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1、优选-初中反义疑问句练习试题 学 必 迎下 反义疑问句1、按照 “前否后肯”或“前肯后否” 的原 :Jim isnt in Class Four, is he?2、前后两句主 同样 :Mr Zhang has been here for four years, hasnt he?3、主 不一致的若干状况以下(需牢 ) :前句主 后句主 例句This/thatThis is your brother,isn t it?SomethinganythingItNothing is serious,is it?everythingnothingV.ing/to v.Swimming is great

2、fun,isn t it?These/thosetheyThose are books,aren t they?Everybody/everyoneEveryone knows this,don t they?Someboby/someoneHe/they(Everyone knows this ,doesn he?) tAnybody/anyoneBoth andThey/you/weBoth Tom and Jack came, didn t they?NobodyHeNobody likes to lose money, does he?had bettershould 或 hadWe

3、had better go right now,shouldn twe/ hadntwe?would rather + 原形 ”wouldn tYoudlike to have some bananas,wouldn tyou?would like to + 原形 ”I amAren t II am your friend, aren tI?Let me will you 或 may I Let me help you, may I?Let sshall weLet sgo for a walk, shall we?let us will youLet us do it by ourselve

4、s, will you?Let 接第三人称will youLet him come in, will you?感 句Isn t it/arenWhat?fine weather, isn tit?否认的祈使句Will youDontmake a noise, will / can you?can you表示邀 ,will youCome here, will you?wontyou/ 求的祈使句Turn off the light, will you?would youwill you 、can you、表示告 人做某would youStop talking, can you?事的祈使句ca

5、ntyou、Write down the new words, will you / wontyou?wontyou : / 4、谓语不一致的若干状况以下(需切记):前谓语后谓语例句have (有 )have 或 doMary has two brothers, doesntshe / hasntshe?have (有 )与陈说He hasntalot of time, has he?部分一致have 不做 “有”用 doThey all have a good time, dontthey?have to用 do 或 haveWe have to get up early,dontwe /

6、haventwe?have got to用 haveWe have got to answer all the questions,haventwehad better用 should 或We had better go right now, shouldn twe / hadntwehadmaymay 主语 + notThey may be here next week, may they not?must(一定 )用 needntYou must do it today, needntyou?must(应当 )用 mustntI must study hard, mustntI?mustn

7、t用 must 或 mayYou mustnttalk like that, must you?实义动 need和 dear用 doHe needs help,doesnthe?神态动 need和 dear用 need和 dearHe dare not say so, dare he?neednt用 need或 mustHe needntdo that, must he?“would rather + 动词原形 ”用 wouldnt Youdlike to have some bananas,wouldntyou?“ wouldlike to + 动词原形 ”“ oughtto + 动词原用

8、oughtn t或形”shouldn t We ought to go there,shouldn twe?“ usedto +didn t+主语 ”He used to live in London, usednthe / didn the?动词原形 ”usednt主语 ”5、句中有 seldom, hardly, no, not, never, few, little, nothing, nobody, nowhere等能否认句 ,疑问部分一定采纳一定形式:Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?He is hardly able to swim,

9、is he?There is little ink in your pen, is there?反义疑问句练习题一 选择题1.Linda ate nothing this morning, _?A. didn t sheB. was sheC. did sheD. wasn t she2.There s hardly milk in the bottle, _there?A. no, isn tB. some, isC. little, isn t D. any, is3.He has never ridden a horse before, _?A. does heB. has heC. h

10、asn t heD. doesn t he4.Everything seems all right, _ ?A. does itB. don t theyC. won t itD. doesn t it5.They have no time to visit the museum, _?A. do theyB. haven t theyC. don t theyD. will they6.He dislikes the two subjects, _ he?A. doesB. doesn tC. isD. isn t7.These tools are useless now, _ ?A. ar

11、e theyB. aren t theyC. is itD. isn t it8.Let s go there by bus, _?A. will youB. shall weC. don t youD. will you9.Let us go to play football, _?A. will youB. shall weC. do weD. are we10. Don t forget to give Polly some food and change her water, _?A. will youB. shall weC. won t youD. do you11. Pass m

12、e the dictionary, _? Yes, with pleasure.A. would youB. will youC. won t youD. wouldn t you12. There is little water in the glass, _?A. isn t thereB. isn t itC. is itD. is there二 填空题1The pen is yours,_ _?2Lucy likes English, _ _?3Your sister helped him, _ _?4Tony is talking to his mother, _ _?5Your brother can t swim,_ _?6It s very hot today,_ _?7He can speak Chinese,_ _?8Meimei studies in the middle school,_ _?9He never gets up late._ _?10Don t go out at night,_ _?11He never loves cold weather,_ _



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