译林英语四下Unit 4 Drawing in the parkCheckout time&Ticking time课件

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《译林英语四下Unit 4 Drawing in the parkCheckout time&Ticking time课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林英语四下Unit 4 Drawing in the parkCheckout time&Ticking time课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 译林版英语四年级(下)译林版英语四年级(下)Unit 4 Drawing in the parkCheckout time&Ticking timeLets review6/24/2024eggpegpenlegbedpendeskredtenleg看到单词大声看到单词大声读出来,并说读出来,并说出汉语意思,出汉语意思,看到食物说看到食物说“yummy”看到看到爱心说爱心说“like”。Warming up I can see_.根据指针停止的根据指针停止的方向,用下面方向,用下面的的句式回答,遇到句式回答,遇到炸弹说炸弹说“Bomb”。a birda kitea boata treeflo

2、wersa hilla lakeLets sayCheckout timeLook at this picture.What can you see?Ask and answerI can see a boat on the river.I can.Show timeLook at this picture.What can you see?I can see a boat on the river.I can see some trees and flowers两人一组,完成问答,在全班面前进行展示。两人一组,完成问答,在全班面前进行展示。Play a game游戏规则:两幅图找不同游戏规则

3、:两幅图找不同,总计时,总计时一分半钟,一分半钟,前前3030秒秒看看图片的不同,后图片的不同,后1 1分钟之内尽可能多分钟之内尽可能多的的说说出两幅图的不同之处。出两幅图的不同之处。I can see in Picture 1/2.I cant see in Picture 1/2.a bike,a footballbutterfly,monkeyWhat can you see in the zoo?Lets reviewI can see a panda.1.1.询问对方能看到什么询问对方能看到什么Lets reviewCan you see the bird in the tree?2

4、.2.询问对方能否看到某人询问对方能否看到某人/某物某物Lets review3 3.不同的不同的在树上在树上There is a monkey in the tree.There are some bananas on the tree.4 4.字母字母e在单词中在单词中的发的发/e/音音 例如例如:bed,desk,pen,red,tenI can talk about the things in the park.I can use“What can you do”to ask questions.I know the sound of the letter“e”.Ticking tim

5、e一一、根据句意和图片提示完成句子,根据句意和图片提示完成句子,每空一词。每空一词。1.What a beautiful _!2.I can draw these _.3.I can see a small _ on the _.parkflowersboatriver二、二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I can see _(a)orange tree over there.2.Amy can draw,but John _(can).3.There _(be)some ducks in the river.ancantare4.Here are some flo

6、wers.Can you see _(they)?5.I dont have _(some)flowers.themany词汇:park,draw,easy,difficult,flower,them,boat,hill,river,lake,try,again.重点句型:1.What can you see over there?I can see.2.Can you see.?词组:in the park,draw some pictures,the boat on the river,draw them,well done,have a look.语音:字母e发/e/音bed desk ten pen pencil red单元知识梳理Summary Homework 复习本单元所学内容,自制思维导图。



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