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1、Unit 11.在人们家中in peoples home2.在家通过电脑学习study at home on computers3.将来in the future4.免费的be free5.活到200 岁live to be 200 years old6.一百年之后in 100 years7.一张纸a piece of paper8.更多/更少的树more/fewer trees9.更多/更少的污染more/less pollution10.更少使用地铁use the subway less11.更多使用use sth a lot12.同意某人的意见agree with sb13.与谈话tal

2、k to/with sb14.使用某物做某事use sth to do15.在上小学be in elementary/primary school16.住在一间公寓live in an apartment17.乘坐火箭到月球fly rockets to the moon18.爱上fall in love with19.独自居住live alone20.能够做某事be able to do sth21.去香港度假go to Hong Kong on vacation22.世界杯the World Cup23.飞到月球度假fly to the moon for vacation24.有朝一日one

3、 day25.为某人工作work for sb26.看起来精神look smart27.实现come true28.预言未来predict the future29.看见某人做某事see sb do/doing30.数以百计的hundreds of31.在太空in space32.拥有某人自己的机器人have ones own robot33.科幻小说science fiction movies34.帮助某人做家务help with the housework35.与做同样的事do the same things as sb36.叫醒某人wake up37.与交朋友make friends w

4、ith sb38.某地有某人正在做某事there be sb/sth doing sth +sp.39.看起来更像look more like40.一遍又一遍地over and over again41.有更少的工作去做have less work to do42.做某事有趣be fun to do43.在25年到50年之后in 25 to 50 yearsUnit 21.挡住;阻止进入keep out2.与某人就某事争吵argue with sb about sth3.与争吵have an argument with sb=argue with sb4.告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb

5、(not ) to do sth5.得到一份兼职的工作get a part-time job6.打开turn on7.把声音放得太大playtoo loud8.给写信write sb a letter9.给打电话call sb up10.一场球赛的票a ticket to a ball game 11.使惊讶surprise sb12.支付pay for13.从借borrow sth from sb14.为某人买某物buy sb sth15.不知道have no idea16.有同样的发型have the same haircut17.查明find out18.请家教get a tutor19

6、.需要去做need to do20.邀请某人去做某事invite sb to do sth21.把某物落在家里leave sth at home22.做某事失败fail (in) sth23.与相处融洽get on well with sb24.与相同的be the same as25.归还某物return sth26.在字典中查找look upin a dictionary27.与打架have a fight with sb28.与比较compare with29.向抱怨某事complain to sb about sth30.感觉处于(太多的)压力之下be/feel under (too

7、much) pressure31.买不同的衣服get different clothes32.把从一个地方带到另一个地方 take sb from 名词 to 名词33.直到才notuntil34.尽可能多地充实到孩子们的生活中来 fit as much as possible into their kids lives35.屡见不鲜nothing new36.厉害地强迫某人push sb hard37.总是在做某事be always doing38.计划做某事plan to do39.一方面on the one hand40.另一方面on the other hand41.从很小的年龄开始s

8、tart from a very young ageUnit 31.到达arrive at/get to/reach2.在前面in front of3.在的前部in the front of4.在理发师的椅子上 in/on the barbers chair5.睡懒觉sleep late6.在电话中交谈talk on the phone7.航天博物馆the Museum of Flight8.降落在中央大街上land on Center Street9.报警call the police10.沿着街道走walk down/along the street11.起飞/脱下take off12.有

9、一次不寻常的经历have an unusual experience13.大约在10点钟at around ten oclock14.跟着某人做某事/去某地follow sb to do/地点15.对感到惊讶be surprised/amazed at16.在树上in the tree/on the tree17.朝喊叫shout to sb/shout at sb18.在火车站at the train station19.逃跑run away20.沿着走walk around21.纽约市New York City/the city of the New York22.对说say to sb2

10、3.飞往纽约的航班the flight to New York24.在医生的诊所at the doctors25.看望住院的姨妈visit aunt in hospital26.2008年奥运会the 2008 Olympics27.记得做过/去做某事remember doing/to do sth28.在历史上in history29.在现代美国历史上in modern American history30.最重要的事件之一 one of the most important events31.听说hear about/of32.多于;超过more than33.玩得高兴have fun/h

11、ave a good time/enjoy oneself34.沉默地做某事do sth in silence35.在当今时代in recent times36.被毁坏be destroyed by37.对有意义have meaning to38.在太空in space39.与(不与)一样asas/not as/soas40.环绕地球around the world41.一个民族英雄a national hero42.全世界all over the world/around the world43.因/作为而著名be famous for/as44.第一次做某事do sth for the f

12、irst time45.日常活动everyday activitiesUnit 41.看肥皂剧watch soap operas2.举行一次惊喜晚会have a surprise party3.在周五晚上on Friday night4.生某人的气be mad at sb5.首先first of all6.做课外家庭作业do a homework project7.递给某人某物pass sb sth=pass sth to sb =pass on sth to sb=pass sth on to sb8.在公共汽车站at the bus stop9.理应做某事be supposed to do

13、10.擅长be good at=do well in11.很抱歉做某事be sorry to do sth12.感冒have/catch a cold13.身体健康be in good health14.一次期末考试an end-of-year exam15.在某事方面感到费劲have a hard time with16.做某事很吃惊be surprised to do17.捎去某人的问候send ones love18.到现在为止for now19.抄袭别人的家庭作业copy others homework20.传些口信pass on some messages21.大打一架have a

14、big fight22.忘记去做某事forget to do23.养成一个坏习惯start a bad habit24.克服get over25.改变某人的生活 change ones life=change the life of sb26.在一个贫困的山村in a poor mountain village27.听起来像sound like28.一个北京大学的毕业生 a Peking University graduate29.一个为期一年的计划a one-year program30.由发起be started by31.教育部the Ministry of Education32.派人

15、去做某事send sb to do33.对某人来说是一个新的经历 be a new experience for sb34.海拔2000米2000 meters above sea level35.使某人觉得恶心make sb feel sick36.经历不同的事experience different things37.打开某人对外面世界的视野 open up ones eyes to the outside world38.给某人生活一个好的开始 give sb a good start in life39.在某人的生活中有一个好的影响 be a good influence in ones life40.关爱地球母亲care for “Mother E



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