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1、形容词比较级和最高级专项练习一、 写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。fast _ _ wide _ _ easy _ _small_ _ large_ _ dirty_ _long _ _ rude _ _ busy_ _hot_ _ thin_ _ fat _ _few _ _ good_ _ little_ _badly_ _ far_ _ difficult_ _二、 用所给形容词和副词的适当形式填空。1. Which lesson is _ (difficult) in Book 2?2. Alice writes _(carefully ) than I.3. This stor

2、y is _( interesting) than that one.4. That was one of _( exciting) moments in 2008.5. This kind of food must be _ ( delicious )than that one.6. Beihai park is one of _ (beautiful ) parks in Beijing.7. Whos _(careful), Tom, Jim or Kate?8. That is _(easy) of all.9. He is _(clever )boy in the class.10.

3、 John is _( short) than Tom.11. She is _(pretty)girl in the group.12. Which film is _ (interesting),this one or that one?13. Can you show me_(near) shop here?14. This bridge is as _ ( long) as that one, but it is much _ (wide) than that one.15. I think English is one of _ (important )subjects in mid

4、dle school.16. I am only one year _ (young) than you.三、 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空限填一词。1、 这本书比那本书好多了。This book is _ _ _ that one.2、 这块月饼大,那块更大。This mooncake is _.That one is _.3、 吉姆比他班里任何其他的同学年龄都大。Jim is _ _ _ _ _ in his class.4、 所有铅笔中这支铅笔最长。The pencil is _ _ _ _.5、 在学校里我们英语老师最忙。Our English teacher is _ _ in our

5、 school.6、 两个男孩中李雷个子高些。Li Lei is _ _ _ the two boys.7、 这个问题更容易了,大家都能回答。The question is _ _.Everyone can answer it.8、 黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow River is _ _ _ river in China.9、 梅梅的帽子比苗苗的新。Meimeis hat is _ _ _.10 夏天上海比吉林热。In summer it is _ in Shanghai _ in Jilin.四、 单项选择。1._ of the two women is Mrs. Brown.

6、A. The beautiful B. The more beautiful C More beautiful D. The most beautiful2.He jumps _ of the three. A. far B. further C. farthest D. furthest3. There are _ girls in Class Two than in Class Four. A. more B. nicest C. most D. best4.No one is _ Mary in the class. A. as tallest as B. as taller as C.

7、 as high as D. as tall as5.The weather in Shenyang is even colder_. A. than that in Beijing B. than Beijing C. than in Beijing D. as that in Beijing 6.Peter is _ than his brother. A. more fatter B. much fatter C. very fat D. the fattest7.Whose sweater is _ of all? A. cheaper B. cheap C. cheapest D.

8、the cheapest8.Which month has _ days in a year? February. A. fewer B. more C. the fewest D. the most 9.The horse is getting old and cant run _ it did. A. as faster as B. so fast than C. faster D. so fast as 10.Everything is _ on the moon than on the earth. A. much more lighter B. much more light C.

9、more lighter D. much lighter参考答案: 一、略二、1 the most difficult 2 more carefully 3 more interesting 4 the most exciting 5 more delicious 6 the most beautiful 7 the most careful8 easiest 9 the cleverest 10 shorter 11 prettiest 12 more interesting13 the nearest 14 the most important三、1 much better than 2 bigger 3 older than any other student 4 the longest one of all 5 the busiest 6 little taller than 7 much easier 8 the second longest 9 newer than Miaomiaos 10 hotter than四、1-5 BCADC 6-10 BDCDD



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