新仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit5 Topic 3 Section D导学案

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1、Unit5 Topic 3 Section D 导学案课题:Unit 5 FeelingExcitedTopic 3 Manythingscanaffectourfeelings.Section D主备: 审核: 时间:2015 年 2 月 20 日第 周明确目标1、 归纳复习 Topic 3 的语言知识。2、 提高听说读写能力。3、 能读懂关于情感方面的材料。自主预习Affect _ crowd _ mood _ spirit _ Sadness_ unfair _ useless_考查、_ 测试焦虑的、神经质的 _ 幸福感 _演讲 _ 生病的 _为而自豪 _ 准备好的 _ 环境 _ 与和睦

2、相处 _充满,装满 _尽管 _ 问题、困难_ 特别、尤其、专门 _选择(v.) _ 噪声 _ 大声的 _ 例如 _保持良好的情绪_ 保持沉默 _考虑 _ 决定做某事_我感到很孤单,眼中充满泪水。_城市喧嚣的(noisy)夜晚使我难以入睡。_颜色会影响我的感受和心情。_橙色和黄色给以我自信(confident)。_蓝色和白色会让我平静(calm down)。_每当我和朋友们 谈起汶川地震时,这总是让我难过。_ 保持良好的情绪_ 保持沉默 _考虑 _ 决定做某事_合作探究1、Let talk.Many things around us may affect our feelings or mood

3、s. Can you give some examples?2、 Read 1a and underline the following words spirit, magazine, think over, decision, sense.3、 Read 1a again, Mark true(T) or false(F) according to 1a.( )Playing spor ts can help you relax.( )You needntdo anything when you are in a bad mood.( )You can get help from the I

4、nternet.( )Drink more wine when you feel sad.4、Co mplete the chart on page 24.1、 自主完成 Functions 并将 Grammar 和 Functions 中二句子翻译成汉语。2、 翻译下列单词,标上词性并参照单词表据音标拼读。spirit( )_ magazine( )_decision( )_ sense( )_3、在书中找出下列短语并翻译in good spirits_ such as_thinkover _ make a decision_当堂反馈1.Talk about the things that

5、affect you.e.g. Sad movies often make me unhappy.2.Talk about the influences of different things on our feelings.I think the weather can affect my moods.The envi ronment can change my feelings.Colors can affect my feelings and moods.拓展提升1、fill with:_e.g. They _ the hole _ the earth fill in _ with:_

6、e.g. Please _ _ the blanks _ the proper words.2、be crowded with:_ _e.g. The street _ the people.3、have trouble doing:_e.g. We always _ learning English.4、Make sb do sth:_e.g. Our English teacher makes us _ homework every day.5、sadn. _ brightadv. _relaxadj. _worryadj. _noiseadj. _sunadj. _naturea dj.

7、 _课后检测1. She was so excited that her eyes _ _ (充满)tears.2. The _(环境) can affect our feelings and moods. But if we cant change it, try to change our minds then!3.Dont make any _ _ (很响的噪声) when the bo ss is sleeping. He cant sleep well in _ (吵闹的)places.4. You must be careful on the street. _(尤其) when you go across it.5. Learn to _ _(处理) it by yourself if you have any _ (麻烦). Of course, you can also _ (选择) to call me for help.



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