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1、2023广告词筹划广告词筹划 广告词筹划 广告语,又称广告词,有广义和狭义之分。广告顾名思义就是广而告之。广义的广告语指通过各种传播媒体和招贴形式向公众介绍商品、文化、消遣等效劳内容的一种宣扬用语,包括广告的标题和广告的正文两局部。狭义的广告语指通过宣扬的方式来增大企业的知名度,广告语也是市场营销里必不行少使商家获得利润的手段及其方式。1、类型编辑1、成效型。反映商品的成效、性能好或效劳效率高。2、优质型。反映商品质量优胜或效劳质量好。3、双关型。用双关语句来反映双重意思。4、好感型。用祥瑞言词来反映人们追求美满华蜜的愿望。5、号召型。干脆推动顾客响应号召,实行购置行动。6、励志型。用一些鼓励

2、的言语给人带来一种内心的正能量。可口可乐历年广告语1886 - Drink Coca-Cola1904 - Delicious and Refreshing1905 - Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains1906 - The Great National Temperance Beverage1917 - Three Million a Day1922 - Thirst Knows No Season1923 - Enjoy Thirst1924 - Refresh Yourself1925 - Six Million a Day1926 - It Had to Be

3、 Good to Get Where It Is1927 - Pure as Sunlight1927 - Around the Corner from Everywhere1929 - The Pause that Refreshes1932 - Ice Cold Sunshine1938 - The Best Friend Thirst Ever Had1939 - Thirst Asks Nothing More1939 - Whoever You Are, Whatever You Do, Wherever You May Be, When You Think of Refreshme

4、nt Think of Ice Cold Coca-Cola1942 - The Only Thing Like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola Itself1948 - Where There's Coke There's Hospitality1949 - Along the Highway to Anywhere1952 - What You Want is a Coke1956 - Coca-Cola. Makes Good Things Taste Better1957 - Sign of Good Taste1958 - The Cold, Crisp

5、 Taste of Coke1959 - Be Really Refreshed1963 - Things Go Better with Coke1969 - It's the Real Thing1971 - I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke (part of the &It's the Real Thing& campaign)1975 - Look Up America1976 - Coke Adds Life1979 - Have a Coke and a Smile1982 - Coke Is It!1985 - We'

6、ve Got a Taste for You (for both Coca-Cola & Coca-Cola classic)1985 - America's Real Choice (for both Coca-Cola & Coca-Cola classic)1986 - Red, White & You (for Coca-Cola classic)1986 - Catch the Wave (for Coca-Cola)1987 - When Coca-Cola is a Part of Your Life, You Can't Beat the

7、 Feeling1988 - You Can't Beat the Feeling1989 - Official Soft Drink of Summer1990 - You Can't Beat the Real Thing1993 - Always Coca-Cola2022 - Coca-Cola. Enjoy2022 - Life Tastes Good2022 - Coca-Cola. Real2022 - Make It Real2023 - The Coke Side of Life2023 - Open Happiness本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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