Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 精品说课稿

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《Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 精品说课稿》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 精品说课稿(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 说课稿各位评委大家好:今天我说课的内容是新目标英语九年级 Unit 12 Life is full of theunexpected。说课的内容包括五个部分,分别是:教材分析、学情分析、教学方法与学法、教学设计与设计理念以及教学过程。下面,就对这几方面进 行全面的阐释。一、教材分析九年级Life is full of the unexpected.本课重点学习一些重要的单词,短语及句型。 本课话题能激起学生的好奇心,调动学生学习英语的积极性。本单元围绕“The unexpected things”这个话题展开教学活动

2、,告诉学生 Life is not always perfect。 让学生了解生活中发生的事情不是总能预测的,无论发生的是好的或坏的, 最终使学生 明白一点,生活不总是完美的。遇到困难时刻,我们要保持冷静,想出最好的办法解决 它。本节课是节阅读课,文章结构学生比较容易把握。这节课除了掌握些重点单词,短 语及句型外,还要学生掌握一定的阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读能力。二、教学目标和要求知识目标:1.To learn some new words and phrases.2.To learn the main idea of this passage and understand it well. 能

3、力目标:To develop the studentsabilities of reading and speaking. 情感目标:Life is not always perfect. When theyre in trouble, they shouldtry their best to solve it well.三、教学重点教学重点:To master the key points and the two events of the passage. 四、教学难点教学难点:To learn and understand the passage deeply.1五、教法与学法本课主要是

4、一节阅读课,根据英语课程标准及英语教学大纲的要求,在本 节课的教学过程中,采用“小组合作“以及“任务型”的教学途径,同时我还结合了情 景教学法。情景教学法:借助多媒体课件,增强趣味性和直观性,增大课堂容量和增强 直观性,提高课堂效率,面向全体同学,在阅读过程中帮助学生掌握知识。引发学生去 思考,尝试新知,启发思维,培养能力,最终提高应用英语解决实际问题的能力,在阅读过 程中帮助学生掌握知识、发展学生阅读能力、形成正确的价值观。六、 学情分析从整体来说,学生的学习积极性还是比较强的,大多数学生学习态度较端正。部分 学生学习的兴趣不够浓厚,学习的主动性不强,两极分化现象比较严重,尖子生不够突 出。

5、从几次小考的情况看,学生各学科之间发展不平衡,存在着偏科的现象,尤其是英 语学科,有一部分学生(特别是男生)英语特别差,独立解决问题的能力也比较差。大 部分学生还存在着依赖性,不愿意自己探究知识,没有好的学习习惯,还要教师在今后 的学习中进行渗透。六、说教学过程1.Lead inTo show some pictures about many things that happened in our daily life. Things include that some are expected, the others are unexpected.2. To ask the main ide

6、a of this passage quickly.3. To ask the question:Which two events does the writer mention?4.According to the 1stparagraph, and try to answer the following questions.5.To read the 2ndparagraph and put them in the right order.( Demands:1,Do it by themselves 2, Work in pairs.)6.To read the passage agai

7、n and fill in the blanks.( Demands:1,Do it by themselves 2, Work in groups.)7.To read it quickly and try to find out the right phrases. ( Demands:1,Do it by themselves 2, Work in groups.) 8. To read the phrases correctly.29. To do some exercises.10. To make a conclusion about this lesson.9. Homework1. Review the new words and expressions.2. Recall the unexpected in your daily life and try to tell them to your friends in English.七板书设计Life is full of the unexpected (3a)1. The two events:The first event: The plane hit the office building.The second event: The earthquake in New Zealand.3



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