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1、英文句子伤感简短虐心伤心难过的时候心里也会胡思乱想,然后就更难过了。英文句子伤感简短虐心的。以下是小编整理了关于英文句子伤感简短虐心,一起来看看吧!唯美的伤感英文句子1、就算一天我不辞而别,你也不会发现你的世界少了我。Even if one day I Frence leave, you will not find your world without me.2、有时候,一个人想要的只是一只可握的手和一颗理解的心。Sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.3、我向往自由,可那是不务正业,让人

2、看不起。I yearn for freedom, but it is not, let people look down on.4、灵魂深处的美丽和寂寞,总是需要一个人来读懂。The soul of the beautiful and lonely, always need a person to read.5、女人,也要有自信,别只会躲在男人身后。Woman, also want to have confidence, don t just hide behind the man.6、跟自己做朋友,对自己忍耐、宽容、没有强求。Make friends with yourself, patie

3、nce, tolerance, no demand.7、我说我们是一个圆,走了谁都是残缺。I said that we are a circle, walked who is incomplete.8、我好像从没重要过,只是偶尔被需要。I didn t seem to be important, but it was only once in a while.9、我曾经委屈求全像条狗,而你却没有扔掉骄傲跟我走。I have obtained Qu perfection like a dog, and you don t throw pride withme.10、深深相爱的两个人,彼此越是明了

4、对方的心,越会对相爱的人挑剔,越容易造成伤害。Two people deeply in love, each other is to understand each other s heart,the more it will be critical to love each other, the more likely to causeharm.11、我以为只要很认真地喜欢,就可以打动一个人。却原来,我只是打动了我自己。I think that as long as a very serious like, you can move a person. But itturned out th

5、at I just touched my own.12、不见面不等于不思念,不联络只是为了掩饰我对你眷恋。Do not meet is not equal to do not miss, do not contact just to hide my lovefor you.13、因为不想再被人看穿,于是学会了掩藏;因为不想再被人刺伤,所以学会了伪装。Because they do not want to be seen through, so learn to hide; because theydo not want to be stabbed, so learn to disguise.1

6、4、习惯疼痛的伤口,是否已经失去知觉,习惯分手的我们,是否已经走远?Accustomed to the pain of the wound, whether it has lost consciousness, usedto break up, we have to go far?15、我爱你,是一个真命题。而它的逆命题确实一个假命题。I love you, is a true proposition. And its inverse proposition is indeed afalse proposition.16、带着复杂的脸色,看复杂的人生,走复杂的路。With a complex

7、face, look at the complex life, take a complicated road.17、我是一个任性的小丫头、我需要的是一个能哄我开心,宠着我的男人。I am a self willed little girl, I need is a can make me happy, spoil myman.18、青春是最奢侈的奢侈品,因为拥有的人,根本不在乎它。Youth is the most luxurious luxury, because the people have, do not careabout it.19、如果是真心的爱上对方了,那分手后真的不能做朋友

8、。因为看到对方幸福你会难过。If you are really in love with each other, and that really can not be friendsafter breaking up. Because you will be sad to see each other s happiness.20、想念代替思念,而你的出现代替了我所有的想念。Miss instead of missing, and your appearance instead of all my miss.21、你早就该明白他的以后,压根就不会存在你。You should have unde

9、rstood his future, there will be no pressure on you.22、不知道为什么,心里总是沉甸甸的,总是压不过气来,感觉好累,真的好累。Don t know why, my heart is always heavy, always pressure of breath, feelingtired, really tired.23、你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。Who are you yearn day and night of the pen youth, in the vast shortage ofpedestrians in

10、 the city turned into a song.24、陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。The stranger is divided into two kinds, do not know and pretended not toknow.25、我喜欢的样子你都有,你喜欢的我一样都没有。I like the way you have, you like I do not have the same.26、怎么忍心离开我,放弃我们走过的街!How can I have the heart to leave me, to give up the street we walk!27、

11、曾经的海枯又石烂,抵不过你最后一句好聚好散。The sea was dry and rotten stone, arrived at your last good.28、他曾隐身只为陪我,现在隐身是为了躲我。He was invisible to accompany me, and now I m hiding in order to hide.29、想说的话越来越少,心里的想法越来越多。Want to say less and less, the idea of more and more in the mind.30、缘聚缘散缘如水,背负万丈尘寰,只为一句,等待下一次相逢。Meet wit

12、h edge water, lofty and die, only one, waiting for the nextmeeting.31、念旧的人总是容易受伤,喜欢拿余生来等一句别来无恙。You always hurt, love took the rest of your life waiting for a word of hopethat you are well.32、我去过你住的城市,却没勇气去见你。I have been to the city where you live, but I don t have the courage to seeyou.33、我倔强的不愿屈服,换

13、来的却也只是伤痕累累。I stubbornly reluctant to yield, but also only the scars.34、牵强着的快乐,是悲伤的最高级。A far fetched happiness, is the most senior of sorrow.35、我只是怕你一开口就成了令人心酸的客套话。I m afraid you speak a sad apology.36、我关注着你的所有,包括你喜欢的那个人。I m looking at all of you, including the one you like.37、我给不了你温暖,但有个词叫尽我所能。I can

14、 t give you warmth, but there s a word that s all I can do.38、男生基本不会提分手,但他擅长怎么逼你提分手。Boys basically do not mention breaking up, but he is good at how to force youto break up.39、即使再见面,成熟的表演,不如不见。Even if we meet again, mature performance, better not to see.40、你离去时,爱终于成伤,凄凉的笙歌,忧愁穿了三生石上清浅的青苔。When you lea

15、ve, love hurts, sad sad carousing, wearing the great stoneQingjian moss.经典伤感语录英语1、我不想忘记你,就把你尘封在我的回忆里。I don t want to forget you, I dust you in my memory.2、我拒绝了所有人的暧昧,只为等你的一个不确定的未来。I rejected all the ambiguity, just waiting for your uncertain future.3、蹲下来摸摸自己的影子:对不起,跟着我让你受委屈了。Squatting down to touch your shadow: sorry, I m sorry to follow you.4、我说没关系,然后你就肆无忌惮伤我到体无完肤。I said it doesn t matter, then you unscrupulously hurt me to the end.5、不要因为寂寞爱错人,更不要因为爱错人而寂寞一生。Don t be lonely because you love the wrong person, but don



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