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1、(四)年级(上)册(英语)学科集体备课个案 备课时间 1.12 主备人 薛月丽 主 备 人 所在单位 温家庄乡中心学校 备课时间 1.12 复备人 郝凯丽主 备 人 所在单位 南沟小学 课 题 Revision2 (Part 8, 9and 10 ) 课 型 Revision 课时分配 共5课时 第 5 课时 上课时间 项 目 内 容 教 学 目 标 知 识 能 力 学习和掌握句型 The boy/girl in the can /cant 并完成表格。 了解其他同学会做的事情,并与自己会做的事情作比较。 过 程 方 法 创设语境 , 引入新句, 听说读写, 学以致用 情 感 态 度 价值观

2、课余时间积极参加活动,好的活动有利于身体健康。 We should do some meaningful things in our free time 教学重点 The boy/girl in the can/cant . Fill in Yes or No 教学难点 理解认读句子 The boy / girl in the can/cant 教学具(课件) 准 备 CAI 教 学 流 程 教 学 环 节 教 师 活 动 预设学生活动 Step 1 Warming up a. Greetings. b. Review and free talk (播放录音) T: listen and sa

3、y what he is doing ? T: Can you swim? T: Do you like swimming ? I like swimming ,but I cant swim. What about you ? (多媒体出示商店影片 )T: look!This is my clothes shop. There are many beautiful clothes here .Do you like them? Lets go. ( 带学生走进我的商店.复习衣物类单词 ) ( 出示学生熟悉的两名同学照片 )T: Who are they ?Their clothes are

4、from my shop. say what they are wearing ? Step 2 :Presentation Show another two photos of their classmates. Guess who is he /she? T:The boy the black jacket , black trousers and white trainers. Who is he ? Oh! The boy in the black jacket , black trousers and white trainers is ZhangNing. T: ZhangNing

5、 , can you play table tennis ? Ss: (ZhangNing) Yes , I can The boy in the black jacket , black trousers and white trainers can play table tennis. Get pupils read and master the sentences. Step 3 : Practice 1、Books open. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape. Then answer: Who is the boy in the

6、red T-shirt? Who is the girl in the blue jeans? 2、Get pupils to read after the tape. 3、 Get pupils read again and fill in Yes or No. Then say what can the boys and girls in the pictures do ?(重点操练in和wear用法,这是本课难点) 4、 ( 让学生把图片里孩子们会做的事情和自己会做的事情作比较。可以从衣着,颜色,运动,爱好等方面 ) T: Do you like sylvias shirt ? What

7、 do you like best ? What can you do ? 5、Listen and number the photos.(Part 8) 6、Listen and fill in the blanks.(Part 9) Step 4 : Consolidation Work in groups of eight. Ask what they can do and what they like . Write a passage.(了解组内其他同学会做的事情,并与自己会做的事情作比较, 并写成短文 ) Call a few pupils to read their passag

8、es. Give assessment. Discuss : What is the meaningful things in our free time ? Is it good or bad for our health? We should do some meaningful things in our free time .(德育情感渗透) Step 5 Homework: Test paper . Greet each other S: Swimming Playing the piano Riding a horse . S: I like and I can . I likeb

9、ut I cant . Revise and read the words Descirbe WangLei and LiBoclothes. S1: WangLei is wearing a blue cap, black blazer, white shirt, black jeans and black shoes. S2:LiBo is wearing a red sweater. blue skirt. white shoes. Listen carefully and guess theirclassmates. Ss:ZhangNin WangXue Re

10、ad and understand the sentences Listen and answer the questions. Then read and finish the table. 比较自己与图片里的孩子,并作汇报。 Ss: Sylvia is wearing .but I dont like it.I can I like Ask and write the passage. 注意in 和 wear 的区别 in 加颜色 wear 直接加衣服 What can you do ? I can. What can he do? He can. What can she do ? She can . 板 书 设 计 Revision 2 The boy / girl in the can/cant. 课 后 反 思 在整节课里设计了多个英语游戏突出训练重点,突破了难点,建立了灵动的教学课堂,以活动为主,师生互动,采用灵活多样的教学手段,把语言训练放在活动,游戏中,使之趣味化,使学生能在愉悦的氛围中学得愉快,动静结合,让学生在动中学,全方位调动学生的口,脑,耳,四肢,教师节奏快,使学生学得快,反应快,紧紧抓住学生的注意力,让他们既紧张又活泼,激励学生积极参与。


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