英语七年级下册测试Unit 9 What does he look like_ Section B(1a-1e)

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1、英语七年级下册测试Unit 9 What does he look like_ Section B(1a-1e)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _are there so many people here, Lucy?Because the food at this store is on sale.AWhenBWhereCWhyDHow2 . Its very important to stay _when an earthquake happens.Aexcited B. happy C. calm3 . He gets to school.Aride a bikeBby a

2、 busCtake a trainDon foot4 . He decided a letter to his uncle in New York City. Oh ,he is to do that.Awrites; enough oldBto write; old enoughCwriting; young enoughDwrite;enough young5 . Will you _ me the book after you finish it? Yes. If you like it.AborrowBlendCkeep二、阅读单选Dear Liz,Thank you so much

3、for inviting us to the birthday party for your daughter Mary. As her aunt and uncle, we are glad to take part in (参加) such a happy event. We are going to get to your house on the evening of May 10 at seven oclock. We are looking forward to meeting you. And wed like to take some dishes.Yours,Jenny &

4、BobDear Simon,Daniel and I were happy when you accepted our invitation to our dinner party on July 10. I feel really sorry that I have to cancel (取消) it. Daniel became ill yesterday and he is in hospital now. Im looking forward to inviting you again.Yours,Tina6 . Bob is going to _ birthday party.AJe

5、nnysBLizsCMarysDTinas7 . Tina planned to have a _ party.AhousewarmingBgardenCbirthdayDdinner8 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe birthday party is at Bobs house.BLiz will take some dishes to the birthday party.CSimon didnt accept Tinas invitation.DTina wishes to invite Simon next time.三、根据首字母、中文提

6、示填空9 . S_ is Zhao Liying. I like (喜欢) her.10 . I am y_ English teacher (老师).11 . Im Mary. _ to meet you !12 . This is a boy. H_name is Mike.13 . His n_is Li Yifeng. Can you spell it?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)14 . The

7、_ boy on the left is Jack. He is good at all subjects. (three)15 . These days people are talking about many _ about the policeman. (story)16 . Two months later, she will _ children English in a school. (teacher)17 . It is _ for us to get good marks if we dont work hard. (possible)18 . The modern sch

8、ool life has brought us a lot of _. (happy)19 . The little boy cried _ because he lost his favourite toy. (sad)五、完成句子20 . 她住在木头建造的小屋里。She lives in a house _ wood.21 . 我们应该好好利用时间。We should _ time _ good _.22 . 啤酒是小麦酿成的。Beer is _ wheat.23 . 这些照片带给我一些快乐的记忆。These photos _ me _ to some happy memories.24 . 艾米是一个鼓舞我们所有人的人。Amy is _ to us all.25 . 他因为用铁制造工艺品而出名。He is _ using iron to make art pieces.第 1 页 共 1 页



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