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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、- Do you love the poems by Li Qingzhao?- Yes, a little. But I prefer those by Du Fu because can cheer me up.Ait Bhe Cshe Dthey2、-I cant f

2、ind Mr. Crisp in the office. Do you know where _?-Oh, Mr. Crisp _ to New York for an important conference.Ahe is; has gone Bis he; has gone Che is; went Dis he; has been3、After the landslide in Shenzhen, he felt really _ because he didnt know whether his friend was _ or dead.Aworried; liveBworried;

3、aliveCworries; livingDworry; lively4、Its reported that China plans Hainan into a new free trade port by 2025.Abuild Bto build Cbuilding5、Not _that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.AeverythingBanythingCsomethingDnothing6、Jacks parents always encourage him _ out hi

4、s opinions.Aspeak Bspeaking Cto speak7、一WhichsongdoyoulikebetterMaria?一IpreferthesongManualofYouth_issungbyTFBOYSAwhoBwhomCwhichD/8、-If your parents wanted to have a _ child, would you agree?-Of course. But they should make it in _ yeas time.Asecond; second Btwo; two Csecond; two Dtwo;second9、The mo

5、vie is most exciting one and I expect to see it for second time.Athe; aBthe; theCa; theDa; a10、All the people in Zhenjiang need to work together to make our city more beautiful. Thats it. .AMany hands make light workBPractice makes perfectCWhen in Rome, do as the Romans doDA friend in need is a frie

6、nd indeed. 完形填空11、 One morning, my dad asked me to drive him to a faraway village and 1 later at 4 p.m. I parked our car at a nearby garage(修理厂). 2 several hours in between, I went to a theater. However, when the last movie finished, it was already six. I was two hours 3 !I guessed Dad would be 4 an

7、gry if he found out that I was late because I was watching a movie. So I decided not to tell him the 5 . When I picked him up, I apologized for being late, and I told him that the car had some major 6 . Ill never forget the 7 he gave me. “Im very unhappy that you feel you have to lie to me, Jason.”

8、Dad looked at me again. “When you didnt 8 , I called the garage to ask if there were any problems. They told me that you hadnt been there.” I felt ashamed(羞愧的) as I told him the real reason. After he listened to me, Dad said, “I realize Ive failed as 9 . Im going to walk home now and think about 10

9、Ive gone wrong all these years to make you lie to me.”“But Dad, its 19 11 !” My apologies were useless. Dad walked home that day. I 12 while following him, begging him all the way, but he walked anyway. 13 Dad in so much pain was unforgettable. However, it also taught me an important 14 . Since that

10、 time, I have never lied to 15 .1Awake him upBpick him upCgive him upDcheer him up2AWithBForCAsDBy3AfreeBabsentCsingleDlate4AfinallyBsuddenlyCreallyDheavily5AmovieBstoryCtruthDproblem6ArepairsBdecorationsCchangesDaccidents7AwordsBlookCpresentDoffer8Aturn aroundBturn outCturn downDturn up9Aa fatherBa

11、 gentlemanCa businessmanDan example10AwhyBwhereCwhenDwhether11AdollarsBmistakesCmilesDhours12AwalkedBranCthoughtDdrove13ASeeingBHearingCRememberingDLearning14AsuccessBlessonCexperienceDrule15AnothingBanythingCanyoneDsomeone. 语法填空12、A robot has started serving customers at a high-tech highway restaur

12、ant in Chongqing. After greeting customers at the gate, the robot 1 (name) Amy brings meals to customers. But 2 can a robot avoid walking into customers and the restaurants human staff while walking? In fact, Amy has 3 in-built navigation system (导航系统) that allows it to choose a proper way to reach

13、a customers table without any problem. Orders 4 (place) at two tables that double as big touch screens and customers can order food there or simply on their own phones 5 scanning QR code(二维码). After they have ordered their food, diners can pay using a mobile payment app 6 as Alipay or WeChat Pay. Wh

14、ile waiting for the orders, customers can use the special tables to play games, read some 7(news), and check the traffic and weather conditions for their journey ahead. The robot catches everybodys eyes with 8 (it) human-like appearance. It is really welcomed by customers and the restaurant 9 it not only cuts down much of business cost for the restaurant, but makes diners wait a much 10 (short) time. So the local government is trying to put them into use in the citys other service stations. 阅读理解A13、 My name is Linda. I was cute, active and



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