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1、您好!大学生群体是一个备受社会关注的群体,大学生的身体健康状况不 容忽视,所以我们针对大学生膳食营养进行调查,以了解大学生的营养与健康 状况,此次调查仅供学习参考,保证个人资料不对外公开,希望得到您的支持, 十分感谢您的配合。性别: 年龄: 身高: 体重: 年级:1你关注饮食健康吗?A. 关注B.不关注2你是否每天都吃早餐?C. 看心情B. 饼干、面包、乳饮料A. 是B. 不是3您早餐通常吃什么?A 粥,烧饼,包子,奶,蛋C. 方便面、速食品D. 油炸类 E. 其它4你是否一日三餐都按时吃?A. 是B. 不是C. 看心情5. 在一日三餐中,什么类的食物占主导?A. 肉类,谷类B. 蔬菜类,谷类

2、C. 各占一半D. 我有自己的搭配! 6你平时口渴喝什么?A. 白开水B. 饮料C. 其它7你怎样理解“营养饮食”?A. 吃饱就行,不论营养 B. 吃饭时要注意营养平衡摄入 C. 营养归营养,与饮食无关 D. 我有自己的看法8您有挑食的习惯吗?A. 有 B. 没有9您通常吃什么样的零食?A.坚果类(如核桃,瓜子等)B.膨化食品(如薯片等)C.辛辣食品(如辣条,鸭脖等)D.其它食品E. 不喜欢吃零食10. 您有吃水果的习惯吗?A. 有,已经养成习惯 B. 有需要时(如口渴时) C. 偶尔 D. 从不吃11. 你的饮食态度是?A. 能吃饱就行,不在乎饭菜的质量B. 讲究营养,科学搭配 C.好吃就行

3、 D. 看心情吧,心情好就多吃点12. 你获得健康饮食知识的途径是?A、知识讲座B、报刊、书籍相关介绍C、家庭及同学影响D、其它E、不关心13. 您选择食品注意的是什么?A. 口味 B.营养 C. 口感 D.色泽 E.其它14. 您平常选择吃饭的地点是?A.学校食堂B.路边摊 C.家里D.其他地方(如KFC等)15、你会因为减肥而减少食物摄入量而忽略营养吗?A、会B、不会C、偶尔16、你知道膳食均衡金字塔吗?如果是,你会按照金字塔来进行食物搭配 吗?A、 知道 (会/不会)B、不知道17、你认为大学生养成不健康的饮食习惯的原因一般有哪些?A. 为了减肥/节省时间/省钱,能不吃就不吃B. 现在的

4、人追求潮流,越是不能吃的东西,他们越是要去尝试C家长对他们的指导和关心不够D. 他们自己对饮食习惯的重要性不是很了解,缺乏基本的医学保护知 识E. 我有自己的看法18、你对现在大学生的饮食有什么看法或建议?AppendixQuestionnaireGender: Age: Weight: Grade:1: Do you pay attention to your diet?A YES B NO2: Do you have breakfast every day?A YES B NO C According to the mood3: What do you usually eat for br

5、eakfast?A porridge, 烧饼,包子B bread, biscuits, juiceC instant noodlesD fried food E other options4: Do you have your three meals in time?A YESB NO C according to the mood5: Among your meals, what kind of food is on the main position?A meat, cereal B vegetables, cereal C above half and half Dmy own coll

6、ocation6: What do you drink when you are thirsty?A boiled water B soft-drinkingC other options7: How do you understand healthy diet?A being full will be okay B taking in balanced nutrition in mealsC nutrition has nothing to do with diet D having my own idea8: Are you a picky eater?A YES B NO9: What

7、do you usually eat as snacks?A nuts B puffed food C spicy food D others10: Do you have the habit of eating fruits?A Yes, form the habit B just when in needC sometimes D never11: Whats your attitude towards diet?A being full is okay, no care the quality of mealsB collocating properly according to nut

8、ritionC having a good taste will be okayD according to the mood, good mood, eat much12: Which methods do you use to get the healthy diet information?A speechesB introduction of newspapers, booksC from families and friendsD other methodsE don t care13: W hat do you focus on when choosing food?A taste

9、 B nutrition C mouth feelings D appearance E others14: Where do you usually have your meals?A canteenB vendor s standC home D fast food restaurant15: Will you eat less to lose weight in ignorance of nutrition?A YES B NO C sometimes16: Do you know the diet pyramid? If so, can you found your own pyram

10、id?A know also canB know but can tC don t know17: What reasons do you think lead to unhealthy diet?A to lose weight, save time, save money,B to try new foodC parents care and instruments are not enoughD no knowing the importance, lacking medical informationE having my own idea18: Whats your advice on the students dietary style?


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