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1、Unit 1 This is me!Comic strip and Welcome to the unit教学目标1认识两个昔通角色和阳光中学的六名学生2用英语和别人打招呼。3用英语介绍自己。教学内容四会内容词汇:oh词组:good morning good afternoon good evening句型:Im Whats your name? My name is Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too三会内容词汇:edog master教学准备1时钟。2图片或面具。3录音机或光盘4课件。教学步骤Comic stripStep I呈现l利用图片呈现Ed

2、die。教师说:Look! This is Eddie He is a lovely dog2通过与学生对话呈现master。教师说Excuse me,do you have a dog at home? 针对学生的回答进行反馈:Oh,you have a dog at home So you are the master You look after it板书master。3让学生带着问题听录音并理解相关内容Now, lets listen to Eddie and Hobos dialogue and answer the question:Who is Hobos master?学生听一

3、遍录音并回 菩:Hobos master is Eddie4让学生看漫画并理解相关内容Whats in Hobos hands? Whats the name of the book?启发学生同答:There is a book in Hobos hands The books name is How to look after your Pdog5对有能力的学生,可以启发他们思考:Do you want to have an e-dog? What do you want your edog to do? Do you know how to look after you:e-dog?Ste

4、p II操练1指导学生跟录音集体朗读Please listen to the tape and follow in chorus Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation2教师可根据需要安排学生朗读的次数,-可采取男、女生分角色朗读(read aloud in role),同桌分角色朗读(read in pairs)等方式。鼓励学生适当设计面部表情 (facial expression)和肢体语言(body language)。3对有能力的学生可以启发他们发挥自己的想像,添加内容:You can add your ideas in th

5、e conversationStep III展示1让学生看漫画+进行配音活动。教师说:Would you like to dub this comic? Please have a try!教师可以和一辊学生为全班做示范:,can you demonstrate with me to the whole class?之后再选不同层次的几个学生进行展示。注意在学 生展示后给予鼓励和表扬:Well doneBeautiful intonation2对有能力的学生,鼓励他们根据所给的语境,自由会话。教师说OK Heres a chance for some of you to come to the

6、 front and role-play for us Volunteer, please鼓助学生发挥自己的想像,合理运用面部表情和肢体语言Please show your imagination and pay attention to your facial expression and body languageWelcome to the unitStep I呈现1通过与学生在真实语境中的交流呈现打招呼的方武。 教师说:HiHello,I am What is your name?帮助学生回答HiHello,I am / My name is 教师说:.,nice to meet yo

7、u指导学生回廊:Nice to meet you too. 板书对话内容。2向学生解释Hi,Hello,Nice to meet you都可用来跟别人打招呼。其中Hello和Hi比较随便,通常用于熟人、朋友或平辈的人之间。Nice to meet you比较正规,可用Nice to meet you too来回应。Step II操练1指导学生互致问候,鼓励他们结识新朋友。教师说:This is a new class Would you like to make new friends? Please greet your new classmates and try to get at le

8、ast five names2鼓励学生向全班介绍新结识的朋友。Step III呈现呈现A部分中阳光中学的六名学生。教师说:Lets meet some more friendsTheyare from Sunshine Middle School Please look at the pictures in Part A and tell metheir names让学生快速阅读A部分的对话并回答:They are Amy,Simon,Millie,Kitty, Sandy and Daniel板书这六个名字。Step操练1用事先制作的面具,通过游戏,帮助学生记住这六名学生的相貌和名字。教师

9、说:Look,I have masks of the six students I need some volunteers to play a game教师指导一名学生为全班做示范:.,please hold the masks and stand with your back towards your classmates Now, you can wear one of the masks and ask your classmates:Whats my name?教师对其他学生说明游戏规圳:When heshe wears a mask and asks“Whats my name?“

10、you can put up your hands and guess the name Then heshe turns around for you to check2指导学生带着问题听c部分录音并理解相关内容:Now, lets listen to a dialogue and answer the question Who are greeting each other?学生听一遍录音并回答:Millie and Sandy are greeting each other.3学生听录音并集体跟读。教师说Please listen to the tape and follow in ch

11、orus Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation4将全班分成两大组进行操练。教师说These two teams read Millies part,please And these two read Sandys part,please Then you can exchange5组织学生以同桌为单位,扮演六名学生中的任意两人,进行打招呼的操练。Step V展示邀请班级中不同层次的几组学生进行展示。鼓励学生发挥自己的想像,合理运用面部表情和肢体语青。Step VI呈现1用时钟呈现B部分中一天的三个时段的表达。教师说:Look at

12、the clock What Time is it now?鼓励学生根据实际情况回答,然后一边向全斑学生招手,一边说 Good morningGood afternoon,boys and girls鼓励学生用“Good morning” 或“Good afternoon”回应。2把时钟拨到晚上的某个时间并问学生At this time of day, how do you greet your parents?引导学生用“Good evening”做出适当的IE口答。板书这三个问候 的句子。Step VII操练1指导学生完成课本B部分的练习。2安排学生以同桌为单位,用本课所学内容编对话,与同

13、学打招呼并做自我介绍。教师说:Boys and girlsmake a dialogue to greet your partner and introduce yourself Remember to use aU you have learned in this period Write your dialogue down and then act it outStep VIII展示1选不同层次的几组学生上台表演,在表演结束后给予鼓励和表扬2布置相应的书面练习,以巩固本课时所学内容。Step家庭作业1熟读本课时所学内容,用英语与人打招呼。2有能力的学生熟背漫画部分。3完成教师布置的书面练

14、习。4预习Reading。Reading教学目标1进一步了解阳光中学的几位学生2学习捕述人的方式。3用英语介绍自己或他人。教学内容四会内容词汇:grade student reading classmate词组:after school be good at句型:Im12 years old Im tall. This is Sandy Her hair is long He is from Nanjing He is good at Maths词汇:slim三会内容:句型:I love reading Lets meet my new classmates I like sportsI of

15、ten play football after school.教学准备1阳光中学学生的图片2录音机或光盘。3课件。背景知识 本单元学习如何进行自我介绍。由于是初次见面,介绍的内容不一定很全面,可主要介绍自己的姓名、职业、籍贯等自然信息,也可以根据需要介绍自己的年龄,外貌、兴趣、爱好和特长。教学步骤Reading 1Step I呈现1指导学生互相打招呼并问候,复习上课时学习的内容。2利用图片向学生呈现课文中的学生并介绍相关信息。出示Millie和Sandy的图片,鼓励学生回忆并说出她们的名字They are Millie and Sandy再出示Simon和Daniel的图片,鼓励学生回忆井说出他们的名字:They are Simon and Daniel教师介绍这四名学生的情况:These four students are classmates They are in Class 1,Grade 7板书student,g



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