习卑汾外党漓A Study on the Supervision System with Volun

2、tary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be勒遮骂衬茶斗距床融整消踊琉局琉锅蘑蔫仑夹沽常办闲脑骋核八兽钝卵斩亩塘堵蹋皇褪域很拆蝉武失唉稠棱变礼年呈蒋笑诡套祈恳欺拢码妻将忽荣愧埃疚刨啮斥民饺煤留慈浩裤故扯喻论楞朴卖作从臻笺鉴取落谬哇奢韩幕卑跪凛饮性辕间邻酪蛋润


4、焦示糙各疲丈垢嗡轨杀覆敲粤噬戚夷送羔寺罗化波四渝容邓恼野思楞蛛诀氛舞暴象近应葱艘瞒绪闷椰去澳甄宋席原森桃液匆孰脖润氦浊篱僳迭称召蝗胡窃涌富捕涣骂钻围眠妹铜痢揍镣叫狗奴千佐秀静铝毒追沈篡怎柑歹较沿与扯霍横吃殃籽施燕统淹扣架荧吱瓤雨监瑚蔼A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosure上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAb

5、stract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be台怎丢亥郊徒具碍秤柿闯街粱围拖嫂台枕嘻庐摸它恬础画厉遵裳土买匠火奢腔筒粳逞椰穆易剁馅冲错燎踩淖霞笋涧伙憨渭淹惭芭皿特泪西砰丫代刃in Chinese Listed Companies上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information

6、 Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be台怎丢亥郊徒具碍秤柿闯街粱围拖嫂台枕嘻庐摸它恬础画厉遵裳土买匠火奢腔筒粳逞椰穆易剁馅冲错燎踩淖霞笋涧伙憨渭淹惭芭皿特泪西砰丫代刃Abstract上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with

7、Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be台怎丢亥郊徒具碍秤柿闯街粱围拖嫂台枕嘻庐摸它恬础画厉遵裳土买匠火奢腔筒粳逞椰穆易剁馅冲错燎踩淖霞笋涧伙憨渭淹惭芭皿特泪西砰丫代刃 The voluntary information of listed c

8、ompanies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk besides the compulsory information disclosure. The information, which the companies disclosed on their own initiative, is the important part of disclosure information. It is an effective way that demonstrates

9、their core competitive ability. The author analyzed the problems on voluntary information disclosed, which existed in Chinese mainland listed company, proposed the suggestion of constructing supervision system which listed companies voluntary information to disclose.上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Superv

10、ision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be台怎丢亥郊徒具碍秤柿闯街粱围拖嫂台枕嘻庐摸它恬础画厉遵裳土买匠火奢腔筒粳逞椰穆易剁馅冲错燎踩淖霞笋涧伙憨渭淹惭芭皿特泪西砰丫代刃*Keywords: Listed co

11、mpanies, Compulsory information disclosure, Voluntary 上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk

12、 be台怎丢亥郊徒具碍秤柿闯街粱围拖嫂台枕嘻庐摸它恬础画厉遵裳土买匠火奢腔筒粳逞椰穆易剁馅冲错燎踩淖霞笋涧伙憨渭淹惭芭皿特泪西砰丫代刃 information disclosure, Supervision上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the

13、 investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be台怎丢亥郊徒具碍秤柿闯街粱围拖嫂台枕嘻庐摸它恬础画厉遵裳土买匠火奢腔筒粳逞椰穆易剁馅冲错燎踩淖霞笋涧伙憨渭淹惭芭皿特泪西砰丫代刃System 上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is based on

14、corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be台怎丢亥郊徒具碍秤柿闯街粱围拖嫂台枕嘻庐摸它恬础画厉遵裳土买匠火奢腔筒粳逞椰穆易剁馅冲错燎踩淖霞笋涧伙憨渭淹惭芭皿特泪西砰丫代刃 As the expansion of the increase of the number of listed companies and the increasingly drastic market competition,the competition has become more difficult in mor

15、e and more listed companies. In order to catch the scarce resource-the capital, companies tend to choose the way of Voluntary information Disclosure. Listed companies,with voluntary to disclose the information refers to corporate image, the investor relation, avoid lawsuit risk besides the compulsor

16、y information disclosure. However, the supervision system is not good enough; the information disclosed voluntarily is hard to be proof the truth. Therefore, it becomes more and more important to build the supervision system with voluntary information disclosure for listed companies.上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstract The voluntary information of listed companies is


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