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3、诚心祝福公司在今后的开展旅途中步步为赢、蒸蒸日上!公司领导及各位同事工作顺当!此致敬礼辞职人:xxx年x月x日Dear leaders:Hello!I regret that I officially resigned from the company at this time.First of all, I am very grateful to Yuhua for giving me a good internship opportunity. I am gratefupany for its trust and care for me. I am gratefupany for givi

4、ng me a platform for personal advantage. During the companys n montpany gave me a lot of nurturing. I learned a lot and improved a lot. At the same time, I also saw the cruelty of social competition. But because I didnt get what I wanted in the company, whether it was spiritual or material, I regret

5、 to submit my resignation to the company here. Yu Yuehua has been n-months old. Although he has been a bit saddened, after many considerations, I still intend to resign.In the past few days, I have carefully reviewed the work situation during the past few months. During my work, I worked hard to pro

6、mote the development of the company. I have always focused on the interests of the company. In this n-month work, I Learned a lot of things, both in terms of professional skills and people, thank the company leaders for my care and cultivation.In the company, I dont get the treatment that I think I

7、should value, but I deeply feel that my ability is limited, I cant meet the requirements of the company, and my ability is not enough in all aspects of the companys needs. Therefore, he now resigns to the company and hopes the company can understand it.Thanks again to the company for giving me good

8、opportunities for environmental work and learning. I promise that I will not make any detrimental to the interests of the mission company after Ipany, nor will I disclose the situation inside the company. I sincerely hope that the company will continue to win and thrive in the future development jou

9、rney! Company leaders and colleagues are doing a good job!SincerelysaluteResigner:xxtime:xxx实习生英文辞职信敬重的公司领导:您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的辞职信。非常感谢,公司给了我一个如此难得的实习时机,在实习期间,公司领导及同事对我的帮助和照看、公司同等的人际关系和开明的工作作风,让我倍感温馨。经过这段时间在公司的实习,我在公司业务领域学到了许多学问,积累了肯定的阅历,并对我所学的专业有了更深刻的体会,对此我深表感谢。很愧疚的是,在这段时间里,我没有为公司创立多大的价值,假设以后有时机,

10、我肯定用我所学、尽我所能为公司创立价值。在贵公司的工作经验带给了我许多开心的记忆,也带给我人生阅历的增长,很缺憾的是,由于xxx,这个暑假无法接着在贵公司实习,我已打算好在x月x号辞职从公司离职,并且在这段时间里完成工作交接,以削减因我的离职而给公司带来的不便。在公司的这段经验于我而言特别珍贵。将来无论什么时候,我都会为自己曾经是贵公司的实习生而感到荣幸。我确信在公司的这段工作经验将是我整个职业生涯开展中相当重要的一局部。最终,祝公司领导和全部同事身体健康、工作顺当!此致敬礼!辞职人:xxx年x月x日Dear management:Hello! First of all thank you f

11、or taking the time to read my resignation letter.I am very grateful that the company gave me such a rare internship opportunity. During the internship, the company leaders and colleagues help and care for me, the companys equal interpersonal relationship and open-minded work style made me feel warm.

12、 After this period of internship in the company, I learned a lot of knowledge in the companys business field, accumulated a certain amount of experience, and had a deeper understanding of what I have learned. I am deeply grateful for this. I am very sorry that during this time, I did not create mucp

13、any. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will use what I have learned and do my best to create value for the company.The work experience in your company has brought me a lot of happy memories and also brought me the growth of my life experience. Unfortunately, because of xxx, I cant continue

14、 my internship in your company during this summer vacation. Im ready for the x-month x Resigned from the company to leave the job, and during this time to complete the transfer of work in order to reduce the inconvenience caused to my company due to my departure.This experience in the company is ver

15、y precious to me. In the future, I will be honored to be an intern for your company. I am convinced that this work experience in the company will be a very important part of my entire career development.Finally, I wish the company leadership and all colleagues good health and smooth work!Sincerelysalute!Resigner:xxtime:xxx实习生英文辞职信敬重的.公司领导:您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的辞职书。我是怀着非常困难的心情写这封辞职信的。自我进入公司实习之后,由于您对我的关切、指导和信任,使我获得了许多机遇和挑战。经过这段时间在公司的工作,我在公司业务领域学到了许多学问,积累了肯定的阅历,对此我深表感谢。在贵公司实习的这一段时间里!我学到了许多,我九月3号开学,所以准备接着回去接着我的学业,为此,我进行了长时间的思索,确定辞去这份实习工作!为了不因为我的离去的缘由而影响到贵公司的开展进度,经过深思熟虑之后我确定辞去目前在公司和项目组所担当的



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