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1、Unit 3 Teenage problemsPeriod 2Reading单词闯关1.除外;只有_2几乎不_3友谊_4清单_5怀疑_6值得;值钱_7想象,设想_8原因_9.严格的,严厉的_10课业_11选择n. _vt. _12醒着的adj. _唤醒,醒来vt. & vi. _13建议n. _vt. _14价值n. _宝贵的;贵重的adj._短语互译1.处理,对付_2熬夜_3值得做某事_4对某人要求严格_5算出;解决_6.be crazy about _7get into trouble _8worry about _9stay out late _10hear from _句型在线1.然后

2、有时我发现第二天很难保持清醒。Then I sometimes _ to _ the next day.2每天我都有很多家庭作业,我别无选择,只能去做。I have a lot of homework every day, and I_.3我常常怀疑花这么多时间做家庭作业是否值得。I often _ it is _ so much time _ homework.4然后我遇到了麻烦,因为我的父母不允许我下午六点以后在外面玩。Then I _ because my parents do not _ outside after 6 pm.课文初探根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1.Mill

3、ie and Simon are both Grade 9 students.()2.Millie and Simon both like football best.()3.Millie and Simon spend much time on their homework.()4.Millie and Simon both feel angry with their parents.()5.Millie and Simon both hope to get some advice from Mr Friend. 1deal vi. 处理观察 I have a problem, and I

4、do not know how I should deal with it. 我有一个问题,而且我不知道怎样处理它。I dont know how they deal with the problem.I dont know what they do with the problem.我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。探究 deal常与介词with连用,意为“对付,处理”,相当于 do with。但do with常与_搭配,deal with常与_搭配。活学活用12017无锡Quite a lot of teenagers have no idea how to _ (处理) with stres

5、s. 2awake adj. 醒着的 观察 They arent awake yet.他们还没醒。The noise was keeping everyone awake. 喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。Are you fully awake to the danger youre facing?你充分意识到自己所面临的危险了吗?探究 awake作形容词时,可作表语、宾语补足语、后置定语,不能作前置定语。be awake to sth意为“_”。活学活用22017常州To complete the work, he drank some coffee to keep himself _(wake)3

6、 hardly adv. 几乎不观察 I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies. 我几乎没有空闲时间顾及我的爱好。探究 (1)hardly意为“几乎不”,表示否定意义,因此不能同not或其他否定词连用,但可与ever, any连用。(2)在含有hardly的反意疑问句中,附加疑问部分要用肯定形式。He can hardly understand it, can he?他几乎不懂,是吗?活学活用32016襄阳Can you catch what the speaker is saying, Tina?Sorry. He speaks so fast

7、that I can _ understand him.AnearlyBhardlyCprobably Dexactly4suggestion n. 建议观察 Can you offer me some suggestions?你能给我提供一些建议吗?探究 suggestion是可数名词,它的动词形式为_。 辨析 suggestion与advice(1)suggestion是可数名词,可以直接与数词搭配。a suggestion 一条建议two suggestions 两条建议(2)advice是_名词,不可以直接与数词搭配,常用于“piece(s) of advice”结构。 a piece

8、 of advice一条建议two pieces of advice两条建议活学活用42017达州Could you please offer me some_ in my research?Yes, sure.AideaBmessageCsuggestionDadvice 5hear from sb 收到某人的来信观察 I hope to hear from you soon.我希望很快收到你的来信。探究 hear from sb表示“收到某人的来信”,和get/receive a letter from sb 同义。活学活用52017铁岭你昨天收到她的来信了吗?Did you _ her

9、yesterday?6cause n. 原因观察 However, my love of football has become the cause of my problem. 然而,我对足球的热爱已经成为我的问题的原因。What you did will cause more trouble.你所做的将导致更多的麻烦。探究 cause 作名词时,意为“_”。它还可作动词,意为“_”。活学活用6 .2017包头Actually, there are many accidents _(cause) by carelessness every year.7strict adj. 严格的,严厉的观

10、察 I do not understand why they are so strict with me. 我不明白他们为什么对我如此严格。We should be strict in our work.对工作我们应该严格要求。探究 be strict _ sb意为“对某人要求严格”;be strict _ sth意为“在某事上要求严格”。活学活用7My English teacher Sara is always strict _ us _ our studies.Ain; withBat; aboutCwith; inDabout; in8work out 算出;解决观察 Can you

11、work out this problem? 你能解答出这道题吗?The Maths problems are not very difficult. I think you can work them out. 这些数学题不是很难,我认为你能解答出来。探究 work out为动副结构短语,意为“算出;解决”当宾语是名词时宾语可位于work和out之间,还可位于work out之后。当宾语是代词时宾语只能位于_。活学活用82017锦州We all want to know who can _ the Physics problem. You know, its very difficult.A

12、work outBtake outCset outDlook out1I have a lot of homework every day, and I have no choice but to do it. 每天我都有很多家庭作业,我别无选择,只能去做。探究 have no choice but to do sth意为“别无选择,只能做某事”。拓展 “别无选择,只能做某事”还可以用“can do nothing but do sth”结构表示。His mum is out. He has no choice but to look after his little sister at ho

13、me.His mum is out. He can do nothing but look after his little sister at home. 他妈妈出去了,他别无选择,只能在家照看妹妹。活学活用1I have no choice but_ what youre saying.AbelieveBto believeCbelievingDbelieved2I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. 我常常怀疑花这么多时间做家庭作业是否值得。探究 (1)doubt可作动词或名词,意为“怀疑”。I doubt whether he can arrive here on time. 我怀疑他是否能准时到达这里。The


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