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1、有关冬天第一场雪的英语作文【 # 英语资源# 导语】冬天的天气是寒冷的,我想几乎没多少人喜欢冬天。 然而, 在我心中, 冬天是富有色彩的, 是温暖的。下面是3.有关冬天第一场雪的英语作文When it comes to winter, what emerges in many peoples minds is the beautiful scene that the earth is covered with a snowflake and is white and pure. What do you think? I think of heavy coats, thermoss with h

2、ot water and cold, dry fingers with ice to purple.In winter, the number is always a single digit cold temperature, so people have to be fully armed and wear upper layers of warm clothes. However, many festivals, such as new years day, Christmas and Spring Festival, are concentrated in winter. These

3、warm festivals reminiscent of family reunion bring some moisture like sunshine melting ice and snow in winter. It seems that in addition to the cold impression, there are also warm moments in winter!There are many irresponsible owners in the world who discard their pets at will, so stray animals wit

4、h no shelter and no displacement are often seen on the streets. When the cold wind blows on them in winter, they must feel lonely, afraid and uncomfortable. They also miss their master who will hold them through the cold winter in the past. Winter makes people more aware of their loneliness and lone

5、liness, and they feel doubly cold when they see stray animals.However, not all stray animals can only shiver alone in winter! Ive seen four stray dogs taking a nap next to the waste in the parking lot. Although their skinny bodies tremble with cold, their faces are full of serenity. I think many ani

6、mals, including people, are not suitable for living alone and need partners. Because as long as we have companions who can keep warm with each other, its like living in a warm country. Even in winter, we can get warm at any time.The cold of winter often makes people feel afraid and afraid.But as lon

7、g as you feel and look carefully, you can find full happiness and happiness. Whether its getting together with family during the Spring Festival or holding a warm bag in the palm of your hand, its more valuable because of winter. Even the trivial things of drinking hot boiled water and getting into

8、a warm quilt are very warm because they happen in the cold winter.4 .有关冬天第一场雪的英语作文5 .有关冬天第一场雪的英语作文Winter, has been lurking, quietly lurkingHe wanted to come to the world, but he didnt dare face to face with the people who had already made preparations for the cold winter. He had to test people again

9、 and again and let the temperature rise and fall to test the thickness of peoples cotton padded clothes. After all, he couldnt hold his breath and crept forward carefully. People, pets and plants vaguely felt that the smell of winter was getting stronger, but no one knew whether he really came. Wint

10、er, after all, is still so naughty. In such a serious journey, I dont forget to tease people. People dont know whether they should change into thicker clothes when facing the sudden intensity of cold. Once people wear it, he takes the cold back all at once. At this time, people felt that it was not

11、so cold again. The hateful winter smiled “ heehee on the way to the world. He was tired of testing this trick. He simply took a big step and approached people step by step. He felt that the world was a jumping ball in his own hands.Finally, the cold wind came with winter. The sun came out later in t

12、he morning than before, and said goodbye to people early in the afternoon. Every morning, accompanied by the coldwind, I go to school, that is, I wrap myself in clothes. The whizzing breeze will still get into my clothes from a small gap, making me feel the closeness of the wind to me. No one will l

13、ike this closeness. I can only shrink my neck and body and continue to move forward. Hey, the passers-by are almost the same as me. Often at this time, I can feel that my appearance is ridiculous.The ice in Qingshui River is getting thicker and thicker, and there are still several wickers on the wil

14、lows that are not half hydrated. The grass is withered and yellow in the cold wind, but the pine and cypress are still the same spirit as usual, as if only they can resist the cold in the whole world. Sometimes I see my neighbors pet dogs. Even they wear red sweaters. The people on the street gradua

15、lly became scarce. The little girl put on a scarf and the little boy put on a cotton hat and put his hand in his sleeve.Winter is really coming with cold wind.6 .有关冬天第一场雪的英语作文Thousands of miles of yellow clouds are twilight in the daytime, and the north wind blows wild geese and snow one after anoth

16、er. no, its the first snow since the beginning of winter today.During the break, someone shouted, look, its snowing outside! as soon as they heard this, everyone gathered by the window in a swarm. I saw the snow outside dancing lightly and slowly falling down like a sky girl scattered flowers. When the students saw this situation, they were all fully armed and rushed out of the classroom like an arrow to the playground. It snowed har


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