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1、初中英语教学案例八年级(下)Unit one Whats the matter?(The first period) 孙想来一、设计简述: 新目标初中英语教学大纲要求教师要从学生的认知水平出发,以交际法语言教学和任务型语言教学为理论依据,以学生为中心,努力创设贴近学生生活的语言情境,让学生参与课堂学习和实践,完成学习目标。 本节课的教学内容、教学目标以及教学重难点的设定都是以英语新课程标准为依据,同时借助肢体语言以及一些辅助性教学工具来展示课堂教学和学习,通过让学生进行角色扮演,进行语言的组织和口语训练,尽可能把知识点的学习应用于生活实际,以增加学生参与课堂学习的积极性和兴趣,从而提升课堂教与

2、学的效率和质量。二、教材分析1. 话题本单元谈论的主要是关于健康的话题,让学生学会人体部位的单词以及部分疾病的表达方法,会提问和谈论自己和他人的健康状况,同时对健康问题给出合理化的建议。在具体教学中我结合学生的实际,对教材内容进行整合,第一课时的教学主要是让学生学会有关人体部位的单词,掌握对健康提问的几个常用表达方法,内容多以图片的形式展示出来使内容更贴近学生的生活,让学生有更多的发挥空间。2. 语言点:Whats the matter (with sb.)? / Whats the trouble (with sb.)? / Whats wrong (with sb.)?I (We / He

3、 / She / They) have / has a cold / a fever / cough / sore throat / stomachache 3. 目标:1)Knowledge Objectives(知识目标) 学习有关身体的词汇以及有关疾病的词汇,掌握对他人的健康状况询问的方法。 Can master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of body parts and diseases. Be able to talk about health problems by using “Whats the

4、matter? I have a”2) Ability Objectives(能力目标)积极参与课堂学习活动,能正确并流利的朗读、书写出课本中的词汇、对话和句型,同时应用知识点进行同学之间的简单交流,并组织自己的对话语言,形成专项交际情景。 Can read and write the words and useful sentences correctly. Be able to talk about ones health problems fluently. Make up the dialogues between the doctor and the patient.3) Moral

5、 Objectives(情感目标)通过本课的学习,要让学生在日常生活和人际交往中学会关心别人,增进同学之间的情谊。 Pay attention to and care more about yourself and others health in our daily life.4. 教学重难点 重点:学习身体部位的单词和一些疾病的词汇,以及身体不适的表达。Master the names of diseases and Master the expressions of giving advice.难点:对他人健康状况的询问和身体不适的表达。How to talk about the hea

6、lth problems by using the sentences: “Whats the matter?” / “Whats the trouble?” / “Whats wrong?”三、学情分析八年级学生的英语已经有了一定的基础,但学习兴趣和参与课堂学习的积极性各有差异,同时八年级的学生也处于两极分化的特殊时期,因此在教学和学习任务的设计上要注重分层教学,要调动每个学生参与课堂学习和实践的积极性。通过图片等教学用具、通过设置和组织课堂游戏或是活动等趣味性的教学方式来提高学生的学习兴趣,使其在轻松愉悦的课堂环境中掌握英语知识。四、教学方法和学习策略研究1恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,提高课堂

7、效率增加趣味性。2.以学生为中心,开展Role play, Guessing game, Pair work等英语教学活动。3.注重分层教学,尊重差异,让不同层次的学生都能参与,获得成就感。五、教学过程Step1. Leadin Theres the bell, the teacher comes into the classroom, one of his/ or hands touch his / her stomachache. And saying: “Im hungry, I have a stomachache.” Then ask students: “How are you t

8、oday?” “Do you take care about your health”? Today we well learn some information about our health. 【设计理念】新课导入很重要,教师通过假装身体的不适,引起学生的好奇,然后自然过渡到和本节课内容相关的话题,这样学生的积极性就被调动起来了。 Step2. Warming up1. The teacher asks two students to walk in the front of the class room, one of them tells the names of the parts

9、 of his / her body, and the other write down these words on the blackboard.2. Ask students to read these new words about two times.【设计理念】因为在上新课前,教师已经让学生提前预习有关身体部位的单词,通过让一个学生说,另一个学生写的这种方式,可检查学生的课前预习情况,直观显现本节课的单词教学,也为下面环节的教学做好铺垫。Step3. Pair work1. 学会了单词和有关健康提问的举行之后,教师可以通过下面的话题导入学位生的对话练习设计训练:T: Do you

10、know? The body parts are in one family. They can help us do many things, they are all important. So, we should take care of them. But the body parts have some problems sometimes.Next, the teacher use body language to guide the Ss to guess the illness: have a cold, have a feverT: I am not feeling wel

11、l now. I am ill. Do you know the illness? Whats the matter with me?Ss: You have a fever. (Show the illness-have a cold with the body language, too)Then the teacher asks one of students to talk with him / her like this:T: How are you today?S: Im not feeling well.T: Im sorry to hear that. Whats the ma

12、tter with you?S: I have a cold, I have a headache.【设计理念】知识点的学习不能简单停留在理论记忆,而是要让学生通过参阅课堂学习和实践操作,来获取最有价值的实践经验。本环节的设置就是为了让学生把课堂学习的理论知识通过语言对话的形式应用于实际生活中,形成自己的语言体系,强化口语训练。另外,部分学生在刚开始设计对话语言可能还有一定的困难,或是仅限于本节课所学内容,通过教师亲自设计对话语言,可以给学生一定的引导和示范,另外还可以拓展知识层面。 2. After that, the teacher asks the Ss to work in pairs

13、 and talk about health problems by using the words and the target languages: Whats the matter? I have a/anLater act them out in the class.3. After sever pairs, the T chooses one pair and ask other Ss:T: Whats the matter with her?Ss: She has a headache.Then the teacher asks some Ss to show the health

14、 problems with the body language, and ask other Ss to have conversations in pairs like below:S1: Whats the matter with him/her?S2: He/She has a 【设计理念】通过教师的示范,学生就可以组织自己的语言,并和同学合作编成对话进行训练。对于比较优秀的小组,教师还可以让他们给全班学生做示范,供大家参考。另外因为前面的对话始终是在第一和第二人称之间进行的,所以在后续,教师要有目的的引导学生转换人称进行对话提问和回答,以便进一步熟练掌握和应用所学知识点。Step 4

15、: Do some exercises Do some exercises in the class in order to train students ability, and improve their results of the learning.1) 根据句意及首字母,填入适当的单词。 1. Whats the m _with you? 2. We hear with our e _and see with our e_. 3. He usually goes to school on f_. 4. I have a t_, so I want to see a dentist. 2) 选择填空。 1. The little baby has two_. A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth 2. Whats the matter with you? _. A. Im glad B. I have a cold C. I have something to do D. Sorry, I dont kn


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