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1、Part III Listening ComprehensionSection A11-15 CDDDD16-20 B ABDA 21-25 BDB ACSection B26-30 CDABB31-35 CB ACBSection C36. last 37. numbers 38. professional 39.directory40. covered 41. whole 42. front43. arrange44. give the number of your phone to the person you are talking to.45. If you make a long

2、distance call and get a wrong number, call the operator and explain what happened.46. You can have the phone company mail you a credit coupon that has the same value as the phone call.Refer to the scripts of TEST 1 in the following pages:大学英语四级考试模拟试题 1 (听力文字稿 )Tapescripts for Listening Comprehension

3、Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. D

4、uring the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B)t C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.11. W: Excuse me. Where can I find the apartment manager?M: Sony, I cant help you. Im not familiar

5、 with this building.Q: What does the man mean?12. M: Lets have dinner together sometime this week say, tomorrow evening?*W: Tm busy then. How about Thursday?Q: What can we learn from the conversation?13. M: Hows Mary feeling today?W: Shes still running a temperature.Q: What does the woman say about

6、Mary?14. M: The lock on my front door is broken.W: Why dont you have Mr. Smith fix it? Hes very good at that.Q: Whafs the womans suggestion?15. W: Id like to get away for the long weekend, but I dont know where to go.M: Have you thought about the beach?Q: What does the man mean by his response?16. M

7、: I really ought to buy some new shoelaces before these break.W: Why not a pair of new shoes?Q: What does the woman mean?17. M: Excuse me. Ive to leave for class now?W: Could you help me by dropping these letters in the mail on your way?Q: What does the woman ask the man to do?18. M: I hope to get a

8、 job during the summer vacation and earn some money. How about you? W: Im going to take asummer course so I can graduate sooner.Q: What are the man and woman discussing?Now youll have two long conversations?Conversation OneM: Hi. Im Alan Hansen.W: Hi, Im Betty Mendez.M: Well, its very nice to meet y

9、ou here at Joes wedding! Are you Joes relative?W: No, Joe and 1 are colleagues. Were in the same office.M: I see. Are you from Britain?W: No. Actually, Tm from Denmark.M: Really? Your English is very good!W: Well, my husband is American. I speak English at home.M: Oh, I see. Is that your husband ove

10、r there?W: No! My husbands not here. Hes now in France on business.M: Does your husband know Joe?W: Yes, he does.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard19. Where does the conversation take place?20. Where is the woman from?21. Why does the woman speak good English?22. Wh

11、ere is the womans husband now?Conversation TwoW: Excuse me.M: Yes?W: Whats happening with the flight to Boston? fd like some information.M: The Boston flight is canceled, maam.W: Oh, no! Why?M: Its snowing in Boston, and the airport is closed.W: But how. whai.?M: Please lake a seat, maam. Were putti

12、ng people on flight to New York.W: But I must be in Boston this afternoon. I have a very important business meeting to go to.M: Im sorry, maam. Its all we have right now.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. Whafs the problem with the woman?24. Why must the woman g

13、o to Boston?25. Where do you think she will probably go instead?Section BDirect ions:some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear aquestion, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B), C) and D), then mark the corresponding lette

14、r on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.What is the happiest place on earth? Its Denmaric. A leading researcher has analyzed the results ofPassage Oneyean of surveys about happiue 林 The sun eys asXdjjEjpn缶 of people in more than 20 naticf happy are you? Here are sonir conchisiaihQi

15、dH也 little effect opPeople inwarm Mediterranean countries, such as Portugal and Greece, often said they were unhappy. More people in NorthernEuropean countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway said they were happy, even though their weather is probably the worst io Europe. Its cloudy in summer and cold and dark in winter.Americans shouldnt move to the East or West Coast to look for the good life. People in New York and California were not happier than people in other regions. In fact, the happiest parts of the United States are areas that are rural and traditionally


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