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1、Item One1. He came back home in the hope of having the house all to himself, _(却发现母亲在沙发上哭泣).2. The father labored through with one bag on each shoulder, _(儿子空着手走在一旁).3. He earns _ (我的两倍多).4. American mothers are more likely_ (把孩子成功归因于) natural talent.5. The plan is perfect for the teachers, but _(对学

2、生来说却不是如此).Item Two1. Life and death,_ (正如某些哲人所言), are two relative notions.2. As our bus passed a health club on the way to the hotel, the French visitors _ (为有健康意识的美国人在公园慢跑的场景欢呼雀跃)。3. _(一个人的洞察力越深), the more stressful he can be in day-to-day existence.4. _(一个人的美食可能是另一人的毒药) to another.5._(鉴于该国当前的局面),

3、 the president dismissed the Congress.Item Three1. _ (就歌剧而言), few knows more than Tom.2. The books _ (价钱在10-20美元不等).3. As a result of drunk drinking, his car _ (失控迎面撞上对向行驶的一辆小轿车)。4. Once recognized as a genius in computer science, _(他死时一文不名,年纪轻轻).5. Hardworking should never be blame, yet you should

4、not _ (不能让工作占用全部休闲时间). Item Four1. _ (怎么小心都不为过) when crossing the street.2. Much of the criticism of the economic policies _ (源于日益下滑的股市).3. I could only _ (把那次车祸比作一场噩梦).4. We can take _ (贝多芬耳聋作曲) to spur ourselves in adverse conditions.5. Life we hold dear, _ (爱情价更高).Item Five1. We want to have a pe

5、rspective on the world _ (超出我们的职业局限).2. Dont draw your conclusion too soon, _ (事情终将水落石出的).3. I believe _ (我看到的胜于听到的).4. I couldnt be what I am _ (要是没有你的悉心照料).5. Your actions _ (应与你所讲的一致).Item Six1. It is _ (由你负责) that all the students see a copy of the book.2. He still doent believe that the corpora

6、tion _ (会因为资金短缺而破产).3. The old lady was knocked down by a Rolls Royce, _(当场死亡,手里还攥着孙儿的书包).4. I wonder _ (如果我按错键会怎么样).5. _ (万一他向你求助), please contact us immediately, well be so grateful.Item Seven1. _ (我一丁点也不) doubt about your honesty.2. I am from Britain, but my Florida-born wife _ (就像苹果派一样是地道的美国人) .

7、3. It is a time for you _ (为将来打下坚实基础).4. Unless the money has been in the family for several generations, _ (往往有人会猜测钱来路不明).5. You cant complain much. _ (生活从来如此). Item Eight1. We cannot _ (忍受他的无休止的怨言) and try to avoid him.2. She is a person _ (外表冷静而内心狂热).3. He would rather live in _ (除开美国以外的任何国家).4.

8、The main difference between man and animals _ (人类能制造和使用工具而动物不会).5. _ (出于对儿童网瘾的忧虑), he wrote a letter to the mayor.Item Nine1. You should concentrate on everything you do, _ (不论是洗碗还是做数学题).2. I was lucky that _ (刚进家门就开始下雨).3. How I hope that _ (我们生活在一个没有暴力的社会). 4. He was fined _ (因为超速20英哩每小时).5. I thi

9、nk _ (在职场上你比他年龄有优势).Item Ten1. When you no longer have the thirst for victory, it is high time _ (该跟当前职业说再见了).2. Taking it easy, or “working on and off”, _ (正如多数美国人所称), is an established part of the working life.3. I was demanded by the robber _ (双手举起,面墙而立).4. Are boys more talented than girls in na

10、tural sciences? _ (我认为不见得总如此).5. _ (更糟糕的是), I lost my key to my apartment.Key to TranslationItem One1. only to find his mother crying on the sofa.2. the son walking aside with bare hands.3. twice as much as I do.4. to owe/attribute their childrens success to.5. not so as far as the students are conc

11、erned.Item Two1. as some wits put it.2. cheered at the sight of the health-conscious Americans jogging in the park.3. The more insightful a man (is).4. (What is )meat to one person may be poison.5. In view of the current situation the country was in.Item Three1. As for/When it comes to opera; As far

12、 as opera is concerned. 2. range from $10 to $20 in price.3. went out of control and bumped head on into a car driving in the other direction4. died a penniless young man.5. allow work to occupy all your leisure time/allow your leisure time fully occupied by work.Item Four1. One/You cant be too careful.2. stems from the ever-declining stock market.3. compare the traffic accident to a nig


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