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1、2023我们为什么都要学习英语我们为什么都要学习英语我的语言背景:深圳新移民 中粤英“三剑客As a northern immigrant that grew up in Shenzhen, my first language is Mandarin and the second language is Cantonese. I started to learn English as a foreign language since the years of primary school. Judging from how I have mastered the languages, I do

2、nt have barriers in Cantonese in terms of listening and reading, but have some issues in pronunciation that do not affect the communication; as of English, I have relatively superior aspects as in listening, speaking and reading, but it falls short in writing. Since I acquired Cantonese gradually in

3、 childhood, the learning process has been very vague in memory. Therefore, this discussion is mainly on my English acquisition process.从新奇到流利 英语学习路阻且长When first started learning English in class in first grade, I, like most Chinese children, had no particular motivation to learn it. It was just a su

4、bject in the school curriculum. From the original ignorance and curiosity about English, to now fluent communicate with others in English, I have not only paid a lot of effort in the more than fifteen years of learning process, but I also gained a lot of fun. In this article, I will divide my Englis

5、h acquisition process into two main stages and review them one by one.从小学到初中常用名词是重点The curriculum of English classes in Shenzhen is set from the beginning of first grade. In the beginning, lessons are mostly about names of common things in daily life (such as McDonalds food in English, etc.), and so

6、me English songs.一星期一堂英语课 学多少忘多少At that time, because there was only one English class a week, with too long interval between the two classes, and no corresponding practice, what had been learnt in the previous class was almost all forgotten in the next class. Also, at that time, English was not one

7、 of the core subjects and there was no pressure for exams, I did not put too much effort into learning English.Thus, although I was exposed to English in an early age, I didnt gain much in the first four years of learning, but only a preliminary impression of a certain sensibility, for example: Engl

8、ish and Chinese are not the same, English words consists of letters, and English and Chinese have different ways to vocalize.单词不会记 听写单词就是我的致命毒药Entering the fifth grade, I began to learn English systematically. I was the kind of student that had fast reflection but not careful enough. In learning Eng

9、lish, reciting words to me was very difficult and I always got the wrong spelling, so I had not ever had a full score for dictations.错了罚抄N多遍 越抄越错At that time, my English teacher was very strict, and if we spelled words wrong, we would be criticised and have to copy the words repeatedly. Over time, I

10、 had a fear for spelling words, and I was always uncertain whether Id written the words correctly. The more hesitant the more misspelled, by it became a vicious cycle. The effect is deeply rooted and until now, my spelling is still a major weakness. During this period, my English teacher focused in

11、teaching English reading and writing and there was a lack of emphasis on listening and speaking, which made me undergo a long period to enter the learning state in junior high school.进入初中:自我介绍让我自卑Entering junior high school, the learning pressure suddenly increased. In the first section of English c

12、lass, the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves in English. Seeing that every other student can introduce themselves made me feel ashamed, and made me afraid of speaking English, not to mention answering questions in English class.语法来了:课堂变得枯燥乏味During this period, we began to learn English grammar.

13、 Because I was in a foreign language school, we had more English classes than other schools, and the learning contents involved more knowledge of grammar. For example, we started learning relatively more complicated grammar such as relative clauses and the subjunctive mood. It has its advantages: le

14、arning English became easier in high school; but it also has its drawbacks: classes became boring after the large number of repeated practice and explanation, so I often didnt pay attention to classes, resulting in a not solid enough knowledge of English grammar. Thus even to this day, I often make

15、simple mistakes in writing.缺乏动力的英语学习是走不通的At this stage, my motivation for learning English is not strong enough. It was mere academic pressure and I was forced to learn it, therefore the passive learning. I was content with finishing the tasks that the teachers set but no further efforts to improve

16、my English. At the same time due to characteristic reasons, I didnt participate in classroom activities in English, and lost a lot of opportunities for speaking.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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