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1、一、中译英 英译中 (英文缩写 请先写出英文全称)IGO非政府间国际组织国际海事组织货物积载因数IMDG CodeLCLCFS托运单关单提货单场站收据设备交接单仓至仓提单收货待运提单记名提单联运提单Advanced B/LAnti-dated B/LStale B/LHague RulesSTC said to contain程租航次期租包运租船FILIFO燃油附加费货币附加费FAKMAWBthe air cargo tariff陆桥运输多式联运经营人单独海损固有缺陷推定全损海关手续port clearance 避难港停靠港交单运价竟争Private international organiz

2、ation货物收据RemittanceRust risksSafety equipmentSafety radio telegraphySalvage chargesscheduled service火车车厢运输船settlement of claimsshipping bill班轮公会保险标的供求Sweat and heating risksTaint of odor risksTake over the goodstally偷窃提货不着险Uniform General Charter最大诚信Volcanic eruptionFlat rateForeign exchange trading

3、散装容积合并运输hirepurchase contractHook damage risks进口载货清单内河运输Insufficient packing保险利益承保范围保险费洲际间的混杂、沾污险多式联运营运人进口许可证Liability insurance责任范围限制Liner freight rateLong form bill of lading长途运输货物舱单海上货物保险最低运价自然灾害Non-conference lines不可流通的单证NYPE form土产格式已装船提单指示提单正本提单pattern of international tradePICC Ocean Marine C

4、argo Clauses保险单Port authorities二、翻译课文段落1.Study the provisions of the letter of credit and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import, as well as any transit country; he would also prepare all the necessary documents.2.FCA means that

5、 the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place. If the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier to receive the goods, the seller is deemed to have fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods when they are delivered to that person.3

6、.The words “to, until, till, from, between” and words of similar expressions applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.4.The premium is the consideration which the insurers receive from the assured in exchange for their undert

7、aking to pay the sum insured in the event insured against. 5.WA provides larger cover than FPA since partial loss and damage is recoverable from the insurer resulting from natural calamities. That is the only difference between WA and FPA in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses.6.Institute Cargo Clause C

8、 is the most restricted coverage and subject to the listed exclusions, covers loss or damage to the subject matter insured caused by fire or explosions; stranding, grounding, sinking or capsizing; overturning or derailment of land conveyance; collision or contact of vessel, craft or conveyance witha

9、ny external object other than water; discharge of cargo at port of distress; general average sacrifice7.An NVOCC is a carrier who operates a regular scheduled service. He does not own or operate the vessels by which sea transportation is provided. Although the NVOCC is a carrier in his relationship

10、with the actual shipper, he is a shipper in his relationship with the actual carrier. He renders a useful service by providing groupage or consolidation services, particularly to small shipper who do not have much bargaining power in negotiating rates8.Under a time charter the crew is employed by th

11、e shipowner, who is also responsible for the nautical operation and maintenance of the vessel and supervision of the cargo. The charterer is liable for costs directly connected with the use of the vessel, for example, bunker costs and port charges and pays for the loading and discharging. 9.Order bi

12、lls are issued by the carriers to the order of shipper or consignee. An order bill of lading is a negotiable document. Order bills made out to consignee or order can be transferred by them by endorsement.10.Liner freight rates are fixed by shipping conferences and other liner operators; they are rel

13、ated more to the costs of operation and which remain comparatively steady over a period of time11.However, the vessel can start unloading goods only after the customs authorities grant the necessary permit, called “Entry Inwards”, to the vessel on submission by the master or agent of the vessel of a

14、n “Import Manifest” containing particulars of the cargo on board in the prescribed form. 12.Application for port clearance has to be made before the intended departure of the vessel and has to be accompanied by the Export Manifest showing particulars of the cargo loaded and such other documents as m

15、ay be required by the customs authorities. 13.Consolidation or groupage means the assembly of small parcels of cargo from several consignors at one point of origin intended for several consignees at another point of destination, dispatching the parcels as one consolidated consignment to the consolidator s agent at the destination and delivering them to their respective consignees. 14.The bill of lading by itself is not a contract of carriage as it signed only by th


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