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1、石嘴山市英语五年级上学期期末模拟试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选出不同类的一项(10分) (共5题;共10分)1. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . bagB . penC . monkeyD . book2. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . FridayB . WednesdayC . cat3. (2分) 找出不同类的单词 A . playB . watchC . washD . photos4. (2分) 找出不同类的单词 A . MondayB . WednesdayC . w

2、eekendD . Thursday5. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . wardrobeB . tableC . bedroomD . always二、 选词填空,注意大小写。(10分) (共1题;共10分)6. (10分) 读读,选出适当的单词完成短文A. with B. Because C. sunshine D. gardenE. study F. likes G. have H. facesThe Chens _ a new home. They are very happy _ their new home. Sally Chen _ the living room. _

3、 its big and it _ south. There are a lot of _. And Mr Chen likes the _. Because its quiet. He can read books there. Peter and Paul like the _. They can play in it all day.三、 单选题(20分) (共10题;共20分)7. (2分) We can see many in the computer lab. A . computersB . computerC . some computers8. (2分) What are y

4、ou_? Im drawing a picture.A . doingB . doC . does9. (2分) The pig is very _. A . thinB . fatC . black10. (2分) are they? Are they in the classroom? A . WhoB . WhereC . What11. (2分) There_ a pen and two books on the table. A . is B . are12. (2分) Winter is . What do you have for winter? A . hot B . cold

5、13. (2分) (2019五上新会月考) Its _ in August in Jiangmen. A . warmB . coldC . sunny14. (2分) Im sorry_ hear that. A . aboutB . onC . to15. (2分) Its time _ go to school! A . forB . inC . to16. (2分) Give me a rubber, please.A . B . 四、 对号入座(15分) (共1题;共15分)17. (15分) 选择合适的答语。A. Its D.B. Nice to meet you,too.C. I

6、ts brown.D. I have three.E. My pencil box is green.(1) What colour is it?_(2) Whats this?_(3) Nice to meet you._(4) How many rulers do you have?_(5) What colour is your pencil box?_五、 按要求完成下列各题 (15分) (共5题;共15分)18. (3分) He can make a puppet.(改为否定句)He_ _a puppet.19. (3分) 把下列单词翻译成中文或者英文。 (1) green pepp

7、er _(2) 茄子_(3) 土豆 _(4) tomato _(5) watermelon _(6) 菠萝 _(7) this _(8) that _(9) 喜欢 _(10) show _ 20. (3分) He catches bad people.(变为否定句) 21. (3分) Whats wrong with you? (用咳嗽回答) 22. (3分) Who is she?六、 选择合适的选项补全对话。(15分) (共1题;共15分)23. (15分) 补全对话。A.What about my toy bear?B.Is it on your bed?C.No, it isnt.Al

8、ice:Mum,where is my car? Is it in the toy box?Mum:_ Its in the desk.Alice:Oh,thanks._Mum:_Alice:Oh,yes,it is.七、 阅读短文,判断正误。(15分) (共1题;共15分)24. (15分) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Bai Ling was happy yesterday. Because it was her fathers birthday. She boughtgifts for him. And they took pictures in the park. In the afte

9、rnoon, they ate delicious food. Bai Ling has a pen pal. He is Pat. He lives in the US. Yesterday he came here. He sang and danced. Oh, he also bought gifts. We had a good time.(1) Yesterday it was birthday. A . Bai Lings mothersB . Bai LingsC . Bai Lings fathers(2) Bai Ling bought for her father. A

10、. giftsB . booksC . cakes(3) Bai Ling with her father in the park. A . took picturesB . went fishingC . went boating(4) lives in the US. A . Bai Lings fatherB . PatC . Bai Ling(5) In the afternoon, Bai Ling . A . went shoppingB . watched TVC . ate delicious food第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、 选出不同类的一项(10分) (共5题;共

11、10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 选词填空,注意大小写。(10分) (共1题;共10分)6-1、三、 单选题(20分) (共10题;共20分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、四、 对号入座(15分) (共1题;共15分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、五、 按要求完成下列各题 (15分) (共5题;共15分)18-1、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、19-7、19-8、19-9、19-10、20-1、21-1、22-1、六、 选择合适的选项补全对话。(15分) (共1题;共15分)23-1、七、 阅读短文,判断正误。(15分) (共1题;共15分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、


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