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1、兼职业务员管理办法为适应当前市场竞争需要,充分调动公司业务人员开拓市场、承接市场工程业务、扩大机械租赁量,提高市场占有率的积极性,经公司研究决定,特制定本办法。兼职业务员(以下简称业务员)包括本单位职工和社会人员。一、 工程业务员提成及费用管理办法(一)业务员绩效考核及奖惩办法1、业务员跟踪的待建项目工程(除各种媒介公告外),在收集该项目信息后填写公司的项目信息表,经公司领导核实该项目信息后在下周五给予公布其本周业绩,给予绩效奖励100元/单。2、业务员跟踪项目的过程中,取得竞争对手的核心信息(如对方报价、合同底价,对方业务关系等),经公司核实后给予1000元(暂定)绩效奖励。3、业务员根据公


3、务员通过个人渠道取得信息并经公司领导审核后签订合同的工程项目,根据合同规定甲方付款进度的比例,在合同签订后按合同总价的23%支付业务提成。2、兼职业务员通过个人渠道取得信息并经公司领导审核后签订合同的工程项目,根据工程实际情况,按工程最终利润分配。具体分配比例为公司95%,兼职业务员5%。3、兼职业务员通过个人渠道取得信息并最终签订合同的工程项目,经公司账户后提取的工程款项,公司收取到账金额的35%的工程管理费(不含税)。二、机械设备租赁业务员管理办法(一)、 原则:业务员的收入与其经营业绩直接挂钩,按劳分配,多劳多得。实行“业务提成+奖罚金”的薪酬模式。为了确保经营业务的安全,对业务员在从业

4、初期,每月只发30%的提成部分,其余70%部分作为本人风险抵押金,暂时预留在公司,在累计预留达到1万元以后不再提留。 (二)、业务员薪酬的考核指标是:鉴于承揽机械租赁工作的复杂性,对业务员的工资考核也必须采用多项指标进行综合评价。在考核中,工资实行上不封顶的原则。以实际收到设备租赁款结算额、结算比例为基本依据,进行综合考核评价,计发业务提成和工资奖罚金数额。1、各单项考核指标:1)预付定金:2)租赁价格:3)实际货款回款额和回款比例:4)货款结算期限:(三)、业务员薪酬考核方法1、各单项指标的考核:1)预付定金:为减少经营风险,业务员在签定合同时应争取让客户预付一定比例的定金,。对能够预付定金

5、的,公司按合同预付定金的比例分挡给予提成奖励:定金比例30%(含)以下30%-60%60%(含)以上提成比例0.5%1%1.5% 2)租赁价格:以我公司确定机械租赁价格为基数,将合同机械租赁价格与公司基准租赁价格进行对比,对超出基准价格的部分,按6:4的比例实行分成奖励。即业务员得60%,公司得40%。3) 合同租赁款回款额和按合同付款期限回款比率:合同货款回款额及回款率指标是考核业务员工作的基本指标,凡属合同终止7天(含)内结清全部货款的,在原来提成的基础上,再增加提成5奖励。4)回款滞纳金:业务人员设备欠款未收回部分,从第二年3月1日起,至下一年2月28日,每月扣除薪酬的20%作为回款滞纳

6、金。具体计算办法以每台设备计算,一万元(含)内设备欠款扣三个月后停发工资,一万元以上至三万元(含)设备欠款扣六个月后停发工资,三万元以上设备欠款扣九个月后停发工资,停发工资到收回全部设备欠款。5)工作任务完成情况考核:业务员必须按时上报业务工作进度报表,每月截止日期为26日,在2730日内将报表准时上报公司经营科,对逾期不报的,给予100元的处罚.附:业务工作进度月报表 年 月 日计量单位计划指标实际完成情况备注本月本季累计本年累计结算货款万元租赁收入万元走访客户户签订合同份电话回访次建立客户裆案户 填表人:6)对拖欠货款在180天以上的,取消全部业务提成。三、发放办法薪酬按每次实际货款结算入

7、帐时间进行考核,在货款入帐7日内予以兑现。四、考核部门及责任 上述考核工业务员考核工作由工程科具体组织实施执行,执行结果工程科科长全面负责,机械设备租赁业务员由经营科具体组织实施执行,执行结果由经营科科长全面负责,公司财务部门每半年进行一次财务审计。五、业务员出差补助按处有关规定执行。如此情况下,我们该如何当老师呢?梁教授通过分享自己在实际中如何去安排复杂多样的工作任务、生活的琐事the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. Tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and

8、the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the

9、 courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establ

10、ish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production w

11、ork plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the four focus, carried out the outstanding problems o

12、f the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the four winds, realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb t

13、he bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establ

14、ish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the four winds, two problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: opposition party and government austerity waste



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