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1、冀教版八年级英语下册unit 6 知识清单Lesson 31-33 1. set a world record创造一项世界纪录2. break a world record打破一项世界纪录3. make a list of 制作的清单4. find out查明;弄清楚5. every four years 每四年6. take place 发生;举行7. stand for 代表8. do ones best尽某人最大的努力9. keep doing sth.继续做某事;坚持做某事10. how long 多长11. be late for 迟到12. be full of 充满13. com

2、pete against. 与竞争;对抗14. take part in 参加15. be amazed at惊讶于16. have a great influence on . 对有很大影响17. give up 放弃18. time after time多次;反复;不断地19. know of = know about 知道了解20. stand on one foot 单脚站立、金鸡独立21. more than = over 多余、超过 22. less than 不到、少于23. be late for 迟到24. like .best = favourite 最喜欢25. be p

3、roud of = take pride in 因而自豪26. be full of = be filled with 充满、装满27. By the way 顺便说一下 28. ask sb (not) to do sth 要求 做(不做)29. find out 查出、找出30. each other 31. be different from 与不同 the same as 与相同、一样32. take part in (参加具体活动) join (加入某一组织)33. be married to 嫁给某人,娶某人;与结婚34. bothand 两者都 / neither . Nor 两

4、者都不第 页Lesson 34-361. For example 例如 2. a symbol of / symbols of .的象征3. around the world.= in the world = all over the world 全世界4. touch ones heart 打动某人的 心5. win the gold medal 获得金牌6. the Dream Team 梦之队7. not only . but also 不但. 而且.8. either . or . 或者. 或者. ;要么 . 要么 .9. do ones best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力

5、去做某事10. give up doing sth 放弃(做某事)11. one by one 一个又一个12. win first / second place 获得第一/二名13. use sth to do sth 用某物去做某事14. none of . (三个或以上)都不,没有一个;做主语时,谓语动词使用单数形式;15. all of . .中的全部,所有都 ;做主语时,谓语动词使用复数形式;16. be close to . 离 . 进的,与.关系密切的17. fall off 减少;跌落;18. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事 ,强调状语的继续19. keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事,表示动作反复,强调动作与动作之间有间隔e.g : 1.He kept talking until the meeting was over.a) 他一直在说,直到会议结束。2. She kept on raising her handb) 她反复举手(不是一直举着手)20. take place 发生21. as . as 与. 相同,一样22. not as / so .as 与. 不相同,不一样



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