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1、奥思特数理化培训学校 电话0737-4311148 校址:桃花仑沃尔玛后面老市政府内益阳市一中2011级高中新生入学考试英语试题时量:90分钟 总分:100分本试卷分为三大部分;知识运用40分;阅读理解40分;写作20分,答案一律写在答题卡上。知识运用(二个部分:共40小题计40分)第一节:单项填空,从ABCD三个选项中选择正确的答案(共25小题,计25分)1、The little girl left home _ the afternoon of July 30th.( )Ain Bat Con D/2、Its very kind _ them to help others in need.

2、( )Afor Bto Cof Don3、In Bejing there are _ many beautiful buildings. ( ) Aso Bsuch Csuch a Dso4、Not only _ an exploror but also he was a great thinker _ this thirties. ( ) Ahe was in Bwas he at Cwas he in Dhe was at 5、My brother wrote the things and people _ she was interested in. ( )Athat Bwhich Cw

3、ho Dwhom6、Everyone can make great progress _ he works hard. ( ) Auhless Bas long as Cwhen Dwhile 7、It _ me two hours from Yiyang to Changsha by bus. ( )Aspent Bcost Ctook Dpaid 8、My teacher has never been to the USA , _ he ? Adoes Bhasnt Chas Ddoesnt ( )9、Its two years _ I met you last . ( )Awhen Bb

4、efore Csince Dif10、Students find _ difficult to study maths very well. ( )Ait Bthat C/ Dits 11、_ has his father been overseas ? _ For one year. ( )AHow BHow long CHow soon DHow many times 12、I dont know if it _ tomorrow . If it _ tomorrow , My friends and I go to the cinema ( )Arainsrains Bwill rain

5、will rain Crainswill rain Dwill rainrains 13、All of us are looking forward _ Rain ( ).Ato see Bto seeing Csees Dfor see 14、Yesterday he was seen _ some money _ his pocket . ( )Asteal from Bstole of Cto steal from Dstealing in 15、Who can tell me _ the population of Yiyang? ( )Ais what Bis how many Cw

6、hats Dhow many is 16、They cant stand _so long. ( )Ato work Bwork Cworking Dworked17、Would you like _ cakes ? No, thanks. ( )Aother two Banother two Ctwo another Dthe two other18、Tan Qianqiu, a politics teacher,died in order to save his four students in the earthquake in Wenchuan ._teacher he is !( )

7、AHow excellent BWhat an excellent CWhat a excellent DHow an excellent 19、 _students took part in the watch . ( )AA number BThe number CA number of DNumbers of 20、She doesnt feel like _ of up too early . ( ) Ato get Bgets Cgetting Dgeting 21、The eightyearold child doesnt know _ it next. ( )Awhat to d

8、o Bhow to do Cwhat doing Dhow doing 22、This isnt my sister , My sister is _ of the two . ( )Ataller Bthe tallest Cthe taller Dtall 23、After the meeting the young man had _ to say. ( )Aanything important Bimportant nothing Cnothing important Dimportant something 24、Where is Miss Li ? She _ beat home

9、because there is no light in her house. ( )Amust Bmustnt Ccant Dmay25、The old mans daughter _ home for ten years . ( )Ahave left Bhas left Cleft Dhas been away from第二节 完形填空 (共15小题, 计15分)Nobody wants to be _26_ ._27_our bodies can develop problems. When we arent _28_ ,our bodies tell us ,sometimes a

10、part of our body hurts.When a part of our body _29_ ,we say we have aches and pains. We can have aches and pains _30_ different parts of the bodyWe call some simple _31_ problems “aches” . For example ,we can have a headache ,a toothache ,an earache or a stomache . Other simple problems are not _32_

11、 aches , so we describe them in different ways.For example ,we can have a sore leg ,a sore throat.“Pain”is _33_ word that we use to _34_ a problem . We can have a pain _35_ the back or in the shoulder . A pain is strong .Also , a pain hurts in a specific place .When aches and pains arent too _36_ ,y

12、ou can buy medicine in the drugstore .Usually small aches go away quickly .When pain is _37_ ,we _38_ to visit the doctor .The doctor asks us what our symptoms are .The doctor may have to do tests or take X-rays to _39_ what is wrong . Then he or she will tell us _40_ to do .26、Asleep Bbad Ccold Dsi

13、ck 27、AFortunately BLucky CUnforunately DLckily28、Ahealthy Bwell Chealth Dfat29、Ahurt Bhurting Churts Dhave hurt30、Ain Bat Con D/31、Ahealthy Bhealth Cwell Dfat32、Atalked Bspoken Cseen Dcalled33、Aother Bthe other Canother Dan 34、Adescribe Btell Ctalk Dspeak35、Aat Bin Cof Don36、Alight Bheavy Cserious Dseries37、Amore serious Bmuch serious Cseriouser Dmost serious38、Ahad Bhave Chad Dhas39、Abelieve Btalk Csay Dknow40、Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwhich


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