1、夫 妻 共 同 遗 嘱立遗嘱人: 姓名:国籍:出生日期: 证件号码:立遗嘱人: 姓名:国籍:出生日期: 证件号码: 立遗嘱时间: 立遗嘱地点:由于立遗嘱人年龄和健康状况,为避免子女因遗产继承问题发生争议,经夫妻双方协商一致, 决定将夫妻共同财产及死后事宜提前安排:特立以下遗嘱:1、夫妻共有的一套平米房产,位于 在夫妻均去世前,所有子女均不得以任何理由占用(特殊情况需要征求夫妻双方一致同意后授权使用);若夫妻一方先去世,则该房产属于先去世一方的份额由后去世一方继承;待夫妻双方都去世时,再由长子证件号码 次子证件号码 女儿证件号码 共同等分继承。长子证件号码 次子证件号码 女儿证件号码 共同等分继
2、承。4、变更、解除或撤消本遗嘱的情形:(1) 夫妻双方协商一致;(2) 指定继承人未尽赡养义务,或谋害、虐待、遗弃被继承人的,或谋害、虐待、遗弃其他继承人的;(3) 指定继承人有其他违法、犯罪行为的;5、对于夫妻一方婚前财产、婚后继承及受赠等属于个人所有的财产,可另立遗嘱处分。6、继承人应尽到赡养被继承人的义务,并妥善处理被继承人的死后事宜。8、本遗嘱一式肆份,并于公证后生效。立遗嘱时间立遗嘱地点立遗嘱见证人:立遗嘱人: 年月日立遗嘱人: 年月日“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who
3、 learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by const
4、antly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!