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1、六年级期中试卷听力测试一 听音,选出你所听到的单词,听2遍。(10分)( )1. A. Its time to go to school. B. Its time to go C. Its time to have dinner( )2. A. Would you like some water? B. Would you like some pizza? C. Would you like some tea?( )3. A. The dolphin is above the crab. B. The shark is in front of the crab. C. The crab is

2、under the turtle.( )4. A. Please use the spoon. B. Please use the straw. C. Please use the chopsticks.( )5. A. You have to do housework. B. I have to do housework. C. He usually has to do housework.二 听音,判断所听到的句子的汉语意思,并选择。(10分)( )1.A. 海豚在睡觉 B.海豚在游泳。 C.海豚在跳舞。( )2.A. 你要去哪里? B.你在哪里? C.你在干什么?( )3.A. 他正在弹

3、钢琴。 B.他正在弹电子琴。 C.他正在弹吉他 ( )4.A. 你喜欢什么? B.你想要什么? C.你喜欢色拉吗? ( )5.A. 今天天气怎么样? 晴天 B. 今天天气怎么样? 多云。 C. 今天天气怎么样? 有雨。 三听音,填词,补全句子,听2遍。(10分)1.Dongdong is _ _.2. In Western countries ,people usually eat with a _ and a_.3.He _ _ his room.4.I am _ _the river. 5. I never _ for _.笔试测试一选出不属于同一类的词。(10分)( )1. A. ham

4、burger B. sandwich C. soda( )2. A. turtle B.crab C.salad( )3. A. mother B.teacher C.salad( )4. A. hot dog B.dog C.pig( )5. A.sping B.morning C.afternoon一 按要求写出下列名词。(10分)1.piano(复数形式)_ 2.hungry(反义词)_3.take (现在分词)_ 4.above (反义词)_5.behind (反义词)_ 6.sit(现在分词)_7.to (同音词)_ 8.quietly(反义词)_9.swim(现在分词)_ 10.w

5、atch(三单形式)_三.根据单词首字母和句子提示完成单词.(10分)1. He is h_. Hed like some noodles.2.My father is sleeping .Please speak q_.3 The shark is l_ at me.4.The classroom is d_. Lets clean it.5. I am l_ to CDs.四.单项选择.(10分)( ) 1. -_would he like? -He would like some salad.A. Where B. When C. What D. How( )2. Whats wrong

6、 _you ?A. with B. to C. for D. of( )3. I always play _ piano.A. a B. an C. D. the( ) 4. Were _ the aquarium today.A. in B. at C. on D. between( ) 5.-_ is the juice ? -Ten yuan.A. How many B. How about C. What D. How much( )6.-May I _ your order ? -Yes.A. take B.takes C. taking D. took( ) 7.We are _

7、fish.A. eat B. eats C. eating D. ate( ) 8.My sister doesnt like salad.But my brother_.A. do B. does C. is D. are( )9. -Is there an aquarium in your city? -_.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is D. Yes, there isnt( )10.Where is Mei Ling ? -Shes _.A. over there B. in over there C. next to

8、over there D. is over there五.用 do 的正确形式填空.(10 分)1. He usually _ his homework after school.2. What _ he always _ on Sunday.3. A:What _ they _ now? B: They are watching TV.4.A:_she want a hot dog? B: Yes,she _.5. Bobo has _ some work.六.根据首字母提示,完成下列短文.This is a p_ of our class . T_ are fifty students i

9、n our class. You can s_ twenty-five boys and twenty-five g_. T here is a_ American student in our class. Her name is Lily .Her English is very g_. We all l_ her . She likes e_ bread and cakes .She likes d_ milk and orange juice .We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very h _ together.七.阅读短文,判

10、断正误,正确的在括号内填“T”,错误的填“F”.(10分) Its a fine Sunday morning .There are many students in the park . Some are playing games under the tree . Some are climbing the hill. Tom is reading a book. Ben is flying a kite . Rose is singing songs .Pam is drawing a picture . They are having a good time.1. Today is Sunday . ( )2. Some students are climbing the trees. ( )3. Tom is drawing a picture. ( )4. Rose is singing songs . ( )5. Ben is riding a bike . (


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