2023年UnitSection ⅢWord powerGrammar and usage学业分层测评2.doc

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1、学业分层测评.单项填空1 every member has arrived,lets get down to the plan for the next five years.ANow that;work outBBecause;work outCSince;working outDFor;working out【解析】句意:既然每一个人都来了,让我们开始制订我们的下一个五年计划。get down to开始做,to为介词,故其后接动名词形式,可排除A、B项;for不能位于句首引导从句。【答案】C2I have been convinced that the print media are us

2、ually more and more reliable than television.AaccurateBridiculousCurgentDshallow【解析】accurate精确的;ridiculous可笑的,滑稽的;urgent紧急的;shallow浅的,肤浅的。根据句意“我确信印刷的媒体信息常常会比电视更准确、更可靠。”可知选A。【答案】A3My friend showed me round the town, was very kind of him.AwhichBthatCwhereDit【解析】句意:我的朋友真不错,他带我绕城转了一圈。was前没主语,排除where;it不

3、能引导定语从句,排除D项;that不引导非限制性定语从句,排除B项,故选A项。【答案】A4Please get up early, youll miss the first train.AandBbutCbecauseDotherwise【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:请早起床,否则会错过第一班列车。otherwise 否则,要不然。【答案】D5Mr.White expressed his hope that he would look forward the city and the people there once again.Ato visit;seeingBto visiting;see

4、ingCvisiting;to seeDto visit;see【解析】本题考查的是短语look forward to的用法。要注意短语中的to是一个介词,后面接名词、代词或者动词的ing形式。【答案】B6 and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.ASurprisingBSurprisedCBeing surprisedDTo be surprising【解析】所填选项与happy并列,应看作形容词,说明主语的状态,A、D两项都表示主动意义,意为“令人吃惊的”,C项表示原因,意义不当。surprised看作形容词,表示“吃惊的”。【答案】B

5、7It was not until I came here I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.AwhoBthatCwhereDbefore【解析】句意:直到我来到这里我才意识到这个地方不仅因为它的美丽而闻名,还因它的天气而闻名。句中的not until结构有两种句型:it is/was not until.that.强调句型;not until.部分倒装句。分析本题句式可知B项正确。【答案】B8It is of a person to carry out the promi

6、se once he commits himself to.AconsciousBresponsibleCconfidentDconsiderable【解析】考查形容词词义。句意:履行诺言的人当然是负责任的人。【答案】B9Who is the patient?Maybe his sister.Ataking careBlooking forCjoining inDattending on【解析】attend (on/upon/to) 伺候、看护、照料。A应为take care of;B应为look after。【答案】D10We should hold a meeting to decide

7、who should be sent to the project.Atake advantage ofBtake control ofCtake advantageDtake control【解析】take advantage of利用;take control of操纵,控制,管理。句意:我们应该举行会议来决定派谁去管理这个项目。【答案】B.完形填空 【导学号:22380035】Several years ago I noticed something strange:people seemed to be smiling at me more often. 1 ,during my yo

8、ung adult years people had never smiled at me that much.They would look at me for only a second and move away their 2 altogether.Once in a while they would 3 or say “hi” to me but more often they said 4 at all.All that seemed to 5 as I got older,though.For some 6 reason people were suddenly greeting

9、 me with a 7 smile when I walked past them.Their eyes seemed to 8 up brightly when they said “hello” to me and many times they would even 9 to chat happily with me for a few minutes.At first I didnt know what 10 had happened to me.Had the whole world suddenly gotten kinder without 11 me?Then one day

10、 when I was walking alone in a store,the 12 came to me.At that moment I walked by a display of 13 and saw that I had the 14 expression on my face.I had been smiling without even knowing it.All of a sudden,I 15 that I was the one who had really changed.I had grown so much in love and joy.And it was t

11、he light shining from my own soul that others 16 back to me,we are all mirrors in this life.We all 17 each others light out of their souls.We all help each other to become a good 18 that we were meant to be when we were born.May you reflect every kindness and joy that you 19 in this world.And may yo

12、ur own soul always 20 brightly as well.Thus you will always be happy.【语篇解读】曾经人们不喜欢和作者打招呼,就更不用说聊天说话了,但是随着作者长大,人们的态度有了较大的变化,作者惊讶于人们对他态度的变化,而最后作者发现是自己内心的变化,而导致了人们对其态度的变化,所以说,当你对现实不满的时候,请先反思一下自己1A.BesidesBHoweverCThereforeDOtherwise【解析】与上文是转折关系,前面说人们几年前经常对我笑,但是在我年轻时,人们从不向我笑那么多。【答案】B2A.eyesBheadsCfeetDle

13、gs【解析】由前文的look at me可知,他们自然是把目光移开。【答案】A3A.nodBlaughCshoutDwhisper【解析】他们只是偶尔冲我点点头或简单地打个招呼“hi”,但是从不对我说任何事情。【答案】A4A.somethingBanythingCnothingDeverything【解析】参照上题。【答案】C5A.remainBchangeCfadeDreturn【解析】所有上文所提到的情况随着我年龄的长大似乎都变了,change表示改变。【答案】B6A.possibleBspecialCfamiliarDterrible【解析】因为某个特殊的原因,人们突然开始问候我了。sp

14、ecial “特殊的”。【答案】B7A.coldBbitterCwarmDfunny【解析】a warm smile“温情的微笑”。【答案】C8A.pickBgrowCkeepDlight【解析】light up“变得喜悦”,指的是人们和我打招呼的时候,眼睛都变得喜悦。【答案】D9A.moveBstopCcontinueDprefer【解析】stop to do“停下来做某事”,有时人们甚至停下来和我聊天;chat聊天。【答案】B10A.on purposeBin factCin detailDon earth【解析】on earth,“究竟”,作者不明白究竟发生了什么事。【答案】D11A.contactingBunderstandingCinformingDwarning【解析】inform“告诉”;整个世界都变得更加善良了吗?但是没有告诉我啊!这里指的是作者不知道,不习惯,不适应。【答案】C12A.answerBideaCthoughtDsecret【解析】作者终于知道了人们对他态度改变的原因(答案)。【答案】A13A.toysBpaintingsCshelvesDmirrors【解析】



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