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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2测试卷所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Why dont we put the piano the wall? That will make the room look bigger.AthroughBagainstCover2、-Look! The man at the gate be our headmaster. The headmaster stands

2、there every morning.-No, it be him. He is holding a meeting.Amust; cantBmust; mustntCcant; cantDcant; mustnt3、Miss Wang told us noise in the library.Ato makeBnot to makeCmakeDnot make4、If you have any questions, please _free to e-mail me at YH163. com.Afeel Bfeeling Cto feel5、-What a bad day I have

3、today!- Everyone has one of those days when goes right.AanythingBeverythingCsomethingDnothing6、The inventor of the Braille writing system called Louis died of TB at the age of 43.Aof 43 Baged 43 Cwhen he was 43 Da forty-three-year old7、When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his _ and ha

4、d a bad fallAmemory Bchance Cbalance Dplace8、1 didnt mean to trouble Curry yesterday. It was pouring with rain so I his offer of a lift.ArefusedBreceivedCallowedDaccepted9、- What smells terrible, Tom?- Sorry. Ill my socks and wash them at once.Atake away Bput away Cthrow away Dkeep away10、I didnt kn

5、ow Miss Yang was years old until she told me about that.AfiftyBfiftiesCfiftieth. 完形填空11、One of Americans favorite foods is hamburgers. 1 are hamburgers welcome in America? Because most Americans live a fast-paced (快节奏的) life and they dont want to 2 much time cooking. In addition (另外), 3 are not expe

6、nsive (昂贵的).The best 4 to buy hamburgers is the fast food restaurant. There people 5 their food and wait (等待) for a few minutes 6 their food is ready. They can 7 the food there or take it home or somewhere else. In fast food restaurants, people can also buy 8 foods, such as chicken and ice-cream.Now

7、 hamburgers are 9 in China. Many people love to eat them. But remember eating too many hamburgers is not good 10 health.1AWhen BWhy CWhere DHow2Apay Buse Cspend Dtake3Anoodles Bcakes Csalads Dhamburgers4Aidea Bplace Ctime Dway5Aorder Bput Cenjoy Dleave6Aso Bafter Cbefore Dbecause7Aeat Bbuy Cfind Dco

8、ok8Athe others Bthe other Cothers Dother9Aspecial Bpopular Cimportant Ddelicious10Ato Bat Cfor Dwith. 语法填空12、Champion Swim Club 1(found) in 2006 by former World Cup Swimming Champion Ms. Vivian Wang and is the first competitive organization for expats children and adults in Shanghai. The club 2(prov

9、ide) a structured program focused on the long-term development of its swimmers. Members will be assessed and given the opportunity3(train) with swimmers of a similar standard and level under the supervision of 4(lead) internationally experienced swimming coaches.So far, we5(create) a program that ca

10、ters to swimmers of all ages and abilities. In addition to ensuring proper technique and conditioning, Swimmers6(place) in groups by the coaching staff after a stroke technique assessment session. The program has been designed by a world class coaching team that focuses on all of the elements and te

11、chniques that will result students maximizing their potential to enjoy and7(compete) at a competitive level.The coaching team comprises former World Cup Swimming Champion Vivian Wang as Head Coach and a number of highly experienced professional coaches will work together8 (provide) a developmental s

12、wimming program where there is avenue for advancement through to higher levels. The leader of the club said, “I think we9(do) some useful things. If everyone spread the spirit, there 10(be) more champions in China. ”. 阅读理解A13、Tigers are terrible animals, but a cat is a cute animal. As a mother, the

13、Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is just a tiger . Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (虎妈战歌), tells us how she gives her two children education. She says that being strict is the only way to train a childs talent. Her kids had to obey the following rules. To begin with, her kids werent allowe

14、d to watch TV or play computer games. Then, they were not allowed to “ hang out ” with other kids after school. They had to be the top students in their class. And they had to practice the piano and the violin for hours every day. Of course, she believes this has brought a lot of problems for hersel

15、f and her kids. But she doesnt mind because her kids have become great. Chua says, like her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot if theyre pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really cats. They care more about their childrens self-respect (自



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