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1、四年级剑桥英语下学期看图写单词考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片内容写出对应单词。1232. 根据图片及句意填写单词。1. On rainy days, my father often goes to work by_.2. The_is yellow. Its big and safe.3. I am drawing a_on the paper.4. I want to_in the Fruit Garden this weekend.5. Bill likes playing_.6.Sue often goes_. She is good at it.3. 看图,补全下列句子。

2、1Letme_the_.2My_blue.3-Whatsthis? -Its_.4Thisismyfather.Hes_and_.5-Wheresthedog? -Its_.4. 看图片,补全短语。1teachers_ 2have_3cold and_ 4_room5green_5. 看图写单词。1 23 46. 根据图片写出单词。1 23 47. 看图写单词。1Long, long_, there was a good boy named Ma Liang.2He had a_paintbrush.3He painted food for the old woman, then the fo

3、od became_.4The bad man painted_with the magic paintbrush.5But it didnt_gold. It became a snake.8. 补全下面的对话。Look! This is my desk. I have a new schoolbag. Its blue and white. I have two_books, a_book, a storybook, two_three_and four_.9. 看图,根据图意和首字母提示,把句子中所缺的单词补充完整。1My m_is a r_.2The g_(灰色)s_is too ex

4、pensive.3I like to p_s_on the playground.4E_and twenty-nine is f_.5I t_a s_in the bathroom.10. 根据图片提示补全单词。1fr_ndly 2str_g3qu_t 4g_sses5sh_s 6black h_11. 看图回答问题。1What class are you in? Im in Class_Grade_.2Whats your number? Im number_.3Whats this in English? Its an_.4Hows the weather today? Its_. Put

5、 on your_.12. 根据图片,写出单词。1 23 45 67 89 1013. 根据图片写单词。1Look, this is my little_.2Those are_.3Look at my_. Its very beautiful.4The giraffe has a new T-shirt. But it is too_.5This is her_.14. 看图片,写单词。1 23 4515. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.Does she like playing_?2.We like playing_.3.They like playing_.4.I like playing_

6、.16. 根据图示,填入恰当的介词把下列句子或对话补充完整。1. Whats on the desk?Some_.2. Can you_?Yes, I can.3. The cup is_the table.4. Can you_?Yes, I can.5. The cat is_the box.17. 根据图片写出对应食物。123and418. 在横线上填上正确的单词。1Li Ming: I go to the_by_.2Danny: I go to the_by_.3Jenny: I go to_by_.4Kim: I go to the_by_.19. 看图,补全句子或对话。1What_the weather_?It_.2Can I go outside now?No,_. It_.3It_and_in Harbin.4Is it_?_, it is.5It_now.页码 / 总页数


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