Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊

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1、Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊【New words and expressions】 生词和短语prize adj. 珍贵的,宝贵的可以表示“珍贵的,宝贵的”的词包括:prize, valuable, precious, cherishable, dearEg.: Mary has got a prize lamb.The cat is prize to the old lady.vt.珍视,珍惜Mother prizes her best china.母亲珍藏着她的最好的瓷器。卄prize security above all else 安

2、全第一 a prized collection of books(自 己)珍视的藏书precious adj宝贵的,珍贵的,贵重的,珍爱的He has sent me most precious gifts.他送给我极其珍贵的礼物。矫揉造作的She was a precious, old-fashioned lady in her 90s.她是一个 90 多岁的、过分讲究的旧式老太 太。adv.口很,非常 Precious few people can afford prices like that没有什么人出得起那个价钱valued adj经估价的,贵重的,尊贵的,尊重的,宝贵的a valu

3、ed friend被尊重的朋友valued opinion宝贵的意见valued possession宝贵财产 cherished a.珍爱的;珍视的cherished memories / mome nts / frie ndstie v. 拴,系tie sth to 1 .把拴在上 Eg: I tie the dog to a tree He tied the parcel.他捆上包裹。 打结;系上This is a rope too heavy to tie.这是一根重得不能打结的绳子。2. 与有联系 Eg: He is tied to his familyFamily ties hav

4、e kept him from success .家庭束缚使他没有成功。3. n. 领带;关系(强调血缘关系)theft n. 偷盗行为,偷盗案Eg.: He reports the theft to the police.He was arrested for theft .他因盗窃而被送进了监狱。There have been several thefts in this area.这一地区发生了几起盗窃案。commit a theft 行窃 theft of state property 盗窃国家资材accuse v. 指控;指责, 谴责; 控告We accused him of tak

5、i ng bribes.我们控告他受贿。accuse sb of doing sth 因为某事指控某人,指控某人做了某事Eg.: He accused his neighbour of stealing his bicycle.charge sb with doing sthaccuse比charge语意弱:accuse强调严厉的指责” charge强调控告”deny v. 否认deny doing sth. 否认做了某事He denied stealing the lamb. He denied the truth.deny sb. nothing 百依百顺Eg: He denies his

6、 wife nothingdeny on eself :克制自己Eg: On some occasions we must deny ourselves.the accused【律】被告,刑事被告Man ofte n accuses n ature for his own misfortunes .人类常把自身的不幸归罪于天。They accused him of taki ng bribes.他们控告他受贿。ashamed adj. 感到羞耻,惭愧, 惭愧的, 羞耻的, 害臊的Her husba nd felt ashamed at her behavior.她丈夫为她的行为感到害臊。be

7、ashamed of v.感到羞愧,惭愧He is ashamed of being a dustman. shameful:可耻的The theft is shameful. shameless:无耻的The thief is a shameless pers on.apologize v.道歉 You forgot to apologize.你忘记道歉了。apologize to sb. (for sth. ) 向某人为某事(为做了某事)道歉apologize to sb. 向某人道歉apologize to sb. for doi ng sth.向某人为某事(为做了某事)道歉apolog

8、y n. 道歉, 认错, 愧悔Im afraid I was rather bad-tempered yesterday; I think I owe you an apology. 恐怕我昨天的脾气不怎么好, 我认为应该向你道歉。I have come to apologize to you.我是来向您道歉的。I must apologize for the untidy state of the room.屋子这么不整洁,实在抱歉。I must apologize for calling you so late.实在抱歉,这么晚给您打电话。dye v.染;给上色;着色Dye the clo

9、th black.Black will dye over other colours .黑色能把大多数其他颜色盖住。【课文讲解】in the tiny village of.在一个小小的山村in the big city of Beijingin the beautiful city of Parisprize possession 最珍贵的财产possession: 所有物Eg: What I possess is valuable/ My possessions are valuable. 我所拥有的一切都很值钱。 belonging:随身携带物(通常是用复数形式)Please take

10、care of your belongings.keep:使处于某种状态keep 后的复合宾语(宾语补足语)可以是形容词、介词短语、分词keep 和过去分词搭配做宾语补足语,过去分词和宾语之间是逻辑上的动宾关系。I keep my windows closed.宾语补足语和宾语是主谓关系,那么宾语补足语是现在分词结构I kept the boy standing outside.fetch 去取回来=9。to get itIt is obvious / evide nt that.显而易见set out to do sth. 开始着手做某事it would not prove difficul

11、t, 是不难做到的prove 是连系动词,作“证明是”讲,本句子与 it would not be difficult 相同。tell sb. about sth. 把某事告知某人Eg.: He told the police about the theft.acquire vt.获得,得到,养成学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等)The company has recently acquired new offices in central London. 公司最近在伦敦市中心弄到了新的办公室。We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of

12、English . 我们必须用功学习才能精通英语。 We must cherish experie nee acquired at the cost of blood.我们必须珍惜用鲜血换来的经验。 AIDS=Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺损综合症, 爱滋病; acquisition n.获得,得至UThe children progressed in the acquisition of basic skills. 孩子们在掌握基本技术方面取得了进步。获得者,获得物He is a valuable acquisition to our f

13、irm.他是我们公司新来的得力雇员。or: 否则, 要不然Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.把热度调低吧,要不蛋糕就要糊了。Eg.: He cant be ill or he wouldnt have come.常和else连用否则,要不然or else: (口语)否则Make haste, or (else) youll be late.快点,要不然就来不及了。Eg: Your room is so dirty. Clear it promptly, or else.The book must be here, or else youve l

14、ost it.书一定在这,要不然就是你把它丢了。 用以表示威胁Youd better give me the ballor else!你最好把球给我不给的话!It is true that., but. 诚然, 但是Eg.: It is true that the work is hard, but well finish it ahead.ashamed of having acted so rashly, .其前省略了 being,现在分词结构(形容词结构)做状 语,此处相当于原因状语,放在主句前后均可。Angry at everybody here, he left suddenly.A

15、nxious for a quick decision, he called his friends.Nervous, the man opened the letter.rash n.发疹,疹子adj.太急速的;鲁莽的;轻率的Dont bg rash in making your decision.别轻率做出决定。be rash enough 胆敢 rash advance 冒进wool n.羊毛 cashmere k免 mio n.开司米;山羊绒 down n.羽绒;绒毛;duck down鸭绒 wash off (使)清除掉,清洗掉 No, thick black ink like that wont wash off easily.不行,那 样的黑墨水不容易洗汁洒在衣服上了e知道能否把它洗掉clothes, and Im not sure if I can



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