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1、Shell命令的使用Table of contents 目录Table of contents 目录11SHELL简介22SHELL的使用22.1帮助命令22.2系统基本信息获取命令72.2.1版本命令72.2.2Show命令82.3常用检测命令82.3.1端口类82.3.2收发包类102.3.3程序调试类122.4检测芯片的命令122.4.1寄存器的访问122.4.2内存的访问162.4.3中断等其他命令202.5高级配置命令212.5.1Vlan管理命令212.5.2L2 命令222.5.3L3命令232.5.4Mirroring命令252.5.5Filtering252.5.6Spann

2、ing Tree Group Management252.6错误检测命令252.6.1Text252.6.2CONFig263REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文献261 shell简介shell即BCM Diagnostic Shell是一个普通的命令行解释器(CLI),它可以提供对嵌入了BCM交换芯片的嵌入式平台的一种精确控制作用。shell支持所有Broadcom交换芯片,并提供了对所有寄存器,内存和最高层API的直接访问功能。此外,由于shell支持交互和非交互两种模式,所以它可以嵌入到客户的设计中,以提供额外诊断服务。Shell命令可被分为六大类:1. 帮助命令:?,?,h

3、elp2. 系统基本信息获取命令:Version,show3. 常用检测命令:端口类: PORT,COMBO 收发包类: TX, PacketWatcher 程序调试类: Debug,DebugMod 4. 检测芯片的命令:寄存器的访问: Getreg,EditReg 等 内存访问:Dump, Write 等 中断管理:INTR5. 高级配置命令: VLAN, L2, L3 等 6. 错误检测命令: Test ,CONFig,等 2 Shell的使用以DCN DS45XX项目为例来说明shell的使用。2.1 帮助命令BCM.0 help /输入help命令得到shell中所有可用的命令共20

4、1条Help: Type help command for detailed command usageHelp: Upper case letters signify minimal matchCommands common to all modes: ? Display list of commands ASSert Assert BackGround Execute a command in the background. BCM Set shell mode to BCM. BCMX Set shell mode to BCMX. break place to hang a break

5、point CASE Execute command based on string match CD Change current working directory cint Enter the C interpreter CONFig Configure Management interface CONSole Control console options CoPy Copy a file CPUDB Update the CPU database CTEcho Send an echo request using CPUTRANS CTInstall Set up transport

6、 pointers in CPU transports CTSetup Modify the CPUTRANS setup DATE Set or display current date DBDump Dump the current StackTask CPUDB DBParse Parse a line of CPUDB dumped code DeBug Enable/Disable debug output DeBugMod Enable/Disable debug output per module DELAY Put CLI task in a busy-wait loop fo

7、r some amount of time DEVice Device add/remove DISPatch BCM Dispatch control. Echo Echo command line EDline Edit file using ancient line editor EXIT Exit the current shell (and possibly reset) EXPR Evaluate infix expression FLASHINIT Initialize on board flash as a file system FLASHSYNC Sync up on bo

8、ard flash with file system FOR Execute a series of commands in a loop Help Print this list OR usage for a specific command HISTory List command history IF Conditionally execute commands JOBS List current background jobs KILL Terminate a background job LOCal Create/Delete a variable in the local scop

9、e LOG Enable/Disable logging and set log file LOOP Execute a series of commands in a loop LS List current directory MKDIR Make a directory MODE Set shell mode MORe Copy a file to the console MoVe Rename a file on a file system NOEcho Ignore command line Pause Pause command processing and wait for in

10、put PRINTENV Display current variable list RCCache Save contents of an rc file in memory RCLoad Load commands from a file REBOOT Reboot the processor RM Remove a file from a file system RMDIR Remove a directory RPC Control BCM API RPC daemon. SAVE Write data to a file SET Set various configuration o

11、ptions SETENV Create/Delete a variable in the global scope SHell Invoke a system dependent shell SLeep Suspend the CLI task for specified amount of time TIME Time the execution of one or more commands Version Print version and build informationCommands for current mode: ADC Show MAX127 A/D Conversions AGE Set ESW hardware age



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