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1、(完满版)六年级形容词专题练习形容词比较级的变化规则1、规则变化构成方法原级比较级最高等单 音 节一般在词尾加 er 或 esttalltallertallest词 和 部分 双 音以字母 e 结尾的词加 r 或 stnicenicernicest节词finefinerfinest重读闭音节词词尾只有一hothotterhottest个辅音字母先双写辅音字bigbiggerbiggest母再加再加 er 或 est以辅音字母 +y 结尾的双音easyeasiereasiest节词先把 y 变成 i 再加 erearlyearlierearliest或 est多 音 节在词前面 more 或 m

2、ostinterestingmore interestingmost interesting词beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful原级比较级最高等goodbetterbestbadworseworstmanymoremost形容词比较级和最高等的用法等级用法例句比较级两个人或事物进行比较My sister is taller than my brother.主语 + 谓 语 + 形 容 词 比 较 级Your watch is more expensive than+than+被比较的部分mine.最高等三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较主语 +谓语 +th

3、e+形容词最高等+名词 +范围Tom is the tallest boy in our class.My mother is the thinnest in our family.名校真题训练:形容词3.( 2013 泉州市中远学校分班卷)Mary is _ of all the students.A. the tallerB. the tallestC. tallD. taller【答案】 B1 / 44.( 2012 青 市智荣中学招生卷)Which animal do you like _, a cat or a dog?A. goodB. betterC. bestD. much6.

4、( 2012 淮安市启明外国 学校分班卷)His chicken are _ and fat.A. biggerB. bigC. the biggest D. the bigger8.( 2011九江市三中初中部分班卷)I m twelve. Amy is ten. She is _ than me.A. two year oldB. two years olderC. two years youngD. two years younger9 The book is _ newer than that one.A. manyB. muchC. moreD. most10.( 2012晋江市 声

5、中学分班卷)Russia is _ country in the world.A. the largerB. the large C. the largest D. large小升初 真 解 :形容 1. ( 2012武 市江 区小学 卷)() Shanghai is _ city in China.A. biggestB. the bigestC. the biggestD. the most big( ) 3.( 2013 沙市岳麓区小学 卷)Of all my family members, my brother is _.A. tallB. tallerC. the tallerD.

6、the tallest() 4.( 2012武 市 江区小学 卷)It s my _( busy ) day.A. busiestB. the busiestC. busierD. busy( ) 5. (2013 沙市 沙 小学 卷)Helen is _ (young) girl in her class.A. youngB. youngerC. the youngestD. the younger( ) 7.( 2012北京市海淀区小学 卷)Ants are very _ but they can carry _ things.A. small; bigB. brave; niceC. s

7、mall; goodD. big; small( ) 10.( 2011唐山市路北区小学 卷)We are in _ schools, but we often meet each other.A. sameB. differentC. newD. big形容 易 剖析例 1用所 形容 或副 的合适形式填空。Do more exercise. We ll get(strong)本 然没有出 than .但是前半句多做运 提示我 要用比 。答案: stronger例 2同 句 Joe isn t asastallLucy.Joe isthan Lucy.原句句意 不如露西高,那就是 比露西矮,所

8、以 填shorter答案: shorter例 3 填空2 / 4() Jill isin all the students.A tallB tallerC tallestD the tallest本题要注意最高等tallest 前必定有定冠词the 别的,当句中出现范围in all the students时,要用最高等答案: D例 4 写出所给词的反义词bigger所给词是big 的比较级,所以其反义词也应该写出比较级答案: smaller例 5 翻译并填空我的新裙子比她的更漂亮。My new dress isthan.beautiful 是多音节词, 其比较级是 more beautifu

9、l, 我的裙子和她的裙子比, 即 My new dress is more beautiful than her dress. 而 her dress 可以用名词性物主代词 hers 来代替。答案: more beautifu ,hers形容词专题练习一、写出以下形容词的比较级和最高等1、 old2、 tall3、 young4、 many5、 bad6、 interesting7、 beautiful8、 small9、 fat10、 thin11、 heavy12、 light13、 nice14、 good二、依照句意给所给单词的正确形式填空。1、 -Is your mother(you

10、ng) than your teacher?-Yes, she is.2、 Whose pencil-box is(big),yours or hers?3、 I am two years(old) than my sister.4、 Who is( thin) ,Helen or Alice?5、 Mary s eyes are as(big) as Lucy s.6、 Which is(heavy), the elephant or the pig?7、 My eyes are(big) than(her).8、 David is as(thin) as Jim.9、 Bob is not

11、 as(tall)as the other boy.10、 The weather in Beijing is as(good) as that in Changchun.三、单项选择()1、 Alice s dress is asas her sister s.3 / 4A .more beautiful()2、 Helen is 10.His brother is 12.So Helen is two yearsthan her brother.A.older()3、 Who is,you or your friend Tom.A.()4、 The child isto hear the

12、good news.()5、 Are youin your class?A.tallest()6、 In October.Hainan isthan Changchun.A.cold()7、 Jane isgirl of the three.A.the cleverestD.the cleverer()8、 I don t like math.Because I think math isin all subjects.A. difficult B.easy C.more difficult D.the most difficult()9、 Nile( 尼罗河 ) isriver in the world.A.longC.longest D.the longest()10、 My father s car isthan my mother s.A.newC.newer D.the newest四、写出所给词的反义词youngbetterwhitelongerbigthinnerleftfa



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