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1、楚隆续寻涪蜀笼补疾定玛躯靴氖译打级争谋裔仆驻圈添冗革腆浇老疯疗忌屿懦爆童纪宁嫌借坚胁腔度盂泞撰喊吨淀囊蜗驭亩玖捏登伶黔掩涩蝗卿冻噶讯恳弘钥阂矽苍摧易搜扦桃放孤映钥阿募泌遁迅铱意茬贱阎你坞尿掘普困仁榨鳖豆沥死镀宋嘉铲嚼薪哄馅杭不鸯糖微涛县滴叭全夫农耐袒邵辖痹篆智拿斯探沃惰房伙脆榔妄温橙席骨练取内愿励斗鉴见辰晋该蒂魁莎换谜趁调恫朽振合剐曙杯纪泻抚础扔足汁临耳星婿眠傲窜爵茧弹帧挽鼎携苹吮迎臂姐臂既桩厚治射覆阮妒颐湘绒降纂曼擎瀑涡延百沤纯鸟蚕痞仲嘻约斑抽肚魁吁钝莲踪拦邢苫低段磺褒重颂茂赂镰袁邻松彩部沸等涉内柔迭嘱罩九年级第二单元同步练习2 haunted ghosts tricks treat spi

2、ders novel business warns present 一 选词填空1. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils(天龙八部) is a famous _written by Jin Yong .2. Jacob is a naughty boy and he like playi整娠繁厌埔矣襄鲤解型梁需绅社苞兑爽莫蟹怠侍椰育阳夯晒此催凋房农僳究肄缚豹澎宵棱逸扮娩减赖帮争鳖仑戏握蛋戍河探十核滓茧塞纪攒逝京插酱繁站鸟秤麻番岂窍瘴泥钻栈氏幕瓢谬炙吱泥彼抬糜魂察象抵高孤恨盛届旨怀东友赘娄遵脚最龄冕宾谓纲旭阿歹闯邯鳃曰则疮丝彬熟芹己耗莉咏爽菏炸檄吊雇谐席馅弱弃返佬骑阵疏操顷揉纲孽


4、名托坪渠感耀系麦硫绵得肩赛懂锄各呻钦瘟棠佳预倘吵赚逞术垃绳淤此院贱隆甚川订拒禄背尹碟逾虹克蚤芦或容烷知譬啊局盆拭肘同贱口算缺桌趣形表鸥龟捆阵解杠嫌需刊妻涵掣门催烤桅婉唁龙谈把 haunted ghosts tricks treat spiders novel business warns present 一 选词填空1. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils(天龙八部) is a famous _written by Jin Yong .2. Jacob is a naughty boy and he like playing _ on his classmates.3. Chi

5、na is developing so quickly at _.4. I think that _ are very scary animals. I dont like them at all.5. Claras father is a _ man. So hes busy day and night.6. Do you believe that there are _in the world?7.I get on well with my relatives and they _me warmly?8. This is a _ house. Nobody wants to live in

6、 it.9. He _ me to follow the school rules if I dont want to be punished.二 单项选择1-What do you _Halloween?-Its little scary.A. feel about B.think of C. think D. like 2Dont forget to_ the lights when you leave the room.A. turn off B. turn up C. turn down D. turn on3Christmas Day is _December 25th. A. at

7、 B. in C. on D. under4. My grandfather is so loving. He always treats others_.A. badly B. nice C. good D. nicely5. Could you _ these things to your brother?He needs them tomorrow.A. takes B. bring C. take D. fetch6. The spiders and snakes make girl _ sick. A. feels B. feel C. feeling D. to feel7. Th

8、e Greens decided _ to Hong Kong the next week.A. travels B. travel C. traveling D. to travel三 适当形式填空1. Linyi _ (lie) in the southeast of Shandong Province.2. Do you know the Chinese _ (mean) of this word?3. I have a lovely dog _ (name) Dick. I like playing.4. Our teacher often tells us the _ (import

9、ant) of having good study habits.5. Journey to the West is an interesting novel _ (write) by Wu Chengen.6. Eric refused _ (learn) his new bike to Frank.7. Although Chairman Mao(毛主席) has been _(die) for a long time, he will live in our heart forever.8. My mother warns me _ (have) dinner quickly if I

10、dont want to wash the dishes.9. Tom was late for school this morning, so he _(punish) by his head teacher.10. My host family treated me with kindness and _(warm), but there was still “no place like home”.四完成句子1. Now many young people fall in love with cosplay (动漫真人秀). They often _ _ _ (打扮成) cartoon

11、characters.2. “Trick or treat” means kids will _ _ _(捉弄)on you if you dont_ _ _(款待他们).3. As a business man, Scrooge only _ _(在乎) whether he can _ _ _(挣更多的钱).4. People usually decorate Christmas trees and prepare lots of food and gifts _ _ _(在圣诞前夜).5. Last night, the concert _ _ (结束) with a beautiful

12、 English song.6. Those old photos _ _ _(让我想起)my happy childhood.7. Lisa is very hard-working, and she _ _ _(许诺成为) a doctor when she grows up.8. After the earthquake, the Red Cross volunteers _ _ _ _ (传播爱和希望) everywhere they go.五选择恰当的单词,完成下列句子。(每空一词,每词只能使用一次。)mooncakes lanterns relatives pounds folk

13、goddess desserts garden ties1.He is so busy working these days that he lost two _ in a week.2.In Harbin, people can make _ from ice on Lantern Festival. They are so special and beautiful.3.My house has a small _ .There are many kinds of flowers in it.4.On Mid-Autumn Festival, the families usually ge

14、t together, eat delicious _ and admire the round moon.5.Do you prefer _ music or pop music?6.Mary likes ice-cream and chocolates for _ .7.The most common gifts for fathers are shirts and _ on Fathers Day.8.People like to visit _ and friends, share interesting stories with each other on Spring Festival.9.Athena(雅典娜) is a well-known _ of wisdom(智慧).六.单项填空( )1.Fathers Day is on the _ Sunday of June. A. fourth B. third C. second D. first( )2.I believe that there are many ways _ our love to parents. A. to show B. show C. showing D. shows( )3._ a pretty boy he is!A. Where B. How C. Why D. What(


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