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1、人教版话题作文之个人描绘作文素材Personal information个人状况Part IWORDS1. namen.姓名2. agen.年纪3. yearn.年纪4. daten.日期5. relationshipn.关系6. lifen.生活7. gift / talentn.天分;天才8. shortcomingn.弊端9. wishn.梦想;10. idean.看法;想法11. attituden.态度;12. achievementn.成就13. determinationn.信心14. willn.意志;意向15. wisdomn.智慧16. inteligencen.智力17.

2、 activeadj.踊跃的;活跃的18. attractiveadj.有吸引力的19. confidentadj.自信的20. educatedadj.受过教育的21. determinedadj.信心的;坚定的22. dilegentadj.勤劳的23. energeticadj.精力充足的24. generousadj.大方的25. clever / smartadj.聪慧的26. intelligentadj.智慧的;智能的27. wiseadj.理智的28. politeadj.有礼貌的29. curiousadj.好奇的30.easygoingadj.性情平和的;平和的31. hu

3、morousadj.风趣的32. outgoingadj.外向的33. independentadj.独立的34. selfishadj.自私的35. meanadj.小气的36. self-centeredadj.自我为中心的37. stubbornadj.执拗的38. considerateadj.体谅的;考虑周祥的39. enthusiasticadj.热忱的40. honsetadj.诚实的41. satisfied / contentadj.满意的42. pleasedadj.快乐的;满意的43. ambitiousadj.有壮心壮志的;44. attractiveadj.有魅力的4

4、5. remarkableadj.非凡的;明显的46. gainv.获取47. communicatev.社交;沟通48.impressv.给以深刻印象;使铭刻49. dream of / aboutv.梦想着50. graduatev.毕业51. admirev.敬羡,敬佩52. respectv.敬爱53. achievev.获得;获取;实现54. succeedv.成功55. inspirev.激励;启迪56. solvev.解决57. explorev.探究58. createv.创建59. inspirev.激励;启迪60. inventv.发明Part IIEXPRESSIONS1

5、. be born in / on出生于2. with the name of .名叫3. at the age of.在.岁时4. telephone number电话号码5. postal code邮政编码6. e-mail address邮箱地点7. ID number身份证号码8. a sense of humour风趣感9. be full of energy精力充足10. be enthusiastic about .对.热情第1页 / 11. be absorbed / buried in聚精会神于12. heart and soul一心一意地13. be confident o

6、f sth / in sb对.有信心14. have much knowledge of精晓15. have a good command of. .精晓;掌握16.bepleased/satisfied/contentwith对.满意17. live / lead /enjoy a . life过着.生活18. make up ones mind下定信心19. try /do ones best尽最大努力做20. make every effort尽最大努力21. be active in .踊跃从事于22. take an active part in/participate in踊跃参加

7、23. devote oneself to .献身于;专心于24. work / study hard努力工作/学习25. make progress获得进步26. achieve ones ambition实现某人的志向27. be honoured as被誉为.28. be considered / regarded as被看作是.29. be remembered as被纪念为30.owe sth. to sb.把.归功于.31. care about .关怀;在意;32. be concerned with /about关怀;担忧33. think of .想着.34. be stri

8、ct with对.严格要求35. get along / on with与某人相处36. keep company with .和.结交37. work with . together和.一同工作38. lose ones heart失掉信心39. give up放弃40. blame sth on sb把.归罪于某人41. change ones mind改变想法42. give in折服43. take a positive attitude towards sth.对某事持踊跃态度44. make great contributions to对.做出巨大贡献Part IIISENTENC

9、ES1.To everyones astonishment, he was admitted into Beijing University.令全部人惊讶的是,他被北京大学录取了。2.His generosity and kindness makes / leaves / creats an impression on /upon everyone of us.他的大方和仁爱给我们大家留下了很深的印象。3.It impresses everyone of us that he was very generous and suprisingly kind to all of us.给我们大家留下

10、了很深印象的是,他特别大方并且对我们大家都惊人的平和。4.My first impression of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.我对他的第一印象是他是一个平和和体谅的年青人。5.Setting down to listening , he always shows his great respect to speakers.他老是专心听,表现出对演讲者的极大的敬爱。6.You have the gift /talent to learn foreign languages.你有学外语的天分。7.She enjoys

11、 singing rather than dancing.她喜爱唱歌不喜爱跳舞。8.Julia is cleverer than any other student in her class.Nobody is cleverer than Julia in herclass.茱莉亚是她班里最聪慧的。没有人比得过他。9.In my opinion, ones success cant always be measured in terms of money.照我看,一个人的成功不可以老是从钱的角度权衡。10.We managed to get what we wanted by working

12、hard.第2页我们终于经过努力获取了我们想获取的。11.Allan Stewar, an Australian born on March 7,1915, gained his first degree in 1936.埃兰斯图尔特,是一位在1915, 3, 7出生的澳大利亚人,于1936年获取了他的第一个学位称呼。12.Firmly holding the view that its never too late to learn and one shouldnt stop chanllenginghimself, he got another degree - a Doctor of M

13、edicine by great efforts.因为他对活到老学到老坚信不疑,并且以为一个人不该当停止挑战自我,因此他经过努力又获取了另一个学位。13.At his eighties, he decided to study law and in 2019, he became the oldest man in the worldwho received a masters degree.在他八十多岁时,他决定学习法律,并且于2019年景为世界上年纪最大的获取硕士学位的人。14.Sixyearslater,hereceivedhisfourthdegreebystudyingontheIn

14、ternetandhisteacherpraised him a lot for his arrangement for time.六年后,他经过网上学习获取了他的第四个学位,老师对他擅长合理安排学习时间大加赞誉。15.Allan Stewart really sets a good example to others.埃兰斯图尔特真的为其余人建立了楷模。16.The teacher spoke English throughout the class, which was totally different from the lessonsI had taken before.老师整堂课都说

15、英语,这与我从前上的课完好不同样。17.She is tall and slim with big bright eyes and black hair.她个子高挑,身材苗条,有一双大而光亮的眼睛和一头鹤发。18.Only when the war was over could he happily go back to work.只有当战争结束后他才能高快乐兴地回去上班。Part IVCOMPOSITION【话题写作1】依据下边提示,介绍世界优秀女性之一海伦凯勒。1).海伦1880年6月出生于美国。19个月大时,因患病而双目失明,双耳失聪。2).七岁时,她的父亲母亲给她找了位老师Ms Sullivan。Ms Sullivan在教海伦的过程中遇到好多困难。经过MsSullivan灵巧的技巧和耐心的教育,以及海伦坚毅的意志和智慧,海伦最后战胜了全部的困难,并获得了成功。3).她达成了大学教育,致力于盲聋小孩的社会工作,著有多本书本,此中以TheStoryof My Life最为出名。One possible version;Helen Keller is one of the great


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