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1、新目标英语七年级上册单元检测Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 编写者:梁燕青 单位:合山市实验初级中学审稿者:梁子群 闫桂凤 单位:合山市实验初级中学(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)班级 _ 学号_ 姓名 _ 分数 _一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)请从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。( )1. favorite subject is history.A. He B. Hes C. His D. Him( )2. I think art is _ interesting subject.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )3.

2、We play basketball _ Thursday afternoons.A. in B. at C. on D. to( )4. -Whats your favorite _?-P.E.A. sport B. subject C. color D. food( )5. Mr. Yang teaches _ English. We all like _ classes very much.A. us; his B. our; he C. us; he D. we; his( )6. - do you like geography? -Because it is useful.A. Wh

3、o B. What C. Why D. How( )7. It is a dog. _ name is Sam.A. Its B. It is C. It D. Its ( )8. I do my homework 7 p.m. 9 p.m. A. from ; to B. between; to C. from; and D. at; and( )9.I like music _ its relaxing.A. / B. but C. or D.because( )10. -Whats the third day of the week in America?-Its _.A. Sunday

4、 B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Wednesday( )11. I have a lot of homework to do. Im very _ today.A. healthy B. great C. boring D. busy ( )12. -Whats her favorite fruit?- .A. Red B. Apple C. Math D. Pen( )13. I want a book for my sister.A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. buying( )14. -Do you have _ English books?-Y

5、es, I have many. You can take _ book you like.A. some; many B. any; any C. any; many D. some; any ( )15. -_? -Its Friday.A. What day is it B. Whats the time C. How are you D. Whats the date二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 My name is Li Hua. I am 16 student of No. 15 Middle Schoo

6、l. Our school isnt very big. It 17 about five 18 students. Every morning we come to school by bus or 19 bike. My home isnt far(远的) from the school. So I always walk(步行) 20 . I am in Grade One. There are four classes in Grade One. 21 are fifty students in my class. Twenty-seven are boys. 22 are girls

7、. We 23 Chinese, English, math and other subjects. We have sports in the afternoon. Our teachers are very 24 teachers. They love 25 work and love their students.( )16. A. aB. an C. the D. /( )17. A. haveB. has C. are D. am( )18. A. a hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundred( )19. A. on B. to C.

8、inD. by( )20. A. itB. school C. thereD. here( )21. A. HereB. There C. Has D. Have( )22. A. FourB. Two C. Twenty-oneD. Twenty-three( )23. A. study B. get C.sell D. want( )24. A. fatB.good C. short D.late( )25. A. theyB. them C. their D. theirs三、阅读理解:(每小题2分,共30分)A American schools begin in September a

9、fter a long summer vacation(假期). There are two terms in a school year: the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children go to public schools(公立学校). High school students take only four or five subjects at a time. They usually go to the same

10、classes every day, and they have an assignment (作业) for every class. After class, they have many activities. After high school, many students go to the university.( )26. Most American children start school life in _. A. SeptemberB. June C. FebruaryD. January( )27. How many vacations do American chil

11、dren have each year? A. One.B. Two.C. Three. D. Four.( )28. Students in the high school have _subjects at a time. A. four B. fiveC. sixD. four or five( )29. Which of the following is false(错误)?A. In July students dont need to go to school because of vacation.B. Students have the same classes every d

12、ay.C. Students dont have homework for every class.D. Most American children go to public schools.( )30. After class, students _. A. do homeworkB. go back home C. have many activities D. go to moviesB I am a school girl. My brother and I are twins. We are both (两者都) students. We like our school. My p

13、arents are both teachers. They work hard. My brother and I study at No. 1 Middle School. There are twenty-five boys and eighteen girls in our class. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. We usually get up at six, and have breakfast at 6:30. We come to school at 7:00. Cla


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