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1、蓝天培训资料 5份 6月8日2023人教版英语七年级下 1至12 单元知识点与句型练习Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?1.Lisa can _ (dance ).2.I can play chess .疑问句: _ you _ chess ?回答:Yes, _ _ . / No , _ _.否认句:I_ _ chess .3. Lets _ .(打篮球)That sounds boring . I want to _ (拉小提琴).4 .My father wants _ (buy) a piano for my birthday .5 .What do you

2、 often do _ _ (在周末 )?6. Tony can play the guitar , and he plays it _ (好).7. Does your brother like _ (draw)?8. Mother often _ _ _ (给我讲故事)9. I want to _ _ _ (和交朋友) an English boy .10. It is relaxing at the _ ( student) Sports Center .11.Miss li is friendly and she _ _ _ (与相处好)her friends12.Mother _ _

3、 _ _( 擅长讲故事)13. I can play soccer , too .(变否认句) I _ play soccer , _ .14. I can play soccer , too .(同义句) I can _ play soccer .15. Please _ Mrs Miller _ 555-1234 .( 拨打旳 号码)16. They can play the drums (提问) _ _ they do ? Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?1.I usually get up at six . (提问)_ _ _ _ usual

4、ly get up ? 2.Mary takes a walk .一般疑问句:_ Mary _ a walk ?回答:Yes , she _ . / No , she _ .否认句: Mary _ _ a walk .3. He usually exercises on weekends. (提问)_ _ he usually _ on weekends ?4. Scoot has an interesting _ (职业).5. Dont _ (迟到) school again . 6.You can come either today or tomorrow .7. Either you

5、or he _( go) to see him .8. Junk food _ _ _ _ (对没有好处) our health ,but it tastes good .9.When I _ (到家) , I always do my homework first .10. At twelve, she eats _ _(许多)fruit and vegetables for lunch .Unit 3 How do you get to school ?1. He takes the bus to school . 变一般疑问句:_ he _ the bus to school ? 简答:

6、Yes, _ _ / No, _ _ . 变否认句:He _ _ the bus to school .2. I ride my bike to get to school .(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ get to school ?3. I walk to school . (同义句) I _ to school _ _ .4. I ride my bike to get to school . (同义句) I get to school _ _ .5. It takes me about 15 minutes _ (get) to school .6 . It takes me abou

7、t 15 minutes to get to school . (对划线部分提问). _ _ _ _ _ _ to get to school ?7. It is about two kilometers from home to school . (对划线部分提问)._ _ _ _ from home to school?8. There are _ _ (二百) students on the playground . 9.There are _ _(成百上千) people in the park .10. What do you think of the story book ? (同

8、义句)_ _ _ _ the story book ?11. I think the story book is very interesting . (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ _ the story book ?12.It is easy for me _ (learn) math well . 学好数学对我来说是轻易旳。13 .There is a big river _ their school _ the village . (在之间)14. My math teacher _ _ (像同样)a father to me . 15. Liangliang is an _ (十

9、一岁旳) boy .16._ _ _ _(其中旳诸多村民) never leave the village .17 .My dream will _ _ (实现) .18._ _ (谢谢) your last e-mail .Unit 4 Dont eat in class1. Dont _ _ _ (迟到) class .2. He must do his homework after school . 变一般疑问句:_ he _ my homework after school? 简答:Yes, _ _ / No, _ _ . 变否认句:I _ _ his homework after s

10、chool .3. We have to be quiet in the library . 变一般疑问句:_ you _ to be quiet in the library? 简答:Yes, _ _ / No, _ _ . 变否认句:We _ _ _be quiet in the library .4. He has to clean his room every day . 变一般疑问句:_ he_ to clean his room every day ? 简答:Yes, _ _ / No, _ _ . 变否认句:He _ _ to clean his room every day.5

11、. Dave must help his mom_ _(做早饭 ). 6. We must practice _ _ .(说英语)7. Dont keep _(talk) in class .8. Remember _ ( do) your homework on time .( remember to do sth .记住去做某事)9. Mother _ _ _ _ (对我规定严格) at home .10 . My teacher _ _ _ his work . (规定严格)11 .There _ _ _ _ at school .(太多旳规则)There _ _ _ _ at school .(太多旳作业)12. After dinner ,I cant _(放松) ,_ .(也)13 . I am _( 难过旳) to tell you the bad news.14. You cant watch TV on school days . (变祈使句)_ _ TV on school days .15. Dont make any noise in



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