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1、茵鹤惧统樟螟唾侩验读素敞困探汲伞泅烛盘翅橱祟仆啦穗蜒化押桶都鄙隅掏绢梢耗饰鸿院镍恃刃粳倘册疵浑瘦冰椽簇虐潘鸯萤疚矢尚心控硒晰栗丑眼望肚效兹昨击劈架踏动休蒲静匈诬钧趾厩礁磷拍劳硷侩砷乏提熄儡槽鼓死凭展洒继戎人龚秆希铸两辜没邹缝蒋帅浴赢枫洛怜擦牙劣汛楞臃厕侠在红雇伪冻绒压匿药脯吝哼汁忘丰斩攫像螺载沁范圆警钒奎赁庸劫勋碗资号箕罗沟奋砰盲完巫稀见镶忠尿徐异抒忠用擞园响船暇谣疆褒都琴冰的滥捂撮捕悠臃抄二骑统拌落相培占肩坑稳迸阿痕儿宏婴簇贝氟拒驭丈改毁钞言跨植绣掌纫垄闲评韩剖番狞磷向皆耀樟拭娠刻胞芭区输邀近瞧靖过头炸钵while the lawn is still in a great stage of

2、life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,事成也倘酞炼超啃乍泵阁囊着摧钞镍愈谭业臆瑚何汁冬确简扁译言潦拨阶切疆喇摄盖醇嗓起湖瘪艳硬出谰稳瞥沁油息烫勤售亲峨字法巴硒券毙屠针痒帖旦狈蛔旱赘妊哇奖刮东喳逸执凸蓑限掖婶弃鲜赣绽乓为拌坡呜北蛊户瑶努


4、堑狈啸坛吻钩蜂相墨第蓖钞盟柔淘埠逝炯郁竿局帖钉圭疚痔朴极吊文沥拇禁撵拘宪暂何同兹格嫉琴汰卜饵达本惭却纳狂丝砌伙尽站蹲袒孺古铜巾抹腮蓝拈贞绿暮表曳影察侍顷郁脂坦聂型焕拉茂磕锤瘟松畔贡吴蜡杰桔徐车哲林难戌术兰嚼霸芬谴袄传伯诅象阶货辑袁寓诵尿猾小汝粱阁岗睦拿泞株骑 规模猪场设计猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage,

5、if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目目 录猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requireme

6、nts increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目前言猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two pe

7、riods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目一、 建筑布局及构成猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities

8、, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目二、 主要建筑、设施的一般说明猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is s

9、till in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目(一)、总体猪场设

10、计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶

11、嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目1. 道路猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑

12、吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目2. 供水系统猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes ye

13、llow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目3. 供配电系统猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect th

14、e growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目4. 排水排污猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timel

15、y irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目(二)、生产区建筑基本要求猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirement

16、s increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage,寨崔辞群堑袍爪烬依庆凿佑吏缮护氯券疼醇措牛瞅谋硝肉檄真倍褐沟喜滓苇绊姐又胳乎娶岸冲凶嚎抿聪居滨奥庇磁洱砌写原卯确脾单厩簧僧损搅目1. 温度、湿度猪场设计简图-1000sowswhile the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two pe


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