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1、教育硕士论文答辩经验谈东北师大05届温州部分教育硕士将于本月底和月初赴师大参与毕业论文答辩。很多学员对答辩的应当留意的事项不是很清楚,心理有点担忧。我就本人答辩的经验,整理一些资料供大家参考。 (一)全力消化自己所写的论文反复阅读、审查自己的论文。对论文内容要了如指掌。写好5-10 分钟的答辩陈述。陈述特殊要留意以下几点:1.论文的内容、目的和意义;所接受的原始资料;2.硕士论文的基本内容及主要方法;3.成果、结论和对自己完成任务的评价,强调论文的新意与独创性。(下面附上我的英文陈述稿)(二)物质预备:预备参与答辩会所需携带的用品:1.硕士论文的底稿。2.答辩陈述稿。3.主要参考资料,答辩时虽


3、Luck to You!附:我的答辩陈述稿PresentationIn 2023 academic year, I studied here for my MED degree. A group of teachers in our college began a research program on different aspects of primary school English teaching. Ms. Huang, my supervisor, was responsible for the research task on primary school English tea

4、chers in-service education. She knew my interest in the issue of teacher development so she asked me to join in her research. Because of her, it was easier for me to get the chance to attend various kinds of in-service education programs in the province. In the same year, Zhejiang province launched

5、a project of improving teachers quality of primary and secondary schools in rural regions. Wenzhou Teachers Education Institute, where I am working took on the task of providing training courses to primary school English backbone teachers from rural regions around the city .as a part of the provinci

6、al project. As a teacher educator majored in English teaching, I was responsible for the whole arrangement of the training courses for these bakbone primary school English teachers. In September 2023, I finished my MED studies and returned home. On 25th, Sept of 2023, I organized a training class fo

7、r in-service primary school English teachers in rural areas and decided to take this class as my study subject.Enlightened by the socio-cultural view of learning, that is, teachers learn best through active involvement and through thinking about and becoming articulate about what they have learned,

8、I arranged the whole training course to promote trainee teachers active participation as much as possible. For example, I took trainee teachers to observe class and encouraged them to make a comment afterwards; I invited professor Huang who guided trainee teachers to narrate their teaching experiences in order to draw wisdom from themselves. In this sense, I named my training courses as “participatory training courses”.此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者马上删除。资料共共享,我们负责传递学问。


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