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1、单词短语默写1. 一道菜,盘,碟11.谋生2.同情某人12.迷路3.出生时,诞生时13.羞愧,憾事4.一开始14.缓慢地5.因此15.要不然,否则6.以食.为生16.疾病7.处境危险17.行动,表演8.采取行动18.猎人9立刻,马上19.事实上,实际上10.与.一样20.接受,收受答案:1. course 2. have a pity on sb. 3. at birth 4. in the beginning 5. therefore 6. live on 7. in danger 8. take action 9. at once 10. the same as 11. make a li

2、ving 12. lose ones way 13. shame 14. slowly 15. otherwise 16. disease 17. action 18. hunter 19. in fact 20. accept Unit5重要语言点(一)1. wild adj. 野生的;疯狂的 【经典例句】There are many wild animals on the earth. 地球上有许多野生动物。【知识拓展】(1) in the wild 在野外 (2) be wild with joy欣喜若狂 eg: They were wild with joy at the news.

3、听到这个消息他们欣喜若狂。单项选择( ) 1. Lucy is a(n) _ girl and she doesnt like talking much.A.outgoingB.athleticC. quietD.wild( ) 2. The twins are quite different. Sam iswildwhile Tom is quiet.Yeah, Sam is _ than Tom.A. less outgoingB. more outgoingC. much tallerD. more serious答案:C B2. free 【考点聚焦】(1) adj. 自由的,不受束缚

4、的 eg: Students have a free choice of courses in their final year.I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.(2) adj. 有空的,空闲的 be free = have time有空in ones free time 在某人的空闲时间=in ones spare time adj. 免费的 短语:for free .是免费的eg: You can receive a copy of Robot magazine for free. 你

5、可以免费获得一本机器人杂志的复制本。单项选择( ) 1. Areyoufreetomorrow? A.Doyouhavefreetomorrow? B.Doyouhaveanytimetomorrow?C.Areyouhavefreetomorrow? D.Areyouhavefreetomorrow?( ) 2. If you spend 100 yuan in our store this Sunday, you will get a present _. A. for nothing B. forfree C. in nothing D. infree答案:B B3. die vi. 死

6、 【考点聚焦】(三单)_(现在分词)_(过去式)_(过去分词)_ (名词) _ 答案:dies dying died dead death 短语:die of/from+疾病、灾荒等等 “死于”【经典例句】In the 1960s, many Chinese died of hunger.20世纪60年代,许多的中国人死于饥饿。【知识拓展】(1) dead adj. 死的,失去生命的eg: His mother was dead. She died in 1987. 他的母亲已经去世了,她死于1987年。When autumn comes, many dead leaves fall onto

7、 the ground. 秋天到了,许多枯死的树叶掉到了地上。In the film, a wealthy doctor is found dead in his house. 在那部电影里,一位富裕的医生被发现死在房里。 (2) dying adj. 临死的,垂死的eg: The doctor is trying to save the dying man. 医生尽力去挽救垂死的那个人。(3) death n. 死,死亡eg: He has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.他已经决定在他死后把他的

8、身体献给医疗研究。The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. 受害者受了刀伤最后流血而死。 (4) be dead (持续性动词)eg: The computer engineer has been dead for 6 hours. 这台电脑已经坏了六个小时了。词汇填空1. The computer engineer _ last night. (die)2. His _ body was found in West Town. (die)3. The computer engineer _ alrea

9、dy. (die)4. The computer engineer _ since last night. (die)5. It is 6 hours since the computer engineer _. (die)6. The computer engineers _ made us all sad. (die)答案:died dead has been dead has been dead died death 4. mean vt. 意思是,意味着 【经典例句】What does this sentence mean? 这句话意思是?It means “Thanks”. 它的意思

10、是“谢谢”。【知识拓展】(1) meaning (n.) 意思,意义eg: What is the meaning of this sentence? 这句话的意思是?(2) meaningful (adj.) 意味深长的,有意义的eg: She does not have as much money as before, but she thinks her life is meaningful.她没有像以前那么有钱了,但是她认为她的生活很有意义。 (3) meaningless (adj.) 无意义的eg: We fill our lives with meaningless tasks.

11、 We feel boring.我们的生活充满着无意义的任务,我们感觉很无聊。词汇填空1. Its _ is “Thanks”. (mean)2. A word usually has several _. (mean)3. It is _ to work as volunteers at community centres or in libraries at the weekend. (mean)答案:meaning meanings meaningful5. sadly adv. 令人遗憾地,不幸地,伤心地【考点聚焦】sadly可位于句首单独使用,表示“令人伤心的是”。eg: Sadly

12、, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. 令人伤心的是,大熊猫在野外生存面临着严重的问题。比较级为:sadly(原级)-more sadly(比较级)-most sadly(最高级)eg: She looked sadly at her broken bike. 她伤心地看着她的坏的自行车。【知识拓展】(1) sad (adj.) 难过的 (sad -sadder saddest)(2) sadness (n.) 悲哀,忧伤eg: Blue represents calm and sadness. 蓝色代表着镇定和悲伤。词汇填空1. H

13、e cried _ than anyone else. (sad)2. _, Pierre was not there to share the joy with her. (sad)3. She looked _. (sad)4. I felt terribly _ about it. (sad)5. The news made them much _. (sad)6. This is one of the _ stories that I have ever heard. (sad)7. We are sad _ (hear) that you are leaving. 答案: more sadly Sadly sad sad sadder saddest to hear6. mainly adv. 主要地, 大部分地【经典例句】Giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo. 大熊猫主要以一种特殊的竹子为食。【知识拓展】main (adj.) 主要的,最重要的eg: Rice and wheat are their main cr


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