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1、Day 9Part One核心词汇ImplyImplicit in . isImplicationAdesireforsuccessimplies/entail/necessit ate persistent efforts.Reply implyAttend toAttendAttentive attendantIts up to higher authority to attend to such a delicate issue/Impart impairImpartial.falls victim of.falls prey to.43. im pair im part im pera

2、tive im pose im puIseincentive incidentally incline inclusive incorporate incur indeximplyindicateit is im perative/thatsth should be donenecessary obligatorydesirableit is prescribed that.it is decreed that. convention dictates that.Ou r conventional culture has im pressed on foreign visitors that

3、our country has durable civilization.Adding to our experiences is reading extensively.I m pact on .I m pose.on .Penalty should be im posed on offenders.Enforce ones will/ influenceon.Exert influence/ pressure on.Exert efforts to do施加Adm inister law s I m plem ent rules Exercise care over the issueEn

4、force.on.I nflict .on .AfflictI m pose Pose Expose propose dispose of Pose. to.Pose hazard to.Pose barrier/ obstacle/ handicap toI m puIsive young m anReckless decisionI m puIse has been give to (an industry)Give im petus to.Sth gains momentum.Sb is inclined to do .Sb inclines to a viewI nclination

5、trendI ntentionThat doesn 7 m ean we no longer feel the stirring and promptings of am bition.Prom pt replyProm pt sb to do .Propel sb to sth.Indicator motivation stimulusof great consequencwpose oneself to gassDecree compromise by the way prompt integrateHis digestion has been impaired by his recent

6、 illness.The music imparts a feeling of excitement to the film.Is it really imperative that such a large arm be established?I must perform the task that has been imposed on me.The policy will give an impulse to industrial expansion.You have to be aware that there are risks incidental to the job.Mann

7、er of walking gives an to ones character.His pompous attitude didnt me to side with him.The desire for Oscar gave her theto star the controversial movie.The new cars design all the international latest safety features.The school year runs from September 1 to June 15.The American bombing to the Chine

8、se embassy in Yugoslavia strongcondemnation from many countries.不应当是次要的(附带的),而应当是核心的is not incidental to . but essential /indispensable to it.is integral to the debate.At the core of the debate is.The bottom line is.传播知识,透露消息若您对这一问题有任何好的看法可以交流,请不吝指教。Impart knowledge/informationPlease feel free to im

9、part your perspectives to us.行事不要冲动而要理Act on reason not on impulse.物质刺激Material incentives material pursuitEgoistic altruistic给这些西部地区的学校以税收优惠Give tax incentives to schools in economically/culturally deprived regions. Eating high-calorie food is a health hazard.把这些有启发性的课程的纳入(并入)总课表Incorporate these e

10、nlightening courses into the curriculum这些新的变化标志这社会重大的转型 These new changes give an index to critical social transition/transformationSth indicates.Sth is indicative of.44. indicativeindifferentindignant indispensable induce indulge inertia be indifferent to.be insensitive to.Be immune to.Be resistant

11、 to.Be prone to.Be vulnerable to.Be subject to.Be susceptible to.His plan is subject to criticism due to its feeble argument.We are subject to changes in an ever-changing society.These imported products are subject to high taxation.Indignity humiliation humilityHostility indignationHumble humiliateI

12、nduce sb to doManipulate sb into doingIntimidate sb into doingPersuade sb into doingBully sb into doing Dissuade sb from doing Disable sb from doing Caution sb against Sb stays alert to.The superiority/inferiority of a to b is conspicuous.is superior/inferiorto. in.+ emotionsRestrain inhibit suppres

13、s+ social pressureRetard restrain constrainCurb suppress hinder hamper haltinfer inferior infinite infrastructureingredientinherent inhibitSluggishness curb talk into deduce symptomatic o f the utmost imDortance Deep-rooted discontented unremonsive to humble unending According to the doctor, this ki

14、nd of surgery could heart attack.Having been recognized as a talent, he gets in composing music all the more.He was terribly about what he saw as false accusation.His dog-eared book and piles of note books are of his diligent study.to hardships and danger, he embarked on the exploration.Reckless of.

15、In disregard of.Fight against/ defy + all oddsSth is an indispensable to.Indispensable to us is that.Sth is complement to.Sth is an asset to.We cannot do sth. lest . should happenWe cannot afford to overlook the importance of., lest . wouldn,t be impaired.The more we do sth, the more likely/the less likely.The more initiatives we take, the more likely the interests of consumers will be safeguarded the less l


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