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1、西餐厅英语1、自助早餐从7;00AM 到11;00AM ¥48/位加15% 服务费。 The buffet breakfast is RMB48/per person plus 15% service charge, and the service hour is from 7:00am till 11:00am.2、自助晚餐从6:00PM到9:00PM,¥98/位加15服务费。 The buffet dinner is RMB98/per person plus 15 service charge, and the service hour is from 18:00 till 21:003

2、、西餐配有24小时的客房送餐服务。 24 hours room service provided by the western restaurant. 4、请问喜欢吃自助餐还是散点。 Would you prefer A La Carte or buffet?5、请问喜欢喝点什么饮品?我们有啤酒、汽水或果汁。 What kind of drinks would you prefer? Beer, juice or other soft drinks?6、请问几位? How many persons, please?7、请问有预定吗? Do you have a reservation?8、请问

3、喜欢哪个位置? Where do you prefer to sit?9、请问有早餐劵吗? Do you have breakfast coupon?10、实在对不起,现在餐厅已经客满,如果您愿意等会儿的话,我们非常欢迎。 I am afraid the tables are all engaged at the moment, Sir/Madam, would you mind to wait for a while?(engage:忙于;engagement:订婚;约定)11、谢谢,您就在大堂吧那边坐着等会儿好吗?如果一有空桌,马上请您入座. Could you take a seat i

4、n the lobby bar for a while and I will inform you when a table is free?12、很对不起,先生/太太,让您久等了。 I am very sorry to have kept you waiting, Sir/Madam。13、您喜欢吸烟区还是无烟区 ? Do you smoke, Sir/Madam?14、请问喜欢喝咖啡还是茶 ? Would you prefer tea or coffee?15、您介意和别人同桌吗? Would you mind sharing a table?16、对不起,您跟那位先生/小姐合用一张台好吗

5、? Would you mind sharing a table with that gentleman/Lady?17、您等您朋友之前是否喝杯饮品呢? Would you like to have a drink while waiting for your friend?18、请问我现在可以帮您点单吗?May I take your order now?19、请问您喜欢吃点什么? What kind of food would you like to have?20、请问您点的牛扒喜欢几成熟呢?,半熟、七成、或全熟。 How would you like your steak done,

6、Sir/Madam, medium, medium well or well done?21、您的牛扒喜欢配什么汁呢?配饭还是配意粉,薯条,焗薯,炒薯。我们有黑椒汁,红酒汁,蘑菇汁,洋葱汁。 What kind of dressing would you prefer with your steak?We have black paper sauce, red wine sauce, mushroom sauce, onion sauce, Would you like to have your steak with rice, French fries, baked potatoes or

7、spaghetti? 22、我可以重复一下您的点单吗?您点的是。 May I repeat your order now?23、还需要我为您做什么吗?还有其他需要吗? Anything else? Sir/Madam24、早上好/中午好/晚上好,有什么可以帮到您吗? Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam, what can I do for you?25、请稍等。 Just a moment, please.26、我想在房间用餐。 I want to have dinner in my room.27、您的早餐在20分钟之内送到。 Your bre

8、akfast will be delivered in 20 minutes.28、如需收餐,请打电话1到送餐部。 Please dial “1 for collecting the used dishes。29、可以收餐吗? May I collect the used dishes?30、要不要加多一瓶啤酒呢? Excuse me, sir/madam? Would you like one more beer, 31、我可以帮您把这个收走吗 Can I take this away? Sir/madam?32、您想要哪种啤酒呢? What kind of beer would you l

9、ike to have? Sir/madam?33、你们要开一张帐单,还是分单付帐? Would you like to have one check or separate checks?34、请问现在可以为您结帐吗? May I settle your bill now?35、您打算如何付款呢?签单,付现,还是信用卡。 How would you like to pay for your bill? By cash or by credit card?36、可以给我开发票吗? May I have the receipt?37、这是您的找钱和发票 This is your charge a

10、nd receipt。38、客人:可以入房帐吗? 服务员:当然可以,请在这里签名,并写上房号,我可以看看您的房卡吗? Guest:Can you put it on my room bill? Waiter: Yes, certainly, Sir/Madam。 Please put your name and sign room number here。 May I have your room key please?39、先生/女士,您在前台交的押金余额不足,麻烦您付现或者是刷卡可以吗? Excuse me, Sir/Madam, your room deposit balance bec

11、ome insufficient now, could you pay cash or settle by credit card now?40、不好意思,您的签名模式跟前台登记时的签名模式不一样,麻烦您重新签一下可以吗? Excuse me, sir/madam; could you please sign the bill again? As your signature(签名) is different from the registration(登记) record(记录)。41、请在这里签名好吗? Sign here, please。42、对不起,我不明白,我帮你转到大堂副理处可以吗

12、? I am sorry, Sir。 I cant understand, can I transfer your phone to the assistant(辅助的) manager?43、对不起,这种酒不卖零杯,如果想喝一杯红酒,我们有99长城红或者有小支的红酒。 Sorry Sir, this wine does not sell by glass, we have 99 year Great Wall selling by glass or you may choose the small bottle red wine。44、真对不起,这个菜需要一定的时间。 I am afraid

13、 this dish will take some more time to prepare.45、实在对不起,我马上为您重做。 I am sorry , Sir/Madam, I will change it for you now。46、现在可以上点心了吗? Can I bring your dessert(餐后甜点) for you now?47、现在要还是等一会儿 Would you like to have it now or later?48、给您女儿换张高椅子好吗? Can we offer a stool for your daughter?49、这些甜食(水果)是免费赠送的. The dessert (fruit) is complimentary。 I hope you will enjoy it.50、谢谢请慢走,欢迎下次光临。Thank you for you coming。 Hope to see you next time。52、对不起,恐怕这个要额外付费。Im afraid, You should pay it extra。53、这咖啡是为您免费提供的。The coffee is free for you.


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